My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1279: Slacking Off
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Chapter 1279: Slacking Off

Chapter 1279: Slacking Off

Sienna was full of confidence, and as for Camille, she certainly didn't think for a moment that she

couldn't outsmart Preston. After all, Preston was in the light while she was in the dark. So whatever

Preston wanted to do, she could see it clearly. She just never expected that one day she would

become so proficient in plotting against a friend who had helped her multiple times. But she didn't

regret it. No matter how many times she had to make the decision again, her choice would always

remain the same.

Around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Camille finished work early and left. She was going back to the

Simpson's mansion today, so she wanted to leave work early. She informed Sienna and then headed

downstairs. Instead of going to the garage, she went straight to the entrance of the building. The driver

was already waiting by the roadside. After the incident in the garage and the anger she felt when shenovelbin

encountered Preston while taking a taxi, she now insisted on confirming the license plate before getting

into the car. After getting in the car, she told the driver to take her back to the Simpson's mansion, and

the car started moving.

Camille sat in the back seat and said to the driver, "I'll be staying at the Simpson's mansion tonight, and

tomorrow morning I'll take the Simpson's mansion car back to the office, so you can come and pick me

up tomorrow afternoon."

The driver nodded to indicate that he understood and Camille added, "Go to Simpson Group first, and

leave around 9 o'clock."

Although the driver didn't know the purpose of Camille's actions, he still nodded in agreement.

After about an hour's drive, they arrived at the Simpson's mansion. Talia was delighted to know that

Camille was coming back to stay. She had already instructed the kitchen to prepare Camille's favorite

dishes and had gone to the garden early with Timmy, waiting at the front gate. When she heard the

sound of a car, Talia immediately walked to the gate with Timmy.

When Camille got out of the car, Timmy was overjoyed and clung to her legs, unwilling to let go.

Camille bent down and hugged Timmy, then smiled and asked, "Are you happy?"

Timmy nodded, and his hands held onto Camille's head tightly. This kind of affectionate gesture made

Camille completely defenseless.

Talia, who was standing by, couldn't help shaking her head and said, "He's really your own child. Look

at how clingy he is to you!"

Camille smiled at Talia and then whispered to Timmy, "What should we do? Even Grandma is jealous.

Timmy, quickly go and hug Grandma!"

Timmy also laughed and quickly reached out his hand towards Talia. Talia immediately backed away

and said, "I don't want it. I finally relaxed, and I'm not jealous at all. I'm very happy."

Saying that, Talia quickly ran into the house. Camille saw this and hurriedly followed, still holding

Timmy. She couldn't help but say, "Is Grandma lying? Grandma is saying one thing but feeling another,

right? Clearly, she's jealous, isn't she?"

Timmy laughed loudly, and the atmosphere became very lively. Even the nanny in the house said,

"Timmy's mommy is back, and the house feels lively. Usually, it's just the few of us at home. Although

we have Timmy, the little joy-maker, it still feels a bit empty."

Camille also laughed and said, "Nanny, do you think I'm too noisy?"

Of course, Camille was just joking and understood that Nanny's comment meant that she enjoyed the

liveliness. Talia was visibly happy as well. The two of them played with Timmy for a while until it was

time to eat.

The nanny fed Timmy first, and Camille wasn't hungry yet, so she sat with Talia on the carpet in the hall

and chatted. Camille whispered, "Mom, have you and Timmy been at home together recently? Has

Dad not come back?"

"It's not like that. He comes back every night. Things have stabilized with Grandpa, and his recovery is

going well, so I don't need to accompany him in the evenings. If there's anything, the head butler will

inform us immediately. After all, he's still in the hospital, so everything is very convenient."

Camille nodded lightly and said, "Hmm, that way Dad can spend more time with you."

Talia smiled sweetly and said, "Companionship is essential. It's the same for you and Ayan. Only with

more and more companionship between spouses can the relationship go further. If you become

unfamiliar and distant from each other, the relationship won't last."

Camille obediently nodded and said, "Yes, you're right. I should bring Sienna over to learn from you.

That's the experience we gain in life!"

Speaking of Sienna, Talia couldn't help but say, "Is she trying to conceive recently?"

"How did you know?" Camille looked surprised.

Talia said, "I heard it from Mrs. Ward. We had morning tea together, and she was very happy. She's

already prepared to become a grandmother. Probably because of Sienna's relationship with you, it's

not easy for her to urge, and Rex is very protective. She didn't want to strain her relationship with her

son for the sake of having a grandchild. So she never brought it up. Now that Sienna is actively trying

to conceive, she's quite happy about it."

Camille nodded lightly and said, "Mom, thank you. I know it's all because of you that Mrs. Ward treats

Sienna this way. Sienna is my best friend, and I also appreciate you for frequently praising Sienna in

front of Mrs. Ward."

"Don't say that. If Sienna hears it, it won't be good. She might think that Mrs. Ward doesn't like her.

Actually, Mrs. Ward is a good person too. It's just that her upbringing made her have a somewhat

arrogant personality. But deep down, she is very kind. She only has Rex as her son, so naturally, she

has high expectations for her daughter-in-law. But as long as Rex likes Sienna, she will be happy as

long as they are both happy," Talia explained. Talia and Mrs. Ward have been good friends for many

years, even before they got married, so they naturally understand each other very well.

Camille nodded along and said, "Yes, you're right. But I'm only telling you this. Of course, I will tell

Sienna that she has a great mother-in-law, and you also tell Mrs. Ward that Sienna is a wonderful


"Exactly! So, in the end, we are the most kind-hearted mother-in-law and daughter-in-law team. Look at

us, sacrificing ourselves for others!" Talia said with a laugh.

"Yes, you're right. It's all thanks to your leadership!" Camille replied, joining in the mutual praise.

Upon hearing Fletcher's words, the two women smiled at each other.

Camille, Fletcher, and Talia sat down to have their meal. Camille asked Fletcher with concern, "Dad, is

Grandpa in a good mood today?"

Fletcher replied, "Yes, he's doing well. I played chess with him for the afternoon, and when I was

leaving, he even roped in Dr. Ellis. Now Dr. Ellis says he's slacking off during work hours." New chapter

avаilable o? Drаmа

Camille couldn't help but imagine the expression on Dr. Ellis's face, finding it quite amusing.

Fletcher nodded in agreement.

Although they had been married for many years, their relationship was still very good.

Camille quickly finished her meal, then carried Timmy upstairs, leaving Fletcher and Talia alone to

enjoy their time together.

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