My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1278: Indulgence
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Chapter 1278: Indulgence

Chapter 1278: Indulgence

"So why didn't he do that?"

"I don't know either. I can't figure it out at the moment, but I think he must have something that

confuses me. He wants to use Timmy to threaten me." Camille became more and more confused as

she thought about it, but she had truly seen Timmy with her own eyes, and that was unquestionably


Camille shook her head. "Forget it. It gives me a headache to think about it. Let's see what she's going

to do next."

Sienna nodded in agreement. "Okay, but you have to tell me right away. Don't keep anything from me."

"Yeah, I know."

"Well, focus on your work for now. We'll go out for dinner later."

"Aren't you meeting Rex? I don't want to disturb your time together. That would be a huge sin." Camille

quickly refused.

Sienna frowned immediately. "What's the rush? Come eat at my restaurant. You're alone at home

anyway, so just think of it as keeping me company, alright?"

"No, really no. You go eat with Rex. After all, Rex has helped me so much. I'll go back to the Simpson's

mansion and spend time with Timmy tonight."

"Are you really going to spend time with Timmy?"

"Yeah, really." Camille nodded earnestly and said, "I'll stay at the Simpson's mansion tonight.

Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll worry about me being alone at home and want to come and keep me

company. I don't want to offend Rex, nor do I want to be a third wheel."

Sienna immediately snorted. "So you're intentionally avoiding me, huh?"

"That's not it, mainly I really miss Timmy. Besides, since Ayan is not at home, I'll go back to the

Simpson's mansion to be with Timmy!"

"Fine, I won't force you, but remember, don't see me as your last resort. I can accompany you anytime.

Rex can understand that, after all, the time I spend with you is minimal compared to the time I spend

with him. You are the most important woman to me, and he is the most important man to me. These

two things don't conflict at all, okay?"

Sienna explained her inner thoughts seriously and in detail, looking at Camille with sincerity in every


Camille gratefully nodded. "Okay, don't worry, I understand all that."

Sienna was satisfied after hearing that and didn't continue to push Camille.

It was still early, so everyone continued to busy themselves with their work. They ordered lunch and ate

it in the company, and after that, they continued with their tasks.

Ayan didn't reply to the message until the afternoon. He said, "I had a meeting after waking up, so I've

been busy."

Camille replied, "Do your thing, we can talk later after you're done."

Camille was also busy at the moment. She had to prepare many things for the project she was

collaborating on with Ayan and the Nores Group. Even though she had Ayan as a backdoor, she still

needed to ensure that everything that needed to be prepared was done properly, so as not to give

anyone a reason to gossip.

Therefore, the two of them didn't chat much and continued with their respective tasks.

Under the same sky, Preston was lying on the bed in the orphanage director's resting room, holding

Ayan's itinerary sent to him by Camille.

Since being called in by the police for questioning, he had been hiding in the orphanage, living in the

director's resting room to avoid raising any suspicions.

The environment here was relatively decent, but a bit small. He had to rely on the director to bring him

meals three times a day. The days were becoming monotonous.

This was the package the director had just personally brought back, and Preston couldn't wait to open


Holding the itinerary in his hand, he certainly wouldn't immediately believe it.

He casually picked up his phone and dialed the number of the Simpson Group secretary's office.

Following the schedule on the itinerary, he probed, "I'd like to arrange a meeting with Mr. Simpson. I'm

from the Nores Group project department, and Mr. Nores would like to discuss the project with Mr.


The response from the secretary's office was, "Mr. Simpson's schedule is quite tight these days, so it's

currently difficult to make an appointment. If Mr. Nores is in a hurry, he can contact Mr. Reid. Mr. Reid

will arrange a meeting time between Mr. Nores and Mr. Simpson."

"Is Mr. Simpson's schedule really that tight?"

"Yes, because Simpson Group has many projects, Mr. Simpson's schedule is quite packed. So, at the

moment, we can't give you a specific time. If Mr. Nores is in a hurry, it would be more convenient to

contact Mr. Reid directly."

"Alright, I understand what you mean. Thank you. By the way, is Mr. Simpson currently at the

company?" Preston continued to probe.

On the other end of the line, the secretary's office replied, "Yes, Mr. Simpson is currently in a meeting."

"When will the meeting end?"

"I'm sorry, the president's schedule is confidential, and we can't inform you. If Mr. Nores is in a hurry, it's

best to contact Mr. Reid!"

The secretary's office was able to be with Ayan almost all the time, working closely by his side.

Naturally, they were professional and carefully selected by Ayan, so it was impossible for any flaws to

be exposed in just one or two sentences.

Preston snorted lightly, and a surge of motivation filled him. He narrowed his eyes, his gaze filled with

intense calculations. Since fate had given him this opportunity, he would definitely make good use of it.

The assistant, of course, had informed everyone in the secretary's office, so as soon as the call came

in, the assistant immediately informed Camille.

At the same time, with some concern, the assistant asked, "Madam, is something wrong? Should I

report to Mr. Reid and take some precautionary measures?"

Camille calmly replied, "Not for now. They are abroad and quite far away. Even if something were tonovelbin

happen, they couldn't possibly flash back to Hance City. So, if anything happens, I will trouble you."

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"Madam, rest assured. Mr. Simpson has already given instructions, and what you've instructed is the

most important."

Camille expressed her gratitude and then instructed the assistant that if they receive a similar call, they

should remain vigilant and inform her immediately.

With everything taken care of, the call ended.

Camille also put down her phone and remained silent, sitting quietly on the couch without moving.

Preston had started to take action, and she kept reminding herself in her mind to be fully alert. She

wanted to see what exactly Preston was planning to do.

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