My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1277: Impressions
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Chapter 1277: Impressions

Chapter 1277: Impressions

Looking at Camille's serious expression, Sienna felt a slight sense of relief in her heart. A subtle smile

appeared on her lips unconsciously, and she said, "Why are you so serious? It's like I'm a little child

who made a mistake."

"Isn't it true that you made a mistake? How could you dare to hide things from me? Tell me, how should

I address you now? You dare to hide things from me, and I'm truly getting more and more unhappy. You

better confess honestly to me today, otherwise neither of us will be able to leave this place. I have

many things waiting for you to be honest about," Sienna spoke in a serious tone, but it was only

because she was worried about Camille.

Camille lightly bit her lip and truthfully confessed everything about her relationship with Preston.

Camille's expression turned cold, and a chill flickered in her eyes. She said, "I didn't plan to let Ayan

know about this matter. I wanted to handle it myself. I can't always throw all the difficulties at him. I

used to be able to handle things on my own, so I can do the same now."

After Camille finished speaking, the seriousness on Sienna's face instantly dissipated. She frowned

and looked at Camille with a pained expression, saying, "Why are you telling me now? How could

Preston dare to do such a thing to Timmy? He's really despicable. He's making me so angry that I want

to curse!"

Sienna was Timmy's godmother, and she naturally treated him as her own child. Naturally, she was

very concerned about Timmy's safety.

She continued, "What about the Simpson family? Have you hinted at them?"

"Yes, I've hinted at them, but it's not a solution. If Preston dared to do it once, he will definitely do it

again. So I have to find his weakness, otherwise, who knows what else might happen in the future?"

Camille locked eyes with Sienna and let out a heavy sigh. There was a look of helplessness in her eyes

as she said, "I didn't want to tell you about these troublesome things."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Does our relationship still care about these things? Your

problems are my problems. What are you planning to do next?"

"I've already given him the itinerary he wanted. Now we'll see what he does. As long as he makes a

move, I'll definitely know. Actually, I have a question."

Sienna asked, "What question?"

Camille replied, "Ayan has always had people watching Preston. How did Preston manage to escape

from Ayan's surveillance? Or did everything he did happen under Ayan's watch?"

Sienna was also taken aback because that was indeed a question.

If Ayan's people knew about everything Preston did, then did Ayan really receive no information at all?

It didn't make sense!

Of course, the problem couldn't have originated from the people arranged by Ayan. After all, if Ayan

chose to assign them to watch over Preston, it must mean they are trustworthy. Otherwise, how could

he entrust such an important matter to them?novelbin

So the possibility of Preston bribing them is almost impossible.

The two exchanged a glance, emotions flickering in their eyes. Sienna's voice lowered as she said, "So

where did the problem arise?"

"I don't know," Camille furrowed her brows tightly, her expression sinking into contemplation.

Sienna spoke again, "Should I ask Rex?"

Camille looked at Sienna with concern, "I don't want Ayan to find out."

"I have a way," Sienna said and dialed Rex's number right in front of Camille.

Rex answered quickly, his voice carrying a hint of amusement, "What's up? Missing me?"

Sienna cleared her throat uneasily and said lightly, "Be serious for a moment."

Camille pursed her lips slightly, finding it somewhat amusing.

Rex sounded a bit aggrieved, "What's the matter that I have to be serious? I'm a little nervous now."

Sienna said, "I have a question for you."

"This serious?" Rex asked.

"Be serious. It's work-related, and I'm risking Camille finding out that I'm casually discussing company

matters with you."

"How can you say it's casual? I'm your beloved man, your matters are my matters. Speak up," Rex

playfully teased, seizing the opportunity to express his sincere feelings to Sienna.

Sienna ignored his remark. If it weren't for Camille's presence, she would have confronted him properly.

Sienna said seriously, "I'm currently preparing for a designer competition, and there's another designer

participating who told me that another designer is inquiring about my work style. They want to know

what kind of style my designs are. They also mentioned that this designer is in contact with my

assistant. But I don't have any evidence, and I don't think my assistant would betray me. So who do

you think I should trust?"

"You should trust your assistant because they are worthy of your trust. As for the designer who told you

all this, I guess they're just trying to confuse you, right? They probably want to get closer to you and

gain some favor," Rex analyzed calmly. He continued, "If there were concrete evidence, it would be

more convincing to present it directly. If it's solely based on one person's word, then ask yourself, do

you really believe it?"

Sienna locked eyes with Camille, who clearly heard every word Rex said. The reality was indeed as

Rex described it.

Sienna continued her conversation with Rex, and he asked, "Should I have Chen handle it?"

Chen was his secretary.

"Alright, I'll follow your lead. Let me know if there's anything, okay?"

"I got it!!" Sienna wanted to get back to the main issue and said quickly, "That's all for now."

"Is that it?"

"Yeah." Updated at Drа

"I resolved your doubts, don't you want to say something to me?"

Sienna pursed her lips slightly, "Thank you, Mr. Shen. How about I treat you to dinner tonight?"

"Sure, let me finish my work, and I'll pick you up afterward."

"No need, let's meet directly at the restaurant, okay?" Sienna just wanted to end the call quickly, but

she couldn't hang up directly. She had to continue dealing with it.

After a few more rounds of small talk, Rex finally hung up, satisfied. Sienna put her phone down and

immediately asked Camille, "So, what do you think of Rex's words?"

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