My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1247: Guilty Conscience
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Chapter 1247: Guilty Conscience

Chapter 1247: Guilty Conscience

The next second after the beep, the call was answered. Sienna asked casually, "What's up? Have you

started missing me the moment I left?"

Camille chuckled, "Yes, whatever you say."

"Don't be cheeky. What's the matter?"

"I have something to tell you."

"Yeah, what is it?"

Camille pursed her lips slightly and said with a serious tone, "Ayan just told me that we can take on this


"What project?"

"The one we're collaborating on with Nores Group and Mario," Camille explained.

Sienna's reaction wasn't too excited; she simply said, "Okay."

"That's it? Don't you have anything else to say?" Camille furrowed her brows slightly, worried about

Mario's mood. She asked, "Don't you have any objections?"

"Not really, because it's work, right? It benefits us, and we can make a good profit from it. Plus, I'm sure

I'll be rewarded handsomely. So, I don't have any objections. I think it's great," Sienna replied in a calm


"Is that the truth?"

"Do you think I would lie to you?" Sienna smiled indifferently and said, "Don't overthink it. I'm being

sincere. This project is significant for us. Once we secure it, you can truly hand over the company to

Yessica to manage, and you can take a break for a while."

"Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too. But I want to make sure that your thoughts align with mine. If you

have any concerns, please tell me directly, okay?" Camille wouldn't let a project create any rift or

unhappiness between her and Sienna. In fact, many things became unimportant once they reached

this level of relationship. What mattered most was their bond.

Sienna assured Camille multiple times that she would directly communicate any discomfort, and only

then did Camille feel at ease.

After finishing the conversation with Sienna, Camille continued preparing the necessary materials for

the project. She also contacted Kian to obtain detailed information about it. She wanted to have a good

understanding so that she wouldn't be caught off guard when she actually started working on it.

While Camille was busy with these tasks, the landline phone in her office suddenly rang.

In truth, it was rare for anyone to call the landline because the company rarely used it. If there was any

internal matter, people would come directly to the office, or they would contact Sienna or Yessica on

their mobile phones.

So Camille was slightly surprised when she heard the ringing of the telephone. She pursed her lips and

furrowed her brows slightly before picking up the receiver in a calm manner. She asked in a low voice,

"Hello, who is this?"

There was no immediate response from the other end of the line, but Camille could only confirm that

there was breathing, not too heavy.

Camille felt something was off, and she had a slight suspicion in her heart. She asked calmly, "Are you

there? Who is this?"

Still, there was no response, which made Camille lose her patience. She said indifferently, "If you don't

speak, I'll hang up, alright?"

After finishing her statement, Camille didn't want to continue waiting. Since there was no response, it

seemed intentional. Why call and not say anything?

Camille's expression turned extremely cold, and she was about to end the call directly. However, just as

she was about to remove the receiver, a voice came from the other end, saying, "It's me, Cami."

Camille had already guessed it because besides him, there didn't seem to be anyone else who would

do such a thing.

But Camille didn't immediately speak; she remained silent, waiting for him to continue. He said, "Cami,

is it convenient to talk now? I want to chat with you!"

"What's the matter? Speak!" Her tone was cold, and her facial expression remained indifferent.

Preston's voice sounded again, and he said, "Cami, so many things have happened recently. I'm sure

Ayan doesn't allow you to contact me, right? I know you have some grievances towards me, but I can

assure you I have never done anything to hurt you, nor have I ever thought of harming you."

Camille asked calmly, "So, is the reason for this call to seek my forgiveness? Or do you hope that Inovelbin

won't misunderstand you?"

Preston was slightly taken aback, not expecting Camille to be this direct. In fact, he made this call

simply to test Camille, trying to get some information from her. But based on their previous

conversations, Camille seemed to have sealed her lips tightly.

Naturally, he believed that it was Ayan's doing. Ayan was the one who caused Camille to become like

this and instructed her not to have much contact with him. Because Camille loved Ayan, she followed

his every command.

Preston shifted all the blame onto Ayan in his heart, but he maintained his composure when dealing

with Camille. He said, "Cami, I just want to tell you that I haven't done anything to hurt you. I don't want

you to have any misunderstandings because of this. These days, I've been hiding like a rat that can't

stand the light. I don't know what I did to offend Ayan. Why does he treat me like this?" Read at


Camille took a deep breath, her face filled with a cold and distant smile. She continued, "No matter

what you've done, I keep telling myself to be more tolerant of you, little by little. But each time I tolerate

you, you take more and more advantage of it. Doesn't it seem meaningless like this?"

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