My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1246: Adjustments
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Chapter 1246: Adjustments

Chapter 1246: Adjustments

Mrs. King's words were unintentional, but Camille and Sienna exchanged a glance. Sienna then calmly

said, "He's probably busy. If you need anything, just call me!"

Mrs. King nodded in agreement. In reality, she didn't want to disturb Sienna too much. She also worried

about becoming too dependent on Sienna in the future. What would happen if she couldn't break free

from that reliance?

Everyone had their own secrets hidden in their hearts, so they bid farewell and left.

As they exited Mrs. King's room, Sienna looked at Camille and asked, "Should I go knock on Mario's

door and see?"

Camille raised her hand and lightly tapped Sienna's forehead before saying indifferently, "Go ahead if

you want. Maybe he'll open the door right away when you knock, and then what will you do? Pretend it

was a mistake? I don't know if Mario would believe it, but I certainly wouldn't."

Sienna pouted and said, "Can't I just say I'm a maid?"

"Well, you can, but on one condition. You have to go change into a maid's uniform. Otherwise, I won't

believe it at all. Of course, there's also a chance that Mario isn't even in there. If that's the case, it

would confirm our earlier speculation!" Camille chuckled lightly. This possibility was naturally much

more likely than the first one.

However, whether it was the former or the latter, Sienna couldn't actually go knock on the door.

Although she did know which room Mario was staying in.

The two of them left the hotel and drove directly to the company. Due to Mario's situation, Sienna

couldn't focus on work at all. She couldn't understand what business Mario had in Flento City.

The more Sienna thought about it, the more restless she became. Her face showed a deep and uneasy


Sienna stayed in Camille's office the whole time. She didn't want to be alone with her thoughts. While

some people believed that it was necessary to have some quiet time when they had things on their

mind, Sienna never felt that way. She didn't want silence; it only made her uncomfortable and allowed

her mind to wander.

So she wanted to stay with Camille. Only then could she temporarily calm her anxious heart.

The time passed until around 10 o'clock in the morning.

Ayan called from the other side.

Camille immediately answered and her first question was naturally, "Do you have any news?"

Upon hearing Camille's words, Sienna, who was sitting on the sofa, also had an immediate reaction.

She looked up at Camille with anticipation.

On the other end of the phone, Ayan continued responding to Camille's words. He said, "Well, news

just came from Flento City that Mario did indeed return there, but we still don't know why he went


"Well, it's good to confirm that he went back. So, when do you plan to start?" asked Camille.

"In the afternoon. I'll have Kian contact his secretary later. After all, for now, we have to pretend we

don't know he returned to Flento City," Ayan replied.

"Okay, you make the arrangements then. Is that all for now?" asked Camille.

Ayan didn't say yes, instead, he asked, "Is that all?"

Camille was also taken aback and softly said, "Um, what else?"

"You're not coming to have dinner with me today?" Ayan's voice was deep, and there was even a hint

of a smile in his words.

Camille pursed her lips slightly and glanced at Sienna, who was still lying on the sofa. She didn't know

what she was thinking, but at least Sienna didn't notice her. That was fortunate because later she might

mock and taunt Camille with her current expression.

Camille silently took a deep breath and said softly, "I won't go. I have work to do later, and I came to the

office late this morning, so there are many things I haven't handled yet!"

"Didn't you say you wanted to participate in the Nores Group project? Can you free up some time now?

The project will restart after tonight, and you can join then, hmm?" Ayan suggested.

Camille felt somewhat surprised. Although she had mentioned it to Ayan before, she only said it

casually and didn't expect Ayan to take it to heart. Camille smiled softly and said, "Mr. Simpson, isn't

this a bit unfair? It wouldn't be fair to others, right?"

"This world has never been truly fair," Ayan didn't mind this point at all. Even if someone accused him

of being unfair behind his back, he wouldn't mind. After all, he intended to make it clear that it's unfair.

Who could stop him?

However, Ayan still told Camille, "You can consider it. The official start of this project will probably be

around the same time as Sienna's competition ends. Naturally, Sienna will also join the project with

you, but that also means you'll inevitably meet Mario. So, you have to be prepared for that."

"I understand. I'll talk to her," Camille replied and asked, "So, the compensation for participating in this

project should be quite generous, right?"

"Yes, it's very generous. Besides, you have to consider that you'll also receive a share from the

Simpson Group," Ayan said.

"I feel a bit embarrassed about that. In that case, wouldn't the Simpson Group be working for nothing?"

Camille expressed her concerns.

"As long as you like it, forget working for nothing. Even if everyone works for you, I would be willing,"

Ayan's words were always gentle like water, with a hint of seduction, making people more and more

captivated by his words.

Because Sienna was still there, and it wasn't the right time for idle chatter, Camille didn't continue

discussing things with Ayan. After ending the call, Camille put down her phone and sat directly in her

office chair. She didn't show any intention of going over to Sienna or bringing up what Ayan had just

discussed on the phone.

Sienna waited for about two or three minutes, observing Camille's lack of any noticeable action. She

furrowed her brows and glanced at Camille with a faint gaze. She noticed Camille was looking down,

seemingly focused on something, but it was evident that she had no intention of discussing what she

had talked about with Ayan.

Sienna knew Camille was doing it on purpose, so she got up from the sofa and walked towards Camille

without bothering to put on her shoes. She stood in front of Camille, looking down at her, and asked

with indifference, "What are you trying to do?"

Camille pretended not to understand and looked up at Sienna, asking, "What are you talking about?"

"Don't pretend. What did Ayan say? Why aren't you saying anything?" Sienna questioned, her tone

carrying a hint of annoyance.

"I saw you over there in silence, and I didn't want to disturb you. I thought you needed some time alone

to adjust your mood. How can you blame me? I'm doing it for your own good!" Camille tried to hold

back her laughter, but the smile was almost uncontrollable at the corners of her mouth.

Sienna let out a soft snort and said indifferently, "You really have some nerve!"

"You flatter me. I'm just average!" Camille raised her hand and couldn't help but cover her face, afraid

that Sienna would see her smile and couldn't resist taking a swing at her. However, she didn't continue

teasing Sienna and calmly said, "Ayan said he really returned to Flento City, so now you can relax,


"Did he say why he went back to Flento City?"

"We still don't know for sure. We have to wait for Mario's specific actions to find out. It's probably just

company matters, nothing major. Anyway, it doesn't concern you, right?"

"Okay." Sienna nodded lightly. She also told herself not to dwell on this matter anymore, as it would

affect her mood.

Camille looked at Sienna and said, "Now, can we focus on our work?"

"Yes." Sienna turned around, walked to the sofa, put on her shoes, waved at Camille, and left the


After Sienna left, Camille started to attend to her own tasks. She needed to prepare for the things Ayan

had mentioned. Even with Ayan as a backdoor option, she still needed to submit the necessary

documents and not embarrass him.

Camille knew her own capabilities and understood that because the company was small, it might not

be significant to other partners. But that didn't matter as long as she had strong enough abilities.

Everything else was secondary.

However, she had just forgotten to inform Sienna about this matter, so Camille quickly called Sienna tonovelbin

make sure she didn't forget.

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