My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1208: Infatuation
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Chapter 1208: Infatuation

Chapter 1208: Infatuation

Camille was telling Sienna not to abandon Rex and the Ward family because of Mario or the people

and reasons related to the King family.

It must be said that Camille really understood Sienna well. She easily saw through Sienna's thoughts

and concerns. Sienna had indeed considered it, but it was only because she didn't want to let go and

wanted to try harder. If one day her efforts still didn't lead to any results, she would probably give up,


But now, Camille directly exposed these thoughts, leaving Sienna momentarily at a loss for words. Both

of them fell into a brief silence. Camille remained silent, giving Sienna some time to reflect calmly, while

Sienna was silent because she didn't know how to respond to Camille's words.

Time passed second by second, and Camille glanced at the time, then gently reminded her, "Do you

need so much time to think? Don't you even want to give me such a simple answer?"

Sienna smiled, but her smile was uglier than crying. She pinched her own face forcefully and said,

"Stop it, don't smile. It's uglier than crying. If you really don't know how to answer, then listen to me. Get

married quickly and have children."

Camille didn't say anything more, and after a long silence, Sienna said, "I promise you, I will do it."

Camille didn't respond either. Since she had made her decision, she would surely follow through with it.

However, Camille still had some concerns about this matter. When she returned home in the evening

and had dinner, she mentioned it to Ayan, asking him to remind Rex to pay attention to Sienna's

condition at all times, spend more time with her, and not let her bear unnecessary pressure by herself.

Ayan naturally hinted to Rex about it, and Rex made great efforts accordingly. As a result, their

relationship grew even closer.

As for Mario, he was probably busy with the new project recently. The project had officially started. The

land underwent soil testing, and then it would be decided whether it would be used for commercial

purposes or residential purposes.

While waiting for the results, the Nores family suggested having a meal together, claiming it would

allow them to get familiar with each other for future cooperation. In reality, they wanted to please Ayan

and Mario during this opportunity. Horace was naturally present at the dinner, but Armstrong Corp was

not as influential as the Nores Group, so their position was not as good.

However, the Nores family didn't dare to directly invite Ayan, so they had to go through Kian to contact

him. Kian's response naturally required an appointment because Ayan had a busy schedule, and it was

uncertain when they could meet.

The Nores family could only place all their hopes on Mario, hoping that he could arrange a meeting with

Ayan. Mario happened to have some details to discuss with Ayan, so without much thought, he directly

contacted Kian to secure Ayan's time.

Kian immediately asked Ayan, "Mr. Simpson, would you like to accept the invitation?"

With invitations coming one after another, Ayan naturally sensed the underlying reasons. Since the

Nores family was so eager to invite him for a meal, and coincidentally, he had no plans for tonight, he


However, he wanted to bring someone along.novelbin

After all, it was a dinner, and he couldn't go alone.

Mr. Nores informed Alicia about the news and emphasized the importance of her behavior that evening.

He said, "Tonight, it's crucial that you conduct yourself appropriately and avoid upsetting Ayan in any

way. Don't provoke him or interfere with his ex-wife, as he is still fixated on her. It's essential that you

understand the situation and, most importantly, avoid offending his ex-wife."

Alicia felt dissatisfied because she believed she was superior to Camille. She believed she was the

right match for Ayan and could support him in his work. She considered Armstrong Corp, Camille's

company, insignificant and incapable of providing any assistance to Ayan.

Although Nores Group was not as prestigious as Simpson Group, it still surpassed Armstrong Corp by

a considerable margin.

Alicia pursed her lips and responded, "Dad, it's not that Ayan isn't interested in me. The main reason he

appears distant is because his ex-wife has been harassing him. If it weren't for her, he would definitely

be attracted to me."

"Are you even listening to me?" Mr. Nores questioned, clearly displeased. He continued to stress the

importance of not being paranoid, but Alicia found him annoying and disregarded his advice.

Mrs. Nores chimed in, saying, "Stop talking about yourself, dear. Our daughter is exceptional. She's

beautiful, and Ayan is a man. Once he sets his heart on Alicia, it will benefit our Nores Group in the


Mr. Nores looked at both of them with discontent in his eyes. He was tired of explaining things to these

two, as it felt like talking to a stubborn cow.

Reiterating his point sternly, Mr. Nores reminded Alicia once more, adding, "Remember what I said,

Alicia. If you dare to do anything that upsets Ayan and his ex-wife, dragging the Nores family into their

issues, I won't care about you anymore."

Alicia wasn't intimidated. As the sole daughter of the Nores family, she didn't believe his threat.

However, she nodded to appease Mr. Nores, and he didn't say anything more on the matter.

For the evening meal, Alicia accompanied Mrs. Nores to the beauty parlour to ensure she looked

stunning and made a lasting impression on Ayan.

Around 3:30 p. m., Ayan left the office early.

Instead of having the driver take her, Alicia insisted on driving with Kian to Camille's office.

Upon arriving at Camille's workplace, Ayan didn't immediately call her. Instead, he asked Kian to

purchase a dozen cups of coffee, opting for the most expensive ones that the employees wouldn't

typically indulge in. After Kian returned with the coffee, Ayan personally carried the tray upstairs.

Despite carrying a dozen cups, Ayan's tall, straight figure, remarkable demeanor, and handsome

appearance were unaffected. He exuded charm as he made his way up, becoming an enchanting


The building housed numerous companies, so employees frequently used the elevator. Naturally, many

of them noticed Ayan. He maintained a low-key presence, keeping his head down and revealing only

glimpses of his face. However, one girl hiding in the corner of the elevator summoned her courage and

discreetly took a photo to share with her coworkers in their small group chat.

"OMG, help! Our domineering president has arrived."

"So handsome!!!"

"Freshly snapped photos. If you miss them, don't blame me for not notifying you all. We're in the same

elevator. It's unbelievable. I might cry. How did I get this incredible stroke of luck?"

"I'm going to explode. Why is our president so incredibly handsome in the elevator? I envy your luck.

Wait, I'm dropping everything and heading to the elevator entrance, hoping for a chance encounter."

"I'm going too!"

"Wait for me! I'm coming too."

As they continued to admire the photos, their infatuation grew, and they became completely

overwhelmed by their uncontrollable admiration.

Of course, Ayan was oblivious to the thoughts of these girls. Upon reaching Camille's company floor,

he stepped out of the elevator. The receptionist immediately recognized him and hurriedly stood up,

saying, "Good afternoon, Mr. Simpson!"

Ayan nodded lightly and placed the tray of coffee on the countertop. "Thank you for distributing these to

everyone," he said.

The girl quickly nodded in gratitude as Ayan carried the remaining two cups and made his way directly

to Camille's office.

Inside the office, Camille and Sienna were engrossed in a lively conversation, completely unaware of

Ayan's impending arrival. It was evident that they hadn't anticipated him showing up at that moment.

Their conversation flowed without restraint, and Sienna asked Camille, "You and Ayan seem to be

growing closer even after the divorce. Are you two role-playing or something?"

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