My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1209: Unexpected Encounter
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Chapter 1209: Unexpected Encounter

Chapter 1209: Unexpected Encounter

Camille burst into laughter, "Yeah, we're role-playing divorced ex-husband and ex-wife. Can you

believe it? It's actually quite thrilling. Look at how well we're bonding. Life can be so dull sometimes, it

needs a little spice."

Camille said it with such conviction that even Sienna couldn't help but widen her eyes. "Are you

serious?" she asked.

"Do I look like I'm lying to you?" Camille retorted.

Sienna grinned mischievously, "So, tell me, how exciting was it?"

Before Camille could respond, they heard Yessica's voice coming from outside, "Mr. Simpson, why

don't you come in?"

Camille and Sienna turned their heads towards the door, realizing that they hadn't noticed Ayan

opening the door and standing there, observing them for a brief moment. Camille froze in her tracks,

while Sienna felt a touch of embarrassment. After all, their conversation had taken a slightly risqué turn.

Ayan, however, acted as if it was of no consequence. "I was just about to come in," he casually


Yessica thanked him once again for the coffee and then left to find Kian.

Sienna followed suit and stood up, gently pulling on Camille's arm and whispering, "I'll go out first."

Sienna felt as if she could float on air at that moment.

Approaching Ayan with a somewhat forced smile, she greeted him politely, "Hello."

Normally, she wouldn't be so formal, but Ayan nodded in response, motioning towards the coffee in her

hand. "Afternoon tea, please."

Sienna handed it to him, not forgetting to express her gratitude, before she left Camille's office.

Ayan followed suit, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. He took a few steps towards

Camille, thoughtfully opening her coffee and offering it to her. "Just the way you like it."

Camille reached out to take it, subconsciously bringing it to her lips for a sip. Then she asked softly,

"What brings you here?"

"I came to see what you were up to," Ayan replied. He sat down next to Camille, facing her with a slight

smile in his eyes. "Turns out I didn't expect you to share our little exciting game."

Camille instinctively reached out to cover his mouth, not wanting him to continue, but Ayan obediently

lifted his hand and clasped it around hers. He chuckled, "So, it seems you turned down my proposal for

remarriage because you found this kind of role-playing more thrilling? Camille, I never knew you had a

taste for such excitement. You should have told me earlier. Perhaps we could have explored some of

these thrilling scenarios together."

Camille's cheeks flushed, and she tightly pursed her lips as she whispered, "You're not allowed to say

that again, or I'll make it even more exciting for you. Believe me or not?"

"Oh, please," Ayan replied, his lips curling into a smile.

Camille felt completely groundless. How did he hear it? He rarely said such things, and it took a lot of

effort for her to say it just once, and now she was caught.

Not knowing what else to say, Camille quickly changed the topic and asked Ayan, "You haven't told me

why you're here."

Ayan, deciding not to tease Camille any further, redirected the conversation to the reason for his visit.

"There's a dinner party tonight, and I want you to come with me!"

Camille froze. It was rare for Ayan to ask her to accompany him to a dinner party, unless Sienna was

also attending. Sienna's aversion to socializing made it an obvious choice for Ayan not to bring her


Camille was surprised and taken aback by the request. She looked at Ayan and asked, "What kind of

dinner party is it? Is it something important?"

"It's not that important. Have you heard about the Nores Group land? The Nores family isn't officially

involved in the project, but they're expected to be part of it once the construction begins under Mario's

supervision. I thought it would be a good opportunity to have a dinner together before the project kicks

off," Ayan explained briefly, leaving the decision up to Camille. He then asked, "Would you like to come

with me?"

Camille tilted her head, contemplating the invitation, and then said nonchalantly, "Are you asking me to

come with you because you're worried Alicia will be there too, and you're afraid I might get the wrong


After all, Alicia had been lingering around, not just once but several times. Camille had encountered her

at Simpson Group, then again recently in South City. It didn't take much thought for Camille to realize

what Ayan had in mind.

Deep down, Camille felt a sense of happiness. Ayan was doing this to protect her and to ensure that no

rumors or gossip reached her ears.

She smiled and said, "You're so sincere in inviting me. It would be disrespectful if I refused, wouldn't


Ayan looked at her and said, "Why do I feel a hint of reluctance?"

Camille hurriedly clarified, "There's no reluctance. I'm more than willing to go. Really, I am!"

Ayan seemed satisfied with her response.

Camille playfully tossed the coffee in her hand towards Ayan, offering it to him as well. She followed up

by asking, "Do you need me to change into something more formal then?"

Today, she had opted for a simple grey shirt paired with matching wide-legged trousers-a comfortable

outfit that exuded a laid-back vibe. Despite its simplicity, the attire accentuated her tall figure. Camille

was the kind of person who looked good in anything, as long as it suited her.

Without hesitation, Ayan responded, "No need at all. It's just a meal, nothing that requires much effort

or formality."

"Alright, but don't blame me if I embarrass you!" Camille chuckled.

Ayan remarked, "That would be a blow to my pride."

Camille gently placed her hand on Ayan's cheek as she laughed, "Well then, thank you for inviting me

to dinner tonight."

Ayan tenderly clasped her hand in his palm. There was still some time before dinner, so Camille could

continue with her tasks for a while longer.

"Why don't you stay here for a while? I'll work, and we can leave later," Camille suggested.

Leaning back against the sofa cushions, Ayan's gaze fell warmly upon Camille. "Weren't you just

chatting with Sienna to pass the time? Why should you work when I'm here?"

Camille blushed slightly, pursing her lips. "I guess I want to impress you. The new project is about to

start, and we'll be recruiting architects. I want to show you my serious and dedicated side."

"Oh!" Ayan nodded, appearing cooperative. He added, "So, you're asking for a shortcut after I witness

your performance?"

Camille nodded eagerly. "Exactly! Will you grant me that opportunity?"

"I actually have a better idea that would be more beneficial than rushing through your performance rightnovelbin

now. Would you like to hear it?" Ayan proposed.

Camille's expression turned serious as she asked, "What's your idea?"

"Wouldn't it be better if you stayed with me and supported me? Forget about just getting the project

from Simpson Group-what if you blew me away entirely?" Ayan suggested mischievously.

Camille couldn't resist pinching his nose and teasingly said, "If Grandpa heard you say that, he might

come out of the hospital and give you a beating, don't you think?"

Ayan chuckled, "I think Grandpa would be overjoyed. You know how much he spoils you."

After some contemplation, Camille responded, "You make a valid point. But since you mentioned how

Grandpa dotes on me, wouldn't it be faster for me to go directly to him and ask for the project? I'd still

have to make you happy, but all it would take is one word to Grandpa, and he wouldn't hesitate to put

pressure on you!"

The more Camille thought about it, the more she liked the idea. However, Ayan felt like he had

inadvertently stepped on a landmine. He lifted his hand to his forehead, expressing his frustration.

"You're taking it a bit too far, don't you think?"

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