My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1207: Illusion
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Chapter 1207: Illusion

Chapter 1207: Illusion

Camille raised her hand and rubbed her forehead, staring at Sienna as she said lightly, "Fortunately, I'm

a girl. If I were a guy and you were my girlfriend, you would probably torture me to death, right? Tsk! I

really feel sorry for Rex. He has given so much."

Sienna instinctively wanted to reach out and choke Camille's neck. The two of them ended up causing

a commotion in the office. Finally, exhausted, they lay down on the sofa together. Camille spoke

casually, "I treat Yessica well because I see myself in her. You might be curious, even though we are

not alike in any way, whether it's our environment, social circle, or actions. But why do I say that?"

She smiled and continued, "It's because I feel that if I had grown up in a loving family, I would definitely

be like Yessica. She's very innocent. Although she grew up like most ordinary girls, her parents treated

her very well. They treated her like a friend, constantly calling and caring for her. They didn't give her

any pressure or trouble. Instead, they became her harbor when she was tired from work. I envy

Yessica for having understanding and loving parents like that. I think if my parents were like that, I

would be the second Yessica."

Camille's words were filled with envy. She genuinely envied Yessica, but it wasn't out of jealousy. She

simply longed for a life like hers.

That's why her good treatment of Yessica was only because she hoped that Yessica could always have

such a beautiful life.

Listening to this, Sienna reached out and held Camille's hand. She whispered, "I understand what you

mean. Let's protect the beautiful things together. Let the two of us, who have been hurt by the world,

support and encourage each other until the end."

Camille smiled and locked eyes with Sienna. She said, "You're right. After all, we're both seasoned

veterans of society."

"Stop it! I can't stand being called 'veteran.' I can hold a grudge, you know. You just brought up this

matter, and I won't let it go easily. So, when do you plan to have a second child?"

Camille thought about it seriously, then said calmly, "I won't have another one. I want to give all my

motherly love to Timmy alone. I can't guarantee that if I have a second child, I won't love the second

child more and neglect Timmy. So instead of thinking about something that hasn't happened yet, it's

better to completely block any thoughts of having a second child."

"You're right. I'll learn from you. Neither of us will have a second child. We'll give all our love to one


"Good. We can't do it halfway."

Sienna leaned against Camille's shoulder. They had come to work, but because of Yessica, they

completely opened up and had a thorough conversation. Although they often chatted, it had been a

long time since they had opened their hearts like this.

After discussing the children, they moved on to the topic of weddings.

Sienna asked Camille, "When do you plan to postpone your wedding with Ayan?"

"It's definitely not possible now. Grandpa is still in the hospital, and we don't have the mood to prepare

for the wedding. Originally, my mom was taking care of everything for us, but now she has to take care

of Timmy and occasionally visit grandpa in the hospital. She's so busy, and she doesn't have the time.

So, instead of waiting for my wedding, why don't you go ahead and have yours? It's beneficial for you

to get married early before you and Rex have children."

"The Ward family has already started preparing, and Rex has given me a few design studios for

wedding dresses, but I haven't had time to choose."

Distance from the second round of the competition, although there is still nearly twenty days left, it's not

really a lack of time. So Camille asked, "Is it really a lack of time, or is there some other concern?"

Sienna was directly exposed by her, and naturally, there was no need to deny it. Camille stared at her,

waiting for her answer. After a while, Sienna opened her mouth and said, "How should I put it? It

doesn't seem to be a specific concern. I'm just simply afraid."

"Afraid? What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that Rex's wedding will be interrupted by a sudden love

rival?" Camille said, her smile freezing on her face, her brows subconsciously furrowing, and her

expression becoming more serious. She said, "Are you worried about Mario?"

"Well, he's in Hance City. Although we haven't seen each other much these days, and he hasn't called

or messaged me proactively, my mother is still in Hance City, so it's impossible for us not to meet. He's

completely reverted back to his old self, as if he's intentionally creating an illusion. But his change is too

sudden, and it makes me feel like it's all just a facade."

Sienna became more and more emotional as she spoke. Tears shimmered in her eyes, and she lookednovelbin

at Camille with uncontrollable emotions. She whispered, "Cami, I've thought about a lot of things, but I

really don't know how much charm I have that he would calculate so much. In the end, it's just my

unwillingness. He thought I was obedient, but once I resisted, he felt that everything was out of his

control. If I had really followed his wishes and stayed in the King family at all costs, even if he married

someone else, I would have given up everything and stayed in the King family, doing everything

according to his arrangements. Maybe today, he would just see me as a chess piece he brings out to

play when he's bored."

Sienna laughed at herself, her eyes filled with coldness, covering all her expressions. Her voice was full

of disdain and sarcasm.

Mario always believed that she was raised by the King family, so she wouldn't go anywhere except the

King family. After all, the King family had everything, and she had nothing to be dissatisfied with.

Besides love and marriage, which he patched up for her, they gave her everything. What else could

she want?

That's the difference between them, the reason they will never be on the same path.

But all of that is in the past. There's no need to dwell on the past.

Camille also fell into contemplation because she knew how much trouble Sienna's worries and the

words she just spoke had caused her.

Sienna gave the impression of being cheerful and lively, but sometimes she just hides all her


Camille looked at her with a worried expression, feeling a sense of pain. She said, "The past is behind

us, but he's still stuck in the same place. Since he's so nostalgic, let him stay there. As long as you look

forward, it's fine. Don't sacrifice yourself for anyone, and don't hurt yourself and the people who love

you because of anyone. Don't worry that these troublesome matters will cause trouble for the people

around you and choose to distance yourself. That way, you will only hurt the people who love you and

give those with ulterior motives a chance, understood?"

Sienna was slightly stunned, and her heavily burdened gaze stared at Camille. How could she not hear

the implications in Camille's words?

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