My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1189: Testing
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Chapter 1189: Testing

Chapter 1189: Testing

After finishing the glass of juice, Camille proactively spoke to Preston, saying, "Preston, thank you for

telling me all this. I understand now. I have an appointment with Sienna, so let's finish here for today!"

As Camille finished speaking, she stood up, taking the initiative to pay the bill this time. After all,

someone had come for her sake, so it wouldn't be appropriate for him to treat her.

Camille paid the bill and didn't give Preston a chance to say more. She left without further


Preston didn't stop her; he just sat in his seat, watching her leave with an unpleasant expression on his


Camille took the elevator back to the office, where Sienna was waiting for her. She hadn't been gone

for more than an hour, about forty minutes at most. So Sienna was a little surprised when she saw

Camille returning so soon and asked, "Is the conversation already over?"

Camille nodded and walked to her desk, picking up her water cup and drinking half of it before placing

it down silently, sighing softly.

Sienna asked, "What did you talk about? You don't look too good. Did he try to brainwash you again

and pursue you?"

Camille shook her head, her tiredness still evident on her face.

Sienna stared at Camille, a bit puzzled by her silence. Camille remained silent for a short while before

speaking, "He told me that the online rumors are related to Eileen, and Eileen and Ayan are still in

close contact. He has a recorded conversation with Eileen."

Sienna understood what Camille meant and expressed her displeasure. She said, "Do you believe it?"

"What do you think?"

"You didn't actually believe it, did you? You know who Preston is, don't you?" Sienna sat up straight,

looking at Camille with seriousness. She said indifferently, "Camille, let me tell you, Ayan treats you so

well. You can't believe that liar Preston. Don't tell me you've forgotten how Preston is? He has deceived

you more than once or twice. You must distinguish right from wrong!"

Sienna's series of persuasions made Camille furrow her brows involuntarily. Her facial expression

gradually changed from curiosity to a faint smile.

She looked at Sienna, waiting for her to finish speaking before calmly responding, "Sienna, do you

know what you were doing just now?"

"What was I doing?"

"You were speaking up for Ayan. You used to always stand by my side. Help me distinguish right from

wrong!" Camille lightly shook her head. "Tell me, what benefits did Ayan give you?"

"He didn't give me anything. Compared to Preston, I will always unconditionally stand on Ayan's side.

Don't you know what kind of person he is? It's that Preston, always resorting to these despicable

tactics. Don't you think it's shameful for a grown man?"

Camille looked at Sienna and said, "It's true that I listened without judgment, so who told you I believed


Camille blinked her eyes lightly, her mouth curved with a smile as she stared at Sienna. She said, "I

never said I believed Preston's words, did I?"

"Your tone just now made me think you believed it."

"If I believed it, I wouldn't be sitting here calmly with you right now. I would have gone straight to

Simpson Group and made Ayan pay for it with his life."

Sienna gave a thumbs-up, "You're ruthless enough."

Camille just smiled lightly and said, "But I still need to talk to Ayan about this. What if he really has

some connection with Eileen?"

Although she didn't believe Preston's words and never thought that Ayan would defend Eileen after she

spread those rumors, considering that the rumors weren't targeting her but rather putting Ayan in the

spotlight, if he defended Eileen, wouldn't he be shooting himself in the foot?

However, Ayan had told her about the relationship between Eileen and Preston, as well as some kind

of agreement between them. They had been working together towards this agreement and goal for a

long time. So even if Ayan had contact with Eileen, it would only be to extract information about her

connection with Preston.

She had great trust in Ayan, and despite Preston's words, her inner conviction remained unshaken.

But she didn't say many of these things directly; keeping them in her heart was enough for her.

She stayed at the company with Sienna until the end of the workday, and then Camille drove alone to

Simpson Group.

She finished work half an hour earlier than Ayan, and she knew his schedule, so she was aware that

he didn't have any appointments tonight.

Upon arriving at Simpson Group, she took the elevator to the upper floor. When she got out of the

elevator, she coincidentally encountered a few assistants who were preparing to leave work.

They were all from the secretarial department, so they often saw her, and they were quite surprised to

see her at this time.

Camille didn't notice their surprise and waved her hand, greeting them friendly, "Off work!"

Everyone nodded and then asked with some confusion, "Mrs. Simpson, why are you here at this hour?

Mr. Simpson has already left, hasn't he?"

Camille was slightly taken aback and asked, "He has already left?"

"Yes, he left after work. It's been a while."

"So fast?"

"Yeah, Mr. Simpson had an appointment with Eileen Miss Khan and Kian. They left the company

together." One of the assistants said directly.

Because she had interacted with Camille before and knew her character, and because Camille was

always good to them, they naturally spoke the truth. Besides, they all knew that there was nothing

between Eileen and Ayan, and they considered the previous rumors to be mere gossip.

Camille frowned slightly, but she didn't show too much surprise in front of so many people. She simply

said, "Okay, I understand. Thank you."

She followed the assistants into the elevator and went back to her car. She immediately called Kian.

Worried that no one would answer if she called Ayan, as his phone was usually in Kian's possession

when he was busy, she thought it would be faster to contact Kian directly.

The call was quickly answered, and Kian didn't seem surprised. He respectfully said, "Mrs. Simpson!"

"Where is he? Is he still at the company?" Camille tentatively asked.

Kian replied, "Mr. Simpson is not at the company. He's outside."novelbin

"Where? Did he leave work so early?" Camille continued probing.

Actually, she found it quite amusing herself, but her mind was playing tricks on her, and she couldn't

help but probe step by step.

Kian didn't detect Camille's probing tone. He had just escorted Ayan and Eileen to a private room, and

now he was sitting in another room waiting.

He responded in a low voice, "Yes, Mr. Simpson has something to attend to. He's at Darkmoor, so he

left work early."

Camille spoke casually, a faint smile appearing at the corner of her mouth. She said, "At Darkmoor? Is

there a social event?"

Camille already had a pretty good idea. They were probably having a meal with Eileen!

But why did Ayan have dinner with Eileen?

Of course, she didn't believe a single word Preston said, but her expression carried a hint of curiosity

and inquiry.

After her question, there was a brief silence from Kian's end. He probably didn't know whether to tell

Camille the truth or not. Perhaps Ayan didn't specifically instruct him, so he didn't know how to give the

best answer.

Camille lightly pursed her lips and asked, "What's the matter, Kian? Is there something you can't say?"

Kian quickly replied, "Of course not. It's just that Mr. Simpson is currently busy. It might be better to let

him personally explain to you after he's done."

Camille frowned slightly, no longer pressing for more answers. She simply made a noncommittal sound

and didn't say anything further.

After ending the call with Kian, Camille sat in the car for a while, silently taking a deep breath. She

didn't quite understand the current situation.

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