My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1188: Why Bother
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Chapter 1188: Why Bother

Chapter 1188: Why Bother

After asking, his distinct black and white eyes continued to gaze at Camille without any intention of

looking away. He was waiting for Camille's response.

However, Camille didn't say anything more. She remained silent, and her expression wasn't very


This silence naturally made Preston's emotions escalate. He coldly said, "Cami, are we not even

allowed to have a proper conversation anymore? Do you want me to completely disappear from your


Camille didn't say anything. She didn't understand why he was so sensitive, nor did she understand

why he was always prone to such fantasies. So she felt a bit helpless, her expression showing distress.

She sighed silently, but her face didn't change much. Calmly, she said, "I haven't said anything, so I

don't quite understand the meaning behind your words just now. It's not that I don't want to talk to you; I

simply don't know where to start."

Because she had no idea how to answer his inquiries. Perhaps in Preston's eyes, providing an answer

was something easy that could be done just by opening her mouth. But Camille didn't see it that way.

She believed that if she was going to answer, the response must truly reflect what she felt in her heart;

otherwise, she would rather not answer at all.

Camille was stubborn like that. She took everything seriously, especially when it came to following her

own heart.

Perhaps she could just give him a perfunctory answer, but what would happen after that? Those

perfunctory words would still require accountability. After all that had happened, Camille had come to

understand that Preston was a person who took things seriously. Once words were spoken, he had to

follow through. That was the answer she had arrived at after experiencing so much, so she had to be

cautious-cautious and even more cautious.

After Camille's words, Preston no longer had the same questioning tone. His demeanor seemed to

have softened considerably, and he looked at Camille, saying, "Cami, I didn't mean anything else. You

know me. I barely have any friends, and you are my best friend, my only friend. Apart from you, there is

no one else. You helped me when I needed it the most. That's why you're the most important person to

me, no matter when."

After he finished speaking, he let out a heavy sigh, and his expression became somewhat unpleasant.

Seeing him like this, Camille naturally asked casually, "What's wrong?"

Preston replied, "It's nothing. Didn't you ask about the progress of my investigation? Well, I found out

that this gossip reporter isn't in Hance City anymore. He has gone to a historical drama set."

"A drama set?" Camille's face stiffened, feeling somewhat puzzled.

Preston nodded and said, "Yes, a drama set. I bet you can't guess who he's associated with, right?"

Camille remained silent, and at that moment, the café waiter arrived with juice and coffee, interrupting

their conversation for about half a minute.

After the waiter left, Preston's voice resurfaced. He said, "Actually, I didn't expect it either. This gossip

reporter is actually in a romantic relationship with Eileen. So when I found out about it, I personally

went to meet Eileen. Can you guess how she responded?"

Camille was taken aback by his words. This gossip reporter was involved with Eileen? That was

something she hadn't anticipated, and perhaps even Ayan hadn't expected it either.

Camille shook her head lightly, her expression and curiosity still not clearly evident. She simply waited

quietly for Preston to continue.

He said, "Cami, what I'm about to tell you next might make you question it, but you have to believe me-I

won't lie to you. These are the results of my investigation and the recorded conversation."

He played the recording, which featured a conversation between Preston and Eileen.

In the recording, Preston asked Eileen, "What's your relationship with this gossip reporter?"

"He's my current boyfriend," Eileen replied.

"Your boyfriend? Can you really be interested in a man like him?"

Eileen chuckled lightly and said casually, "It's no surprise we're old friends. It seems you still

understand me quite well. Well, let me tell you the truth. This person is currently my bodyguard, taking

care of me on the set. It was arranged by Ayan. You know, Ayan is now pursuing Camille, trying to

reconcile with her. So, at this time, I don't want to cause him any trouble and had to come to the set to

take some pictures!"

Eileen's words were filled with laughter and sweetness, which somewhat displeased Preston. He

asked, "Haven't you completely broken things off with Ayan yet?"

"Break things off? Mr. Walker, what do you mean by that? Ayan and I have never broken up. We have

always been together. I don't mind him having Camille as long as he can keep me by his side. I can

tolerate him being with Camille," Eileen said.

Eileen expressed a lot about her feelings towards Ayan and also conveyed Ayan's attitude towards her.

Eileen said so much, which naturally made Preston very angry, but Eileen maintained an indifferent

attitude throughout.

Finally, Preston asked if the rumors spread by the gossip reporter online were her doing.

Eileen said, "So what if it's me? Ayan knows about it too, but he won't do anything to me. Instead, he'll

pamper me. Though I can tolerate Camille being around him, there are always moments of jealousy

between women. So these little quarrels are inevitable. Mr. Walker, I'm telling you all this because

we've worked together before. Haven't you already given up on Camille? Why are you still so

concerned about her? Are you trying to gain credit by telling her all this? I advise you not to waste your

time. She won't accept your feelings, and even if she does, it won't change anything. Ayan is on my


Eileen had a completely spoiled and fearless attitude while speaking these words. Her tone conveyed a

sense of indifference.

After the recording finished playing, Camille still hadn't responded. There was hardly any change in her

facial expression or attitude.

However, in Preston's eyes, her demeanor appeared as a reaction to being affected. Preston

whispered in a comforting tone, "I don't know if Eileen's words are true or false, but that gossip reporter

is indeed in her film crew. I inquired about it, and while they claim to be in a boyfriend-girlfriend

relationship, they don't actually live together."

"Cami, I'm not telling you all this to sow discord or to make you misunderstand Ayan. I just don't want

you to be deceived. If it's all false, that's great. But every word Eileen said didn't sound like a lie. So

you should still be cautious in your heart!"novelbin

Preston said a lot, and Camille remained quietly listening. When he finished speaking, Camille finally

lifted her gaze to meet his eyes. She spoke without any expression, saying, "I already know what

you've told me."

Just that one sentence, without any unnecessary words.

Preston was taken aback, his face growing even more wrinkled.

He seemed somewhat agitated, and he said, "Cami, do you already know? Even if you know, can you

tolerate it?"

Camille smiled lightly and replied, "Isn't that what Eileen doesn't care about? So why should I care?"

Preston froze, seemingly angry. He looked at Camille with a particularly serious gaze and said, "Cami,

you're not like Eileen, so how can you have the same thoughts as her?"

His expression was very unpleasant, clearly unable to accept Camille's response.

But Camille remained steadfast in her attitude. She calmly said, "Preston, thank you for telling me

these things, but what I do after knowing them is my own business. So please don't interfere or meddle

with my reactions, alright?"

Camille stared at Preston, her words making it clear that some matters should be left alone, and how

she would handle them was her own affair.

Preston understood this perfectly well, so he remained silent with a stern face, without uttering any

more unnecessary words.

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