My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1190: Harmony
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Chapter 1190: Harmony

Chapter 1190: Harmony

Camille carefully analyzed the current situation. Ayan was having a meal with Eileen, and Preston saidnovelbin

Eileen was filming on a set. So, did she come specifically to have this meal with Ayan?

Camille frowned slightly with a cold expression on her face. She speculated in her mind about what

could be so important that Eileen had to come all the way to Hance City just for a meal with Ayan. Was

this meal absolutely necessary?

The more Camille thought about it, the more serious her expression became. She couldn't imagine

what kind of situation would warrant Eileen's special visit and Ayan's agreement to the invitation. Was it

Eileen who proposed the meal, or did Ayan want to treat Eileen?

Many questions arose in her mind, but she couldn't find a reasonable answer. How could she not let

her thoughts run wild?

However, her wild thoughts weren't about imagining any hidden intentions Ayan might have towards

Eileen. She simply wondered what undisclosed matters might be involved in this situation.

Did Ayan have control over everything?

Camille took a deep breath and stepped on the gas pedal, driving towards Darkmoor.

Just as she had started driving, her phone rang. She picked up her phone, which she had thrown on

the center console, glanced at it, and her brows subconsciously furrowed because it was Preston


They had just separated not long ago, so why was he calling again? Wasn't what she said clear


Camille pursed her lips and reluctantly answered the call. She spoke coldly, "Hello?"

Preston's voice sounded anxious. "Cami, where are you having dinner right now?"

"What's the matter?"

"There is something about Eileen and Ayan. They are meeting right now. Let me take you there to see!"

Preston hesitated, his words filled with implications.

Camille didn't show much obvious reaction. She simply asked calmly, "How do you know they are

having dinner?"

After Camille's question, Preston immediately replied, "Cami, it doesn't matter how I know. What

matters is that Eileen and Ayan are having a meal together. Eileen said that tonight, Ayan invited her.

After dinner, they will watch a movie together and have a date. Don't you want to find out what's going


"You said you trust Ayan a lot, right? Do you think Ayan is loyal to you? Don't you want to figure out

what's going on? Cami, even though you trust him, you should still be cautious. Don't put all your trust

in one man, especially considering his history with Eileen."

Preston's words were serious, and each word was considerate of Camille. He was extremely anxious

and concerned, conveying that there was something unusual about the relationship between Eileen

and Ayan, and they still maintained an intimate connection even now.

Preston was afraid that Camille wouldn't believe him, so he exaggerated the situation as if he were

witnessing it firsthand.

Camille listened quietly without speaking, until Preston finished and there was silence. Then, she

responded indifferently, "Thank you, Preston. I understand. I've already arrived at the restaurant where

they're having dinner. I will handle this matter. Thank you for your concern."

"Have you arrived at the restaurant where they're having dinner?" Preston seemed slightly anxious and

his tone of voice became somewhat unnatural.

Camille didn't show any emotional outburst. She simply said, "Yes, I have. So, don't worry. I will know

the truth when I see it with my own eyes."

After speaking, Camille ended the call first, citing inconvenience as the reason.

She put her phone down and continued driving towards Darkmoor. Throughout the journey, Camille's

expression remained cold and there were no significant changes in her facial expressions. After more

than half an hour, she finally arrived at Darkmoor.

She parked her car in the garage and naturally noticed Ayan's car parked in a parking space.

She sat in the car without rushing to get out, quietly waiting inside. She wasn't sure why she had come,

but she wanted to see for herself because she couldn't completely trust the dinner between Ayan and


Camille sat in the car for a long time, and during that time, Preston sent her a message asking how

things were going. Camille didn't reply, choosing to ignore it.

She sat quietly in the car, waiting until Ayan and Eileen finished their meal and came out of Darkmoor.

Kian was clearly there too, but he didn't come out with them.

After Eileen and Ayan came out, they got into Ayan's car, and the vehicle quickly left the parking space.

Camille frowned, and her worries grew. From the situation just now, it seemed like they had a

harmonious meal. Camille was extremely surprised and puzzled. Wasn't Ayan just using Eileen? Then

what was the purpose of this dinner?

According to reason, he shouldn't be so friendly with Eileen. Why would they come out of the

restaurant together like that?

At the same time, Camille noticed something. Eileen was driving the car, and Ayan was sitting in the

back seat.

Eileen probably didn't drive often, so her driving skills weren't great. It took her several minutes to

maneuver out of the parking space.

While talking on the phone with Kian, Camille pressed the accelerator and caught up with Ayan's car.

Kian's call connected, but unfortunately, no one answered. Camille furrowed her brow in frustration,

and her expression became particularly unsightly. With a stern face, she ended the call with Kian and

dialed the front desk of Darkmoor directly.

After just one beep, a polite woman's voice came from the other end. Without waiting for the person to

finish speaking, Camille interrupted, "Is the president of the Simpson Group, Ayan, and his secretary

having dinner at your place tonight?"

The person on the other end hesitated for a moment and instinctively replied, "I'm sorry, that's the

guest's privacy, and we..."

"Listen, go to where Ayan's secretary is staying right now and see if something has happened. Please

tell his secretary to call me back immediately. My name is Armstrong."

Camille interrupted the woman at the front desk, her tone extremely serious and grave. The person

working in a high-end restaurant like Darkmoor naturally had seen the world and immediately

understood the meaning behind Camille's words.

The person quickly agreed, and only then did Camille express her gratitude. She needed to focus all

her attention on the car in front of her, so she immediately ended the call.

Camille tightly pursed her lips, feeling that the situation seemed serious. Kian suddenly couldn't be

reached, and Ayan was willing to let Eileen drive. Didn't he know about Eileen's driving skills?

Camille couldn't help but be on high alert. Based on what had happened today, some answers had

already emerged in her mind.

However, the situation hadn't reached its final moment, and no one knew what exactly was going on.

She lightly pressed her lips together, her eyes fixed on the car in front of her, when her phone rang.

Because it was Kian, she subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. However, her expression cooled

down when she saw the number. She squinted her eyes, a faint coldness flickering in her gaze, and

answered the call without saying anything.

The other person tentatively asked, "Cami? Have you arrived at the place where they're having


Camille glanced at her phone, her eyes subconsciously narrowing, a touch of cold cunning flashing in

her eyes. Her tone was devoid of emotion as she replied, "Hmm, just arrived."

"You only arrived now?"


"You've been on the road for quite a while, haven't you?"

"Oh, I stopped to grab something to eat on the way. I just got here. Why? Do you need something?"

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