My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1184: Domineering
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Chapter 1184: Domineering

Chapter 1184: Domineering

Horace had a lot of work to do and didn't have time to continue arguing with Preston. His voice turned

cold as he spoke, "Mr. Walker, if there's nothing else, I suggest you go back to your office and start


"Work? How can I work? What work do I have now? You've already taken away the museum project,

haven't you?"

"Mr. Walker, what do you mean by saying I took away your project? The museum project approached

me on their own, specifically requesting to collaborate with me. I was willing to give you a chance and

mentioned your involvement in the Simpson Group project in front of all the company executives. But

you didn't seize the opportunity, so how can you feel like I took away your project? That's a bit

unreasonable, don't you think?"

Horace let out a cold laugh, his expression showing indifference and a hint of coldness. After his

statement, Preston fell silent, and Horace didn't give him another chance to speak. He spoke again in a

cold tone, "Since everything that needs to be said has been said, Mr. Walker can leave my office now.

As someone brought into the company by Mr. Armstrong, every word and action you take represents

Mr. Armstrong. So, I hope Mr. Walker won't engage in any inappropriate behavior."

Horace ignored Preston and, after a few minutes, Preston stood up and left Horace's office. The

secretary closed the door and walked over to Horace, whispering, "Mr. Burris, do you think he might act


"He is indeed anxious, but so what? The museum changed their collaboration partner, and it's his own

fault for misplaced trust. It has nothing to do with us," Horace replied with a disdainful tone, not placing

any importance on Preston.

The secretary was pleased to hear that because Preston made Quintus address him as Mr. Walker and

acted arrogantly in the company despite being there for a short time. Such a person could never truly

be on the same level as Horace.

The secretary looked at Horace's expression and couldn't help but say, "Mr. Burris, Ayan also dislikes

Preston. Regarding this matter..."

Before the secretary could finish speaking, Horace shot him a piercing gaze.

Horace said indifferently, "This is an Armstrong Corp matter and has nothing to do with Ayan.

Remember, you are my secretary. You need to know what to say and what not to say. Our relationship

with the Simpson Group involves many interests and unseen factors. Just focus on your duties, and

don't speculate excessively about other matters."

Horace's attitude was stern, and he hadn't changed it throughout this incident. Especially with Preston

still at Armstrong Corp, one had to be cautious not to leave any handle for others to exploit.

The secretary nodded immediately, "Mr. Burris, I understand."

Horace no longer dwelled on the matter and redirected the conversation back to the museum project.

He said, "Preston didn't get the museum project. His path at Armstrong Corp has been increasingly

difficult. But a person like him might make some other moves, so we should take the initiative and

inform Mr. Armstrong directly about this matter. Let Mr. Armstrong know that the person he personally

arranged to enter the company is of no use."

The secretary quickly understood Horace's intention from his clear statement. However, it wouldn't be

Horace himself who informed Brody; it would be the secretary acting on his behalf. The secretary

relayed the information to Brody as instructed. On Brody's end, he was overjoyed. After all, these were

the two biggest projects Armstrong Corp had secured since the major setback. With these projects,

they wouldn't have to worry about the annual Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Brody thanked the secretary on behalf of Horace and said many heartwarming words that touched

Horace's heart. However, Brody's emotions were complicated after hanging up the phone.

After all, all the advantages were now in Horace's hands, and he relied on Horace to secure these two

projects. It was ironic to think about Preston's confident assurances to him. Therefore, Brody's attitude

towards Preston was naturally very cold. He no longer paid attention to Preston, making it difficult for

Preston to navigate within the company.

Ayan was well aware of Preston's current situation, as he was the one pulling the strings behind the

scenes. However, this was just the beginning, and he intended to make Preston's future path equally


But Preston was known for his shamelessness. Despite being unable to make any progress at

Armstrong Corp, he shifted his attention to other matters. Just recently, Kian received news that

Preston went to find Eileen.

Eileen had a small role in a period drama production and was currently working on set. Since Preston

now relied on her for financial support, Eileen couldn't afford to stay idle. She had enjoyed a brief

period of relaxation when Preston hadn't contacted her recently, but that tranquility was short-lived as

Preston showed up again.

Preston handed Eileen a small box and said, "It's become difficult for me at Armstrong Corp. I suspect

Ayan is behind all of this, trying to block my path. Can you do something for me?"

With Preston's words, Eileen's expression turned grim. She looked at the man in front of her in

astonishment and said, "What are you saying? Do you realize the consequences of doing this?

Whether the matter is completed according to your wishes or not, we will be killed by Ayan!"

"As long as we accomplish this, he won't dare to harm us. We'll have evidence and leverage in our

hands. Don't worry, I'm not asking you to do it alone. I will also take action. Only by doing so can wenovelbin

keep Ayan occupied. I don't believe he can handle everything. Since he thinks he's so powerful and

impressive, let me see just how capable he really is!"

Preston's eyes were filled with coldness. He couldn't currently find any weaknesses or leverage against

Horace, so he had to take advantage of the moment when Ayan wasn't on guard to make a move

against him.

He couldn't wait any longer. None of the current situations benefited him, and he didn't want to be

looked down upon anymore. He wanted to disrupt everything and make Ayan lose control.

No one knew about their conversation, so only Preston and Eileen understood what was said.

When Kian received the news that Preston went to find Eileen, he only knew that Preston had visited

her. Kian relayed everything to Ayan, expressing his concerns, "Mr. Simpson, what is Preston planning

this time? It's been a while since he last contacted Eileen. Should we reach out to her and ask?"

Eileen agreed to cooperate with him, so Ayan temporarily refrained from troubling her. Otherwise,

Eileen wouldn't have been able to secure the role she had. However, he had no intention of contacting

Eileen proactively and simply replied indifferently, "Let her come to you on her own."

"But what if she doesn't come?"

"She will come to you." Ayan was confident about this. Eileen wouldn't avoid contacting Kian, especially

after Preston had visited her. Since Preston went to see her, he must have something to tell her.

Regardless of the nature of the matter, Eileen needed to take action. Moreover, she had people around

her who would ensure that. Eileen was aware of this fact.

So she believed that if she didn't say anything, Kian wouldn't know that Preston had visited her, right?

If Eileen had even a little bit of intelligence, she wouldn't deceive herself. Therefore, she would

proactively contact Kian within the day.

And indeed, Ayan's analysis was correct.

That afternoon, Eileen took the initiative to call Kian. She confessed that Preston had visited her but

didn't voluntarily disclose the purpose of his visit.

Kian didn't ask either; he simply responded with a nonchalant "Hmm."

Eileen couldn't quite understand this coldness. She tentatively asked, "Kian, don't you want to ask me

what Preston wanted when he visited me?"

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