My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1183: Trap
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Chapter 1183: Trap

Chapter 1183: Trap

Mr. Burris just smiled, not mentioning a word about the conversation between him and Ayan last night.

He simply said, "Even if he wants it, he needs the ability and the appetite to handle it."

The secretary didn't fully understand Horace's words, and his expression naturally showed confusion.

However, Horace didn't provide further explanation. He looked up at the secretary with a cold

expression and said, "Notify the senior executives of all departments to have a meeting!"

Although the secretary had many questions, since Horace had given the order, he naturally followed it.

Horace fulfilled Preston's request and informed the senior executives of the Simpson Group that he

would also be joining the project. This news shocked and surprised all the other executives, apart from

Preston and Horace themselves.

After all, Preston and Horace had been at odds before, and considering Horace's opposition to Brody,

who Preston worked for, everyone was confused about what was happening now.

While everyone felt puzzled, they didn't inquire too much and simply nodded in response.

This meeting was only to announce the matter and was, of course, very brief, dispersing in less than

ten minutes.

Although it was short, Preston was extremely satisfied. He wasted no time and immediately went to the

museum to find Jenson.

However, he was informed, "Sorry, Mr. Evans is on a business trip and is not in Hance City."

"He's on a business trip? Then who is in charge of the Armstrong Corp's collaboration project with the


"The decision-making power for this project has been fully handed back to the museum itself because

Mr. Evans has yet to find a suitable partner. Therefore, the museum has taken back the decision-

making authority."

This was explained by Jenson's assistant, and his words were unlikely to be false. However, Preston

didn't believe it. He inquired with several people and finally obtained the same result: Jenson had gone

on a business trip two days ago.

Preston was extremely annoyed. He went directly to the museum's personnel, but they didn't pay him

any attention and practically ignored him.

Faced with this situation, Preston was completely at a loss. He didn't know what to do.

Quintus saw his state and expressed his concern, saying, "Mr. Walker, what should we do now? If we

can't reach Mr. Evans and he's not in Hance City, then we have no chance with this project!"

Preston already knew this, and his face turned serious. His expression was particularly grim.

With a stern face and intense emotions brewing within, he didn't know whom to vent his frustration


Back in the car, he sat there motionless, not allowing the car to move.

He tightly pursed his lips, maintaining silence, while the coldness in his eyes grew more apparent. After

a long while, he finally spoke, "I always feel like there's more to this situation, like everything is a trap."

However, he couldn't pinpoint exactly what was wrong.

"I always feel like something is strange, as if I'm being calculated by someone."

This feeling persisted for a long time until Quintus' phone slowly rang at that moment.

Quintus instinctively looked at Preston, relieved that he didn't show any significant emotional changes.

If it wasn't an important call, he would have wanted to hang up right away. After all, Preston was in a

bad mood at the moment, and receiving an unrelated call could easily make him feel like cannon


Upon seeing the incoming call notification, Quintus subconsciously looked at Preston and whispered,

"Mr. Walker, Mr. Burris' secretary is calling."

Preston also narrowed his eyes instinctively and glanced lightly at Quintus before saying in an

extremely cold tone, "Answer it!"

Quintus hurriedly answered the call, "Hello, this is Quintus."

The other party said something, and Quintus's expression stiffened. His eyes instinctively glanced at

Preston, revealing a complex mix of emotions. He softly replied, "Okay, I understand. I'll tell Mr. Walker

right away."

Quintus always referred to Preston as Mr. Walker, so he didn't realize that these words would fall into

the ears of Horace and his secretary. After all, their focus was not on these minor matters at the


After finishing the call with Horace's secretary, Quintus immediately informed Preston about the

conversation. He said, "Mr. Walker, Horace's secretary called and said that the museum has arranged

a new person to negotiate the collaboration with Armstrong Corp. This person is from the museum

itself, and they specifically requested to work with Horace. They highly appreciate the collaboration

between Horace and Ayan. The person is currently at the company. Should we rush back?"

After listening, Preston's face completely darkened. But now he had no spare energy to think about or

get angry over these matters. The priority was to immediately return to Armstrong Corp and intercept

the person, taking the collaboration away from Horace's hands.

Preston and Quintus hurriedly drove back to Armstrong Corp, coincidentally meeting Horace and the

museum representative as they came out of the meeting room.

Preston didn't have time to greet Horace; he directly expressed his identity to the museum

representatives, saying, "I am the person in charge of the museum project at Armstrong Corp. I used to

coordinate with Jenson, who is currently not in Hance City. However, he entrusted me to liaise with the

new project representative."

Upon hearing Preston's self-introduction, the museum representative furrowed their brows involuntarily,

as it seemed quite abrupt. They turned to Horace beside them and asked, "Mr. Burris, what is going


Horace also gave a glance to his secretary, then explained in a gentle voice, "This is one of our project

directors. He had a collaboration with Mr. Evans, the previous representative of the museum project.

So when he saw you coming to Armstrong Corp, he was happy."

Preston looked dissatisfied and glanced at Horace, but Horace didn't even spare him a glance. The

explanation from Horace made the museum project representative somewhat displeased, with a cold

and indifferent expression. However, they continued chatting with Horace, praising his ability to secure

the collaboration with the Simpson Group.

These words naturally fell into Preston's ears, but he was reminded by Horace's secretary not to say

anything further.

After seeing off the museum representatives, Horace returned to his office, where Preston was alreadynovelbin


Horace had a completely different attitude compared to the morning. Just as he entered the office,

Preston approached him with excitement, questioning, "What do you mean? Didn't we agree on this in

the morning? What is your intention now? Why did they directly approach you for this project? I told

you, this project is mine. Didn't you promise me?"

Facing Preston's barrage of questions, Horace remained cold and indifferent, as if he was looking at

someone unimportant and inconspicuous.

When Preston finished speaking and his emotions slightly calmed down, Horace spoke in a calm tone,

"Firstly, they didn't come here at my invitation; they came on their own. Secondly, they specifically

requested to work with me on this project. I mentioned that you and Jenson were collaborating, but

their response was that Jenson has already withdrawn from this project. As for the previous

collaboration, it's no longer relevant. So, I can't simply reject the project, can I?"

Horace's response left Preston speechless, as refusing the project was simply not an option. After all,

Armstrong Corp was in great need of projects.

Even though Horace was currently busy with the Simpson Group project, he could still spare some

time. Sitting in his position, he had to handle a lot of work, including overseeing all of Armstrong Corp's


Horace sat behind his desk, glanced lightly at Preston, and said, "Mr. Walker, I understand your current

emotions, but Armstrong Corp doesn't solely rely on this one project. Without the museum project, you

can take over other projects. So, I hope you can be more rational and not let it affect your work."

Preston couldn't even listen to what Horace was saying at the moment. He was filled with anger and

had no outlet to vent it. His expression was extremely grim as he sat in his chair, unresponsive. His

vacant gaze was fixed on Horace, as if trying to decipher the true meaning behind his words.

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