My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1185: Blocked
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Chapter 1185: Blocked

Chapter 1185: Blocked

Kian merely smiled faintly and replied, "Miss Khan, if you have something to say, you will naturally say

it. And if you don't want to say it, even if I ask, you may not reveal it, right?"

Kian had no intention of asking proactively. The less he asked, the more Eileen would start to

overthink, and only then would she reveal her true intentions while speculating on Ayan's thoughts.

This was Ayan's instruction. Following Ayan, a good mentor like him, Kian had learned a lot about

manipulating people's minds.

Eileen was completely stunned, her face stiffened. Her only consolation was that Kian couldn't see her

facial expressions at this moment. Otherwise, she truly wouldn't know how to explain herself.

Facing Kian's question, she remained silent for a brief moment before speaking, "Kian, there wasn't

really anything he wanted when he visited me. You also know that he has always been taking money

from me. This time was no different. He wanted me to borrow some money from Mr. Simpson, but I


Kian wasn't interested in this matter and responded calmly, "That's your business, Miss Khan. You don't

need to explain it to me in detail. If you really want to do it, you can directly talk to Qian and clarify


"I won't tell Ayan about this. It's not a good thing, and Ayan probably doesn't want to know. Besides,

Preston's intentions are quite apparent. He just wants to extract some money from me. But I can't do

that because Ayan has been patient enough with me. I can't cause him any more trouble."

Eileen spoke with a strong sense of righteousness. If someone who didn't understand or know what

had happened between them heard her words, they would probably be moved.

But Kian wasn't just anyone. Besides Ayan, he was the person who understood Eileen's true nature the

most. He couldn't be deceived or convinced by her few words.

Kian's response remained cold as ever as he said, "Miss Khan, what do you really want to say?"

"I want to ask if Ayan has any time these days. I want to meet him."

"Does Miss Khan have something to discuss with Mr. Simpson?"

"Well, yes, there's something. I want to talk to him about it."

Kian calmly responded, "Miss Khan, it's better to discuss it over the phone. Mr. Simpson is quite busy

these days and probably won't have much time to meet with you. Moreover, isn't Miss Khan currently

on the set? You finally secured this role after much effort. In my opinion, it's better to focus on

completing this film first. What do you think?"

Kian's tone remained polite, but every word he said was a refusal and a reminder.

He refused Eileen's request and reminded her not to have excessive thoughts.

Kian is Ayan's confidant and has followed Ayan for many years, so naturally, his thoughts are also

Ayan's thoughts.

Eileen felt somewhat at a loss, but Preston's words were still echoing in her mind, so she couldn't just

stop there or let it go.

She pursed her lips tightly and whispered, "Kian, I really have something I want to talk to Ayan about.

This matter is related to Camille and Preston, so I want to meet with Ayan to discuss it."

Kian had already entered Ayan's office, so this conversation naturally reached Ayan's ears. Kian

instinctively looked at Ayan, waiting for his response.

Ayan remained silent for a moment, seemingly contemplating the meaning behind Eileen's words,

before giving Kian a meaningful look.

Kian understood and calmly said, "Miss Khan, I can pass on the message to Mr. Simpson that you

want to see him, but it would be best if what you just said is true. Otherwise, Mr. Simpson might find it

difficult to explain."

"I understand Ayan's temperament, so don't worry, Kian. As long as you help me convey that I want to

see Ayan, I know what to do." Eileen seemed confident, and Kian agreed. He informed her that she

could come to the Simpson Group from the film set the next day.

The filming location where Eileen was currently working was quite far from Hance City, not in the

downtown area but in a remote scenic area. So the journey to meet Ayan in Hance City was a bit long

for her. Despite the hardships, she was determined to see Ayan. This made Kian curious, and he

looked at Ayan and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Simpson, what do you think Preston said to Eileen that

made her insist on seeing you?"

"We'll find out when Eileen arrives," Ayan coldly snorted indifferently. He continued, "If Eileen wants to

see me, it's definitely not for no reason. Be prepared, I want to see what she's up to."

Kian nodded slightly, naturally prepared to take all necessary precautions.

The next afternoon, Eileen arrived at the Simpson Group. She probably came directly from the film set,

so she looked a bit tired. After all, she had been in the car for most of the day, which was quite


Upon arriving at the Simpson Group, Kian arranged for an assistant to take her upstairs and then

directed her to the conference room. Choosing not to meet in the office was, of course, because there

was no need for Eileen to go to the office. It wasn't like they had something secretive to discuss.

These arrangements surprised Eileen, but she didn't dare to say much and could only follow the


Once she reached the conference room, she sat alone in a chair, waiting. Ayan was still in his office,

going through documents.

After the assistant sent a message to Kian, Kian went to the office to inform Ayan, saying, "Eileen has


Ayan didn't even lift his head, just made a cold grunt, showing no intention of immediately going to the

conference room to meet Eileen.

Eileen waited and waited for almost half an hour. Feeling anxious, she couldn't sit still and got up to

leave the conference room. The assistant outside immediately noticed and asked, "Miss Khan, is there

something wrong?"

"Where is Mr. Simpson? Is he busy?" Eileen asked.

The assistant replied, "Mr. Simpson is dealing with some matters. It may take a little longer. If Miss

Khan is in a hurry, please have a cup of coffee first!"

The secretary quickly made a cup of coffee and handed it to Eileen. Without even saying thank you,

Eileen was not in a good mood at the moment because her mind was filled with thoughts of what Ayan

was busy with.novelbin

After another half an hour, Ayan finally arrived at the conference room.

Eileen had become increasingly restless while waiting. As soon as she saw Ayan, she immediately

stood up from her chair. She looked at him with a serious expression and spoke before Ayan had a

chance to say anything, "Ayan, you're here. Are you busy today?"

Ayan glanced at her but didn't show any intention to answer. He walked to a nearby seat and sat down

before saying lightly, "Weren't you going to tell me about Preston's matter?"

Eileen met his gaze and whispered, "About Preston calling me, Kian should have already told you,


Ayan silently looked at her with a somewhat cold gaze.

She continued, "He wanted to borrow money from me. He told me that he's having a hard time at

Armstrong Corp, and this guy named Horace has blocked all his paths at the company."

Ayan just nodded slightly, showing no interest in these matters.

After Eileen finished speaking, he looked at her briefly, waiting for her to continue.

Eileen noticed the indifference in Ayan's eyes and tentatively asked, "Ayan, why are you looking at me

like that? Did I say something wrong?"

Ayan indifferently reminded her, "I don't want to hear about these trivial matters. I want to know the

main purpose of your visit. You told Kian that you wanted to talk to me about Preston's matter. So, tell

me, what is it that requires you to come personally?"

"It's not just about Preston, but also Camille. It's about him and Camille," Eileen summoned the

courage to correct Ayan's words. She said, "This matter also concerns Camille, that's why I came

personally. I know Camille is important to you, and I know that even though you're divorced, you still

want to remarry her. So, I understand how important she is to you."

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