My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1173: Straightforward
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Chapter 1173: Straightforward

Chapter 1173: Straightforward

Grace: "No, I just feel that you've changed. You've changed to the point where I feel like I don't know

you anymore. I'm a bit worried that when we meet, you'll have changed even more."novelbin

"Do you fear it?"

"I'm not afraid." Grace smiled.

Grace and Horace chatted for a long time, until Horace finished cooking and they had dinner. It was

already late on Horace's side, but Grace's evening was just beginning.

So Grace took the initiative to suggest ending the video call. She said, "Go take a shower and rest

early. Let's talk again tomorrow, alright?"

Horace, however, still seemed a little reluctant. He smiled lightly and said, "Do you think I'm annoying


Grace snorted lightly, "You're accusing me wrongly. I'm just worried that you'll get tired."

"I'm not tired. Talking to you actually helps me relax."

"Have you been working hard lately? Is my father causing trouble for you again? Horace, I'm really

sorry. My father is just like that, and you..."

"It has nothing to do with you. Why are you apologizing? Haven't Camille and I told you countless

times? It's not your problem, and you don't need to apologize to anyone."

"I know, I'm just afraid you're feeling uncomfortable."

"I'm not uncomfortable. Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. It's getting late indeed. I'll take a

shower, and you can go out for some fresh air, hmm?"

Grace nodded lightly in agreement. After ending the video call, she couldn't help but contact Camille.

She asked Camille, "Cami, I want to ask you something. Has Dad been giving Horace a hard time


Camille saw the message immediately. She had just finished dinner and was watching a movie with

Ayan. Watching movies in the evening when they had nothing else to do was their way of spending

time. Since it was raining outside today and they couldn't go out, they naturally resorted to their usual

method, watching movies.

When Camille saw Grace's question, she was momentarily stunned. She casually raised her phone

and showed it to Ayan, asking, "Has the Armstrong family been causing trouble for Horace lately?"

Ayan read the message clearly and smirked, "Is your sister's brain consumed by love?"

"Love-struck? It does seem like it." Camille smiled faintly, but she was still curious about the earlier

question. She asked, "So, have they been causing trouble or not?"

"I'm not sure."

"You're not sure?" Camille clearly didn't believe it. She said, "You really don't know?"

"I'm not Grace. Why should I pay so much attention to someone like Horace? If I were to constantly

keep an eye on him, he might suspect that I have ulterior motives." Ayan snorted lightly, his deep gaze

fixed on Camille. "Horace is about to collaborate with the Simpson Group, as I mentioned before. If you

insist on whether the Armstrong family has been causing trouble for him, it's probably only related to

Preston. However, once our collaboration is officially established, I estimate that no one in Armstrong

Corp will dare to trouble him for at least the next six months."

Camille was slightly taken aback, giving off an impressed look. She couldn't help but smile and said,

"Are you this capable now?"

"I've always been capable," he confidently replied.

Camille snorted lightly, "You're not modest at all."

"Why should I be modest in front of you, hmm?" Ayan gently held her hand and said calmly, "You can

tell Grace, so she won't be unhappy all day because of Horace."

Camille quickly replied to Grace, informing her that no one was making things difficult for Horace and

also mentioned the collaboration with the Simpson Group. The sisters hadn't contacted each other for a

long time, so they chatted a bit more before ending the conversation, already past eleven o'clock.

They bid each other goodnight, and the chat came to an end. Several trivial matters occurred

throughout the day, but no one knew if this calmness was the prelude to a storm.

The next morning, everyone began another busy day. Armstrong Corp was bustling with activity. They

had a meeting scheduled for nine o'clock, but most executives had already arrived and were waiting at

the company even before working hours.

Horace didn't come directly to the company because of other work arrangements, so he had his

secretary go to the office first. While Preston was riding the elevator, he ran into Horace's secretary.

Preston glanced at the secretary and asked casually, "Why didn't I see Mr. Burris?"

"Good morning, Mr. Walker. Our Mr. Burris has other work arrangements, so he'll come to the company

after finishing his tasks," the secretary explained politely.

Preston merely smirked and calmly looked at the secretary, saying, "I see. I thought Mr. Burris wanted

to avoid the meeting Mr. Armstrong called today, so he specially mentioned having other work

arrangements and not wanting to come to the company."

The secretary noticed the hint of mockery in Preston's eyes and felt quite dissatisfied with his series of

actions. However, he didn't say much and maintained his politeness, responding, "How could that be?

Mr. Armstrong's arrangements are of utmost importance. It's just that Mr. Burris's schedule today is

related to Armstrong Corp, so after careful consideration, he decided to handle his work matters first.

After all, it's for the sake of work, and Mr. Armstrong should understand, don't you think so, Mr.


Preston only smiled lightly without directly giving any response. He heard it clearly but chose not to

answer with a single word. What did that signify?

The secretary silently made a mental note, planning to talk to Horace later when he returned. Preston

was just a project manager after all, daring to treat the company's general manager in such a manner.

Moreover, the secretary held a higher position than Preston as Horace's secretary. They needed to

address this issue.

The two of them arrived at the office floor in the elevator, and the secretary naturally returned to his

own workstation. Since Horace hadn't arrived at the company, everyone began speculating whether

there was a disagreement between Horace and Brody.

Many executives who support Horace came to inquire with the secretary, but the secretary genuinely

didn't know the specifics of Horace's schedule because Horace didn't directly tell him. He only

instructed the secretary to come to the office first while he handled some other matters separately.

Therefore, the secretary was also unaware of what exactly those matters were.

Facing the inquiries, the secretary could only repeat the words he had just said to Preston multiple

times in response.

Some executives who had a closer relationship with Horace were bolder, so their questions were more


"As Mr. Burris's secretary, Mr. Burris would surely inform you of his plans, right? So, could you please

tell us the truth? Did Mr. Burris have a conflict with Mr. Armstrong, leading to his refusal to attend this

meeting? If that's the case, we would at least have an idea and know what to do!"

In response to these inquiries, the secretary could only say, "I genuinely don't know about Mr. Burris's

situation. If Mr. Burris wants me to know, he would definitely tell me. At the moment, it seems that Mr.

Burris doesn't want me to know, so I can't provide you all with an answer. I hope everyone can

understand. As for today's meeting, please handle it as you see fit. After all, everyone knows Mr.

Burris's character and what kind of person he is."

After this exchange, everyone didn't receive a clear answer, and the meeting officially began.

Brody personally convened the meeting and arrived at Armstrong Corp on time.

Since Horace was responsible for all the company matters, Brody hadn't visited Armstrong Corp for

quite some time. Today, he returned to the company to hold the meeting, but Horace was absent.

Instead, he had a secretary represent him in this meeting, which Brody perceived as disrespect and


Brody's face showed clear dissatisfaction, and his eyes were filled with coldness. Preston noticed this,

but he certainly wouldn't speak up himself. Instead, he exchanged a glance with his secretary, Quintus.

In the next moment, Quintus's voice sounded.

Quintus said, "Today, everyone was notified to attend this meeting because Mr. Armstrong has

something important to announce. Unexpectedly, Mr. Burris couldn't attend due to some matters, which

is truly regrettable. However, we don't know the specifics of Mr. Burris's reasons for not attending the

meeting. Could it be that Mr. Burris has some dissatisfaction with Mr. Armstrong holding this meeting,

which is why he doesn't want to participate?"

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