My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1174: Counterargument
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Chapter 1174: Counterargument

Chapter 1174: Counterargument

This statement instantly made the atmosphere tense. Everyone looked at each other, and Horace's

secretary immediately spoke up, "Mr. Burris is the General Manager of Armstrong Corp. Naturally, as

the General Manager, Mr. Burris should attend this meeting. However, he is genuinely occupied with

work matters, which is why he couldn't make it to the meeting. He asked me to apologize to Mr.

Armstrong on his behalf and assured that he will personally apologize once he has resolved his work

issues. We hope that everyone refrains from making baseless accusations or instigating any conflicts

between Mr. Burris and Mr. Armstrong."

After the secretary finished speaking, Quintus wanted to say something, but before he could, Brody

interrupted him displeasedly.

Brody said, "That's enough, no need to say more."

Brody's expression revealed his coldness, reflecting his dissatisfaction with Horace's absence from the


Preston, on the other hand, thought it was good that Horace didn't attend the meeting. Without

Horace's presence, everything would go according to his expectations. If Horace were there, there

might be objections and opposition. So for Preston, it was better this way. It would also make Brody

dissatisfied with Horace, thinking that Horace was disrespecting him.

With these thoughts in mind, a faint smile emerged deep in Preston's eyes, tinged with a sense of

satisfaction. However, since Brody didn't show much emotion, Preston didn't say anything more. He

just urged Brody to start the meeting soon.

Brody's secretary informed everyone of the agenda for today's meeting, saying, "The main reason Mr.

Armstrong called this meeting is due to internal position changes within Armstrong Corp. Although Mr.

Burris is currently in charge of Armstrong Corp, it ultimately belongs to the Armstrong family. So, who

has the final say in Armstrong Corp, I believe everyone here knows."

After the secretary finished speaking, Brody nodded and lightly added, "For the development and future

of Armstrong Corp, I have carefully considered it. Due to the museum project, Mr. Walker's position will

undergo some changes. Now, please discuss and suggest which position would be more suitable for

Mr. Walker?"

Brody threw the challenge to the people present. He wouldn't directly state the position he had in mind

but gave them enough time to discuss. After all, he wanted to give them the space to accept it. More

importantly, he hoped to hear the desired position from someone else's mouth.

Brody is someone who already has ideas and answers in his mind, but he would never directly state

them. He must obtain what he wants from someone else's mouth. That's how he handles things. The

people present can definitely sense Brody's intentions. However, they dare not speak up, especially in

Horace's absence.

When Brody saw that no one showed any intention to discuss, he lightly reminded them, "Why is

everyone staying silent? Speak up and share your thoughts. This is for the good of Armstrong Corp.

Mr. Walker has successfully secured the museum project, and we all know the tremendous benefits it

will bring to Armstrong Corp in the future. In that case, everyone should think carefully about which

position would be suitable for Mr. Walker."

After Brody finished speaking, he glanced briefly at Preston, as if reminding him that it was an

appropriate time to respond. Preston immediately nodded and quickly spoke up, "First of all, I want to

thank everyone for their support and Mr. Armstrong for his trust. Since I joined Armstrong Corp not long

ago, I haven't brought any real benefits to the company. However, I will show my sincerity in the future.

Currently, I have negotiated the museum project, but the project leader feels that my position is slightly

lower, which may affect the project and give the impression that Armstrong Corp doesn't value it.

Therefore, I discussed it with Mr. Armstrong and thought it would be best to consult with all of you to

see your thoughts."

Preston maintained a gentle attitude, without any trace of being forceful. It seemed like he genuinely

accepted whatever others had to say.

The first person to speak up was a high-ranking official who had always supported Horace. He was

currently in charge of the personnel department at Armstrong Corp. He hadn't been with the company

for long, only two or three years. However, during those years, especially before Horace arrived, he

witnessed the true nature of Armstrong Corp. He knew how selfish Brody was and how demanding he

was towards the company's employees. Particularly during the crisis at Armstrong Corp, Brody didn't

hesitate to sacrifice the employees to protect himself. This left the personnel department minister

somewhat dissatisfied. Therefore, he only supported Horace after he took over.

He said, "Mr. Armstrong wants us to choose a position for Mr. Walker? Considering Mr. Walker's

current position, it is already quite high and influential for him. After all, as others have mentioned, he

hasn't made any contributions to Armstrong Corp, yet he has reached such a position. That is quite


"So I don't think there should be any changes to Mr. Walker's current position, considering the

importance of the museum project. We can arrange for other company executives to collaborate with

Mr. Walker on this project. Once the project is successfully completed, we can promote Mr. Walker.

Wouldn't that be a win-win situation? What do you all think of my suggestion?"

With the first person speaking up, others naturally followed suit, expressing their agreement. Of course,

apart from Brody's people, those who remained neutral or supported Horace also sided with the

Minister of Personnel.

Such a choice naturally darkened Brody's expression. He coldly glanced at his people and asked

indifferently, "Is that what you all think?"

Brody's words carried a strong sense of threat, making those people hold their breaths.

Brody snorted and looked at the Minister who spoke earlier and those who supported his opinion. He

said, "Don't forget who the company belongs to. Don't forget the family name behind this company. Just

because someone is currently offering protection doesn't mean it will last forever. Time is long, and the

outcome is still uncertain!"

After Brody finished speaking, those individuals dared not utter another word. Preston, seeing the

situation, slowly spoke up, "Mr. Armstrong, please don't be angry. Their words are indeed true. After all,

I haven't brought any benefits to Armstrong Corp since I joined. Results should speak for themselves.

I'm just not sure if these opinions are personal or if someone is guiding them from behind."

Preston's words carried a strong implication, suggesting that Horace might be behind this orchestratednovelbin

response. The Minister's face turned extremely unsightly, but he did not dare to refute Preston's words

due to Brody's presence.

The entire meeting room fell into silence. Horace's secretary couldn't help but speak up, "Mr. Walker,

what do you mean by that? Please don't speak without understanding the purpose of today's meeting.

Mr. Burris, how could he possibly know what has happened?"

Preston smiled and replied, "I haven't said anything. Why are you in such a hurry?"

Preston didn't say much, but he looked at Brody and said, "Mr. Armstrong, do you have anything else

to say to everyone?"

He was hinting to Brody that he could make an announcement now. Since no one was speaking

anymore, it would be best to make the announcement sooner rather than later. Once Brody's words

were spoken, it would be set in stone. After all, spoken words were unlikely to be retracted, right?

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