My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1172: Action
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Chapter 1172: Action

Chapter 1172: Action

Preston's words stirred something in Brody. Whether Preston gets promoted or not is actually irrelevant

to Brody. The main reason he hesitated and couldn't make a decision was only one thing.

He didn't really want to give Preston an inch, let alone let him firmly establish himself in Armstrong

Corp, because Brody simply wanted to use Preston.

But the current situation forced him to think deeply.

Brody maintained silence, continuously pondering the issue. However, it seemed that Preston's

proposal was the only option.

He not only had to maintain balance in Armstrong Corp but also had to restrain Horace's influence.

Otherwise, Horace would take advantage of this matter to dominate Armstrong Corp and completely

kick Brody out of it.

The more Brody thought about it, the more uneasy he felt, and his facial expression became extremely


After a long silence, Brody finally said in a subdued tone, "I can trust you, and I can promote you and

assign you to handle this project, as you suggested. But you must promise me that all the rumors

concerning me in Armstrong Corp must end immediately. I don't want my personal matters being

brought into the company."

"Don't worry, I know how to handle it." Preston slightly curled his lips, revealing a faint smile. He said,

"You can convene an emergency meeting and personally announce this news. By then, do you think

people will suspect Horace? After all, everyone knows I'm on your side. If I get promoted at this time,

smart people will understand it's to restrain Horace's influence. So, who would the company rumors be

related to?"

Guided by Preston, Brody finally knew exactly what to do. He couldn't wait to remove Horace from

Armstrong Corp altogether. However, the fact that Horace held actual shares in Armstrong Corp made

that unrealistic. Now, he finally had a way to make Horace uncomfortable, so he wouldn't let it slip

away. As for whether there were other hidden motives or other things within this plan, he didn't have

the mind to think about it. He was solely focused on making Horace feel like he had a fishbone stuck in

his throat, unable to swallow or spit it out.novelbin

Brody immediately agreed to Preston's proposal and instructed his secretary to announce the news in

Armstrong Corp.

Everyone thought it was Brody's attempt to clarify the divorce matter with Page, so they were quite

curious about the meeting. After all, gossip is always intriguing.

The meeting was scheduled for the next morning at 9 a. m. As the general manager of Armstrong

Corp, Horace naturally received the news immediately.

Horace simply regarded it as Brody's attempt to clarify the divorce matter, so he didn't pay much

attention to it.

After finishing work in the evening and returning to Maple Leaves Mansion, Horace now cooked for

himself. Even though he was alone, he still enjoyed cooking and wanted to improve his culinary skills to

prepare meals for Grace when she returned. So, every day, the time he spent cooking aligned with the

time he video-called Grace.

Watching his busy figure in the kitchen, a smile unconsciously appeared on Grace's lips. During their

video calls, sometimes they didn't say much, each busy with their own tasks. But it felt like they were

together, even though they hadn't spent much time together. After going through so many things, they

had already formed a deep connection.

Thinking about this, Grace's smile grew deeper, and she softly pursed her lips, asking, "What are you

planning to cook tonight?"

Horace raised his gaze to the Grace on his phone. Her face was uncovered, her bare face clean and

flawless, with delicate skin that seemed immaculate. She looked at Horace like that, and it left him


In a low voice, Horace responded, "Tonight, I'll make braised chicken with tea tree mushrooms and

cook a vegetable soup."

Grace couldn't help but sigh, "I want to eat it too."

Horace paused his actions, his deep eyes also slightly frozen, and his expression subtly stiffened. He

knew Grace felt lonely overseas. Although he arranged for someone to accompany her regularly, it was

still not the same. After all, in a foreign land, everything felt restrictive.

Horace felt uncomfortable in his heart. He looked at Grace, whose eyes were filled with anticipation,

and silently told himself that he had to quickly convince Brody to abandon any thoughts of opposing

him. Then he could proceed with his next move. Only then could Grace return to Hance City as soon as

possible and not be alone overseas.

Grace looked at the silent and somewhat downcast Horace, worry evident in her eyes, and her voice

became particularly gentle as she asked, "Horace, what's wrong?"

Horace snapped out of his thoughts upon hearing her voice. He met Grace's gaze, a faint smile

appearing in his eyes, and he said, "Nothing, I was just thinking about how to make sure you can have

it. If I cook and send it to you after it's done, it might not be as fresh. So, I've decided that after this

busy period, I'll personally come over and cook for you. How does that sound?"

"Really?" Grace felt delighted, and her face lit up with a visible smile. She said, "Then when you come,

you'll have to bring me a lot of things. I want to eat the local dishes of Hance City, and I also want to

have Hance City's pastries."

"How about I just move Hance City to you?"

"That works too, but it might be a bit too much trouble for you, right?"

Grace couldn't help but laugh, her smile even more pronounced than before.

The two of them locked eyes like this, and since Horace didn't need to do anything else for the

moment, he had plenty of time to chat with her.

Horace asked gently, "Grace, have you missed me lately?"

Horace had always given the impression of being somewhat aloof, so when he asked such a question,

Grace was also taken aback.

Because she found it hard to connect Horace with this statement. She always thought that Horace

might not be the type to say such intimate words. It was beyond her imagination and left her

momentarily speechless.

Grace's silent response made Horace laugh, and he asked, "Why aren't you saying anything? Don't

you miss me at all?"

Grace tilted her head and looked at Horace, asking, "What's wrong with you today? Aren't you


Horace was also taken aback and instantly understood her meaning. He said, "Do you think it's

unbelievable that I'm saying these things?"

"Not unbelievable, just a bit unexpected. I didn't expect you to ask me such a question."

"Is it because I usually come across as boring?" Horace asked.

Grace quickly shook her head, "No, it's just that you usually give off a cool and aloof vibe. I thought

someone like that wouldn't express themselves so directly."

"Don't cool and aloof people vary depending on the situation and the person? You are the closest

person to me, so of course, I would show you all my good and bad emotions without reservation. Did I

scare you?"

Horace's eyes remained fixed on Grace, his gaze filled with tenderness and warmth that Grace could


Grace said, "You didn't scare me, I'm actually really happy."

"Happy?" Horace asked.

"Yes, happy."

"Then you still haven't answered my question, so what is your question?" Horace continued to inquire.

Grace bit her lip lightly, her embarrassment clearly visible on her face, and she said, "Can't you feel the


"I want to hear it from your own mouth, hmm?"


"What does 'hmm' mean?"

His continued questioning made Grace's face blush, how did she not realize before that he could be so


Grace lightly pursed her lips and said, "Hmm means I miss you a lot. Are you satisfied with that answer,

Mr. Burris?"

"Hmm, I'm somewhat satisfied, but I hope you can be more direct with your answer next time, alright?"

Horace smiled, his smile covering his entire face, and his eyes sparkled with indulgence as he looked

at Grace.

Grace instantly lost her voice, and Horace stared at her, asking, "Grace, are you angry?"

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