My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1162: Candid
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Chapter 1162: Candid

Chapter 1162: Candid

Camille's response didn't elicit much reaction from Preston, and her tone even carried a hint of

indifference, "Aren't you busy lately?"

Camille didn't bother responding to his words but shifted the topic to something else.

Deep inside, Camille wished she could crawl into a hole and regretted having a phone conversation

with Sienna. These words would probably become the subject of Sienna's mockery for the next year.

Nevertheless, Camille maintained her composure, trying to conceal any discomfort or slip that Preston

might notice.

Preston's expression flickered slightly at Camille's change of topic. A fleeting hint of emotion passed

through his eyes, but he quickly resumed his usual demeanor, so subtle that Camille failed to detect

any change.

He calmly watched Camille and spoke in a low voice, "Not too busy. Armstrong Corp just signed a

contract with the museum, and there are some preliminary tasks to finish. It'll take some time."

Camille nodded lightly, "Well, it seems like you've settled into Armstrong Corp."

"Cami, are you blaming me for something?" Preston asked in a gentle tone, looking at Camille.

Camille blinked involuntarily, feeling a bit stunned. She smiled lightly and countered, "Why would I say

that? I have no intention of blaming you. I merely commented that you seem comfortable at Armstrong

Corp. Did you misunderstand me, Preston?"

Camille wondered how a seemingly harmless statement could lead to yet another misunderstanding

with Preston. Their interactions always seemed to involve misconceptions, and it was becoming


She sighed silently, realizing how exhausting this pattern of communication was. "I didn't mean

anything by that statement. I invited you here today to discuss something else. As for your work at

Armstrong Corp, it's your personal matter and has nothing to do with me. Although my last name is

Jian, and you know about Armstrong Corp, I've never been involved. So, there's no connection."

Camille smiled faintly, her expression exceptionally cool.

Preston hastily reassured her, "Cami, I don't blame you, nor do I have any intention of

misunderstanding. I'm just afraid you might misunderstand me."

"Alright, let's drop this topic. Don't discuss it any further to avoid arguments. Agreed?" Camille


Preston nodded in agreement, "Sure. Let's move on. What did you want to talk to me about today? Is

there something on your mind?"

Camille's reaction remained calm. She looked directly at Preston, her gaze slightly cold and distant.

She kept her eyes on him without blinking until Preston felt a bit uncomfortable and asked, "Cami, why

are you silent?"

Camille's brows furrowed slightly, and her tone turned chilly, "Preston, have you seen the online gossip

about me, insinuations from a tabloid journalist?"

Preston maintained his poker face, showing no signs of surprise or awareness. He nonchalantly

responded, "Someone spreading rumors about you online?"

He seemed genuinely surprised or ignorant.

His acting was too flawless, and Camille couldn't discern any loopholes.

This kind of Preston made Camille feel helpless. Honestly, she didn't know what to do or how to handle

him. The truth was, when she decided to confront Preston, she had anticipated this scenario.

But when the moment arrived, Camille found it somewhat unbelievable.

Upon careful reflection of their past interactions, she wondered if he had exhibited such behavior

before. After all, this time, the information came from Ayan. Without knowing the context, it was easy to

be deceived by Preston's demeanor and responses.

Of course, there was also the possibility that Ayan lied. However, Ayan wouldn't resort to such deceit,

especially not to manipulate her thoughts in this way, as Ayan wasn't that kind of person.

Camille's subconscious inclined toward trusting Ayan blindly. She believed Ayan without any conditions

because Preston had uttered too many lies. Despite knowing him for many years, she felt she had

never truly understood him. Even though they were friends, he never seemed to reveal his true self to


As these thoughts crossed Camille's mind, her expression softened involuntarily. She spoke lightly,

"Preston, some things are clear to both of us. Do I need to spell them out for you?"

"Cami, I don't understand what you mean. Are you suspecting me of something?" Preston looked at

Camille in disbelief, his eyes showing clear astonishment. He seemed hurt by Camille's words and

maintained direct eye contact, appearing completely candid.

Camille didn't respond immediately. Disappointment flickered in her eyes as she took a deep breath

and addressed Preston, "Preston, I thought our purpose in meeting today was to be honest with each

other. It seems I was overly optimistic. I thought too naively."

Camille's indifferent words made Preston's expression turn serious. He gazed at Camille, his voice

hoarse, "Cami, I didn't mean that. I just..."

"Preston, what do you think is most important between friends? Our relationship is different from

others. Although it's said that girls can share everything, we were once good friends who fought side by

side, weren't we? I don't understand why it has come to this, why you doubt me every time I speak to


Camille interrupted Preston, and displeasure became evident on her face. She conveyed to Preston

that she genuinely disliked his current demeanor. He made her uncomfortable, and she had no desire

for prolonged contact with him.

Today, Camille was unlike her usual self, where she ignored everything Preston did. Her emotions

seemed patient, and she responded earnestly to any comments or replies from Preston.

She looked at Preston, her voice somewhat cold, "Preston, can you tell me why?"

Preston was stunned because Camille rarely acted this way. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

The two locked eyes, and Camille persisted in her attitude, insisting on a response from Preston before


The two stood there in a stalemate for a while, and then Preston finally spoke in a low voice, saying,

"Cami, you're right. Between friends, mutual honesty is essential for a lasting and meaningful

relationship. I understand what you mean, and I've always approached our friendship in this way. So,

there won't be any change in our relationship. You can trust me on that."

"Is that so?" Camille chuckled, devoid of confidence. She looked at Preston, her gaze treating him as ifnovelbin

he were a joke. She said, "But you've never spoken a truthful word to me, have you?"

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