My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1163: Complaint
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Chapter 1163: Complaint

Chapter 1163: Complaintnovelbin

Camille spoke each word with utmost clarity, her bright and captivating eyes fixed on Preston. Her lips

curved with a somewhat mocking smile, a smile devoid of any playful intent, reflecting sincere feelings

and thoughts.

Preston, initially caught off guard by Camille's words, froze. His handsome face stiffened, and an

expression of disbelief surfaced.

Opening his mouth, Preston asked, "Cami, what do you mean by that?"

"Isn't my meaning clear enough? I said you've never been honest with me. You've never spoken a

truthful word to me, Preston. You can deny it, but it's a fact, at least in my heart," Camille asserted,

straightforward and unapologetic. If Preston continued to feign ignorance, Camille would likely become

even more direct.

Facing Camille's blunt accusation, Preston found himself momentarily speechless. He didn't feel that

way, and he couldn't understand why Camille harbored such thoughts.

Furrowing his brow tightly, Preston's face became cold and serious. Looking at Camille, he said, "Cami,

I don't know why you would think this about me. I don't know what I did to cause this misunderstanding,

or if someone has been influencing you to perceive our relationship this way."

Camille responded calmly, "No one else is involved. These are my thoughts alone. I don't understand

why you always think third parties are affecting our relationship. I believe relationships, whether

romantic or friendly, are the business of those involved. We shouldn't drag innocent people into it. Why

do you always assume that I can be swayed by others, that someone might manipulate our friendship?

Preston, why do you lack confidence in yourself, or do you think I'm someone without a mind of my


Each of Camille's words was sharper than before, making Preston's thoughts sluggish. He seemed

unaccustomed to this version of Camille.

Frowning deeply, Preston, with a somber expression, looked at Camille. He struggled to articulate,

"Cami, I don't think that way, and I've never thought that way."

"Then tell me why. Why do you always think someone else interferes in our friendship? Did I give you a

false impression, or did I do something to cause this misunderstanding?"

"I didn't misunderstand. I'm just worried, afraid that such a thing might happen."

"Worrying about something that hasn't happened isn't like you, Preston. What are you really thinking?

After all, as I've said, you've never been honest with me." Camille took a silent deep breath, her hands,

resting on her knees, unconsciously clenched. Her voice was calm and composed, "So, I don't think

there's a need to continue this conversation. When you're ready to be honest with me, we can meet

and talk again."

Camille concluded and naturally moved to leave. Seeing this, Preston immediately stood up to stop her.

He said, "Cami, I don't know what your definition of honesty is. Just tell me, explain it to me, and I'll do

as you say, alright?"

Camille countered, "Wouldn't that make it difficult for you? After all, friendship should be voluntary. If

you're not doing it willingly but out of compulsion because I'm leaving, wouldn't I be too selfish?"

Camille's demeanor remained consistently indifferent, and her words carried a touch of ultimate

mockery. Preston, increasingly curious about her reactions today, couldn't help but wonder what she

was thinking. What was wrong with her?

Their gazes collided, and Camille's attitude remained unchanged. Preston fell into a brief silence,

perhaps evaluating something in his mind.

After a few seconds, Preston spoke slowly, "Cami, it's not that you're forcing me. I just want to know

where I fell short, why you think I'm not sincere and hiding something from you. I want to change that."

"Let me ask the same question as at the beginning: How much do you know about the gossip reporter's

exposé online?"

Her eyes stared unwaveringly at Preston, not a single blink. This intense gaze made Preston's

expression subtly uneasy, but he maintained a calm fa?ade.

Without any pause or hesitation, Preston responded immediately, "Cami, I really don't know that gossip

reporter, and I have no idea what you're talking about. If someone is intentionally smearing you, and

you think it's related to me, I can investigate and clear my name. Is that alright with you?"

"Can you help me find out?"

"Of course, as long as you want to know, I can help you get to the bottom of it. Is that okay?" Preston

asked in a tone that sought to please, as if he feared Camille would get angry and leave.

But was that his true sentiment?

Camille didn't know the answer, and she had no time to speculate on Preston's thoughts. Her current

focus was elsewhere. Since Preston was willing to help her investigate, she wanted to see what he

could uncover.

Camille agreed briefly to Preston's proposal. If he wanted to assist, she would let him.

Preston readily agreed, assuring Camille, "Cami, rest assured, I'll handle this matter perfectly for you.

Can you give me another chance to be friends? Let's not let the bond we've built over the years be

damaged by other things."

Camille, unfazed, locked eyes with Preston, saying, "Sure, but you might have misunderstood me. I've

never wanted perfection; I want authenticity."

"I understand," he said in a soft tone.

Taking the initiative, she picked up her coffee cup and handed it to Preston, saying, "Preston, I hope

you can give me a satisfactory answer, a satisfying response to our friendship."

Preston also raised his coffee cup, clinking it with Camille's. The two didn't continue discussing the

previous topic. Preston proactively changed the subject, sharing some recent developments at

Armstrong Corp, including Brody's high regard for him and the growing tension between Brody and

Page. Whenever they met, they argued, and the atmosphere was always charged.

Camille responded with indifference, as she wasn't interested in Brody and Page's affairs.

Observing her reaction, Preston couldn't help but ask, "Cami, are you harboring resentment against


Camille furrowed her brows, meeting Preston's gaze. She chuckled lightly and asked, "Resent them?

What do you mean by resentment? Anger or dissatisfaction?"

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