My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1161: Excitement
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Chapter 1161: Excitement

Chapter 1161: Excitement

"I really had no idea," Sienna said as she picked up the ladle and served him a bowl of soup. "Seeing

you in such a pitiful state, I thought I'd serve you some soup. Once you've had it, you won't be so pitiful,


Rex seemed quite pleased. After all, this was soup personally served by his wife, so naturally, he was

very happy.

The atmosphere during their meal was pleasant, and the conversation flowed easily.

Sienna and Rex were always open with each other, sometimes teasing and joking around.

After dinner, they held hands and took a stroll, perhaps relieved that they didn't have to face Mario

tonight. Sienna's visible mood became more joyful.

But how long could this happiness last?

Would Mario see through her thoughts and the collaboration with Mrs. King?

The next day, after arriving at the company, Sienna told Camille about the situation. Sienna said, "Your

method seems to be quite effective. If things continue like this, I'll probably be able to completely free

myself from Mario soon."

Camille, glancing at Sienna's triumphant expression, calmly said, "Don't celebrate too early. This is just

the beginning. It's still early. If Mario realizes your intentions, he'll definitely come up with other

methods. So, don't get too happy too soon."

Camille's words made Sienna start feeling uneasy again. With a mournful expression, Sienna said,

"Can't you let me be happy for two days? Finally, something good happened, and you directly poked at

my joy. You're really mean!"

"I'm just reminding you. I don't want you to get too arrogant. You won't know where you'll fall when the

time comes."

"What should I do then?"

"Take it step by step. After all, I'm not as smart as Mario. But you have to be prepared. Don't be upset

only after things actually happen."

"Okay, you're right." Sienna nodded lightly and then said to Camille, "How about I find a place to hide?"

Camille didn't respond to her boring suggestion, as it was indeed quite boring. Therefore, she naturally

didn't make any response. She just told her, "Mario is still clueless for now. You can be happy for a few

days. Don't stress yourself too much, okay?"

Sienna nodded lightly, understanding.

Camille and Sienna, the troublesome sisters, seemed to have a temporary relief for Sienna. However,

Camille was still bothered by her own issues.

Ever since she found out that everything recently was related to Preston, she had been thinking about

one question: how to make Preston stop doing such annoying things?

Thinking about these things made Camille's head ache. It was truly annoying.

Camille sighed, and Sienna asked, "What's wrong? Is it because of Preston again?"

"Not entirely because of him, just thinking about how to make everyone satisfied. How to stop these

boring things."

"What do you plan to do?"

"I want to meet him, but I plan to talk to Ayan first. I'll decide after meeting him," Camille said


Sienna nodded gently and asked, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

"Yes, I want you to come with me, but you have to wait in the car. I'll be on the phone with you

throughout. That way, we can have a witness because I really don't want to be alone with him."

Camille's intention was to avoid suspicion and unnecessary trouble by minimizing contact with Preston.

After confirming the plan with Sienna, Camille immediately set things in motion.

She took the initiative to call Preston and suggested meeting for afternoon tea. To avoid spending too

much time alone, she purposely missed the lunch hour and scheduled the meeting for afternoon tea,

which naturally had an earlier end time.

Camille sent a message to Preston to set up the meeting, and his call came in seconds later, almost as

if he couldn't believe Camille would initiate such a meeting, prompting him to confirm.

Once on the call, Preston whispered, "Cami, are you really inviting me for afternoon tea?"

"Yes, is that inconvenient? If you're busy, we can plan for another time."

"Of course not. Where would you like to go? I'll choose the place."


About five minutes after ending the call, Camille received a message from Preston with the details. The

chosen venue was a cafe near Camille's office, known for its good desserts, a place Camille and

Sienna had frequented.

Camille and Sienna arrived early at the cafe but chose to stay in the car. Since Preston hadn't arrived

yet, Camille wasn't in a hurry. She didn't want to risk arriving too early and giving Preston the wrong


While sitting in the car, Sienna observed Camille's somewhat resigned expression and couldn't help but

laugh. "What's up?"

Camille just shook her head, saying, "Nothing, just feeling a bit mentally exhausted."

Sienna chuckled and asked, "How about we leave?"

Camille didn't respond; leaving wasn't an option.

Since she was here, she had mentally prepared herself. The slight sense of resignation she felt wasn't

indicative of anything else; she just found the situation a bit helpless.

That was all.

Sienna handed her a bottle of water and spoke in a gentle, watery tone, "Alright, don't overthink it.

Whatever happens, I'm right at the entrance. If anything comes up, it's just a word away, okay?"novelbin

"I know." Camille nodded lightly, checked the time, and noted that there were still ten minutes before

her scheduled meeting with Preston. She planned to wait one more minute before entering.

She had parked the car in a slightly secluded area to avoid catching Preston's attention.

After a few minutes, Camille opened the car door and went in. Before entering the cafe, she called

Sienna, and they maintained the call as a way to have a witness. It felt somewhat thrilling to Sienna,

like eavesdropping with permission. The difference was that she could openly listen to their


Considering the potential embarrassment if she heard something too private, Sienna felt a bit

embarrassed herself. Would Camille be upset if she overheard some incredible secret?

Thinking about this, Sienna suddenly became full of energy and determination.

Inside the cafe, Preston was already there when Camille entered.

Their arrivals were separated by less than five minutes.

Preston chose a quiet seat near the entrance so he could easily spot Camille. When he saw her, he

instinctively waved and greeted, "Cami."

The cafe wasn't crowded at this time, around 3 PM on a weekday. Most people who came during this

time were relatively leisurely. Those needing to discuss work matters usually opted for quieter private


Camille heard his voice, looked over, locked eyes with Preston, and then walked towards him.

Camille took a seat across from Preston, and their eyes met. He smiled gently, looking at Camille, and

said, "Cami, I didn't expect you'd willingly invite me for afternoon tea. I'm really glad."

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