My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1160: Stability
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Chapter 1160: Stability

Chapter 1160: Stability

At this moment, only Sienna and Mrs. King were present. So, there wasn't the same formality between

them as when Mario was around. Although Mrs. King was happy to have Sienna's company, there were

still some concerns lingering in her heart.

After exchanging glances for a while, Mrs. King calmly asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

Mario lightly pursed her lips, her expression hesitant. She was unsure where to start or how to initiate

the conversation.

Her indecision made Mrs. King's face show a hint of disappointment. Mrs. King asked, "Is it something

difficult to talk about?"

Sienna shook her head and said, "No, it's not that it's difficult. I just don't know how to approach the

topic with you."

She took a silent deep breath, her voice very soft as she continued, "Mom, your visit to Hance City this

time isn't just about seeing me, right? Last time in Flento City, things between us weren't pleasant.

Actually, such unpleasantness wasn't something we wanted to happen, but reality and our respective

positions left us with no choice, isn't that right?"

Sienna smiled awkwardly, a bitter touch on her lips, making Mrs. King's heart ache. Although she

couldn't compare to Mario, Sienna had still grown up by her side. Saying she didn't feel distressed

would be a lie.

Observing Sienna's demeanor, Mrs. King's eyebrows furrowed slightly. She spoke softly to Sienna,

"Sienna, Mom doesn't truly want to sever the mother-daughter relationship with you. Mom is just forced

to do it. There are things you are aware of. Your brother has come a long way, and he absolutely

cannot make any mistakes. If he takes one wrong step, all his efforts will be in vain. So..."

"Mom, I understand what you mean. I know you're not targeting me. My brother has worked really hard

to reach this point in the King family. I'm well aware of that. So, I understand that what you're doing is

for my brother's good. I don't have any complaints or blame. That's also the main reason why I came to

talk to you today."

Mrs. King looked at Sienna with confusion. She asked, "Talk about your brother's matters?"

"Yes." Sienna nodded gently. She spoke at a moderate pace, "The reason why my brother is so

persistent now is because he's used to having me behind him. As long as he turns around, he can see

me with one glance. But suddenly, I changed. I have my own circle and world now. When he turns

around, he sees an empty scene. He's not used to it, just not used to it. It's only that. Once he slowly

adapts, he'll realize that behind him isn't just me, but many others. He just hasn't noticed it temporarily."

Every word from Sienna was considered for Mario. This behavior naturally pleased Mrs. King. Sienna

met Mrs. King's probing gaze without avoiding it, continuing, "Mom, I need your cooperation. As long as

you cooperate with me, my brother will soon see clearly. Once he does, he won't continue his current


Mrs. King, puzzled, looked at Sienna and asked, "How do I cooperate with you?"

"Rest assured, it won't harm your relationship with your son." Sienna gave Mrs. King a preemptive

reassurance. Then, she continued, "Didn't my brother want you to come to Hance City to cooperate

with him? So, you follow his instructions. However, I'll refuse you for various reasons. On your side,

follow my brother's arrangements. I'll just refuse more decisively. You mustn't be unhappy about it,


Sienna explained in a low voice, and Mrs. King fell into a brief silence, seemingly seriously considering

whether Sienna's suggestion would be effective.

Currently, she was indeed doing things according to Mario's wishes, but the result was only an

increasing number of meetings between Sienna and Mario because of her. Was Mario hoping that,

through this method, the two would develop feelings over time?novelbin

Mrs. King actually knew from the beginning that these thoughts had arisen from the moment Mario

spoke to her. However, she couldn't refuse Mario's words.

Mrs. King sighed silently, then spoke slowly, "Sienna, is this method effective?"

"Whether it's effective or not, we'll only know once we try, right?" Sienna smiled faintly, reaching out to

hold Mrs. King's hand. She whispered, "Mom, let me be honest with you. I don't like my brother. I have

no romantic feelings or emotions for him. I love my husband deeply, and he's irreplaceable in my life.

So, I can't entertain the thought of anyone else."

"What my brother needs is not a wife with no background like me. I can't provide him with any

assistance, and that's been your concern all along."

"Sienna, I..."

"Mom, let me finish." Sienna interrupted Mrs. King. Although her words were direct and lacked any

delicacy, she continued, "Mom, I don't want to blame you. I just want to tell you my most genuine

thoughts. I want you to know what's in my heart. Because my brother has worked so hard to get to

where he is, he must ensure that he becomes more and more stable. Otherwise, he won't reach the


After Sienna finished speaking, Mrs. King nodded repeatedly. She took the initiative to open her arms

and embraced Sienna. She said, "Sienna, I'm sorry. It's Mom's fault. Blame me for not explaining

clearly to you and for only considering my own thoughts without thinking about you."

"Mom, let's not talk about the past. Let's focus on the present. So, what do you think of my suggestion?

Do you want to cooperate with me?"

Mrs. King nodded gently. "Of course, let's do it your way!"

Sienna and Mrs. King reached an agreement, forming a solid collaboration. Although the two women

sometimes faced off against each other, once they reached a common goal, they became the most

stable working relationship.

One point was reached in their collaboration, and that was to start from now.

So, when Mario suggested that Mrs. King invite Sienna over for dinner that evening, Sienna directly

found a reason to refuse. This kind of refusal didn't raise much suspicion from Mario; she simply

assumed Sienna had genuine reasons.

So, the matter was dropped.

Sienna didn't go to the hotel to accompany Mrs. King and instead stayed home with Rex.

The two sat in the dining room having dinner. Rex, feeling a bit puzzled, asked, "Didn't the King family

invite you tonight?"

Sienna paused, subconsciously looking up at Rex. She countered, "Do you not want to see me?"

"Don't wrongly accuse me." Rex served her a dish and continued, "I don't have such thoughts. I'm just

afraid you'll be delayed because of me. After all, the King family is also important to you. I don't want to

put you in a difficult situation. I'd rather bear a little inconvenience myself than see you struggling."

Rex said this with a serious expression, and his gaze and tone made it seem like he meant every word.

His earnestness made Sienna find it quite amusing. She said lightly, "Are you pretending to be pitiful?"

"Am I not really pitiful?" Rex raised an eyebrow, looking at Sienna with a gentle smile. His eyes seemed

to be waiting for Sienna's comfort and care.

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