My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1159: Familiar Face
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Chapter 1159: Familiar Face

Chapter 1159: Familiar Face

Mario remained silent, and Mrs. King continued, "Your actions are drawing close scrutiny from both the

King family and King Group. Didn't you say your marriage was meant to stabilize King Group? Why the

change in focus? And about Rex, even though I don't have a complete understanding of the Ward

family's position and influence in Hance City, you know it. You should be aware of what takes


Mrs. King felt anxious and worried in her heart. She was afraid that Mario might make regrettable

decisions, as it would undermine everything he had worked for.

With concern in her eyes, she gently placed her hand on Mario's arm and said, "Mario, can you listen to

me just this once? In the past, I've always followed your decisions, but this time, can you follow mine?

Stop entangling yourself with her. You've seen it yourself; she doesn't have any regard for you now.

Everything has passed, so let it end here, alright?"

Mario didn't respond to Mrs. King's question. Instead, his gaze became faintly cold as he looked at her.

He said, "We've reached the hotel. Get some rest; I won't accompany you upstairs."

"**Mario!!**" Mrs. King looked at his evasive demeanor with great helplessness and unease. She said,

"Why must you persist like this?"

Mario's expression turned particularly unpleasant, and his voice, cold as ice, stated, "As I've told you

before, once I've made a decision, no one can change it. So, don't say these things again. I don't like

hearing them, understand?"

Having uttered these indifferent words, Mario didn't wait for Mrs. King's response. He immediately

instructed, "Take my wife upstairs."

This instruction was directed at the secretary driving the car in front. The secretary nodded

immediately, got out of the car, and opened the door on Mrs. King's side. He whispered, "Madam, let

me take you upstairs."

Mrs. King's mood was exceptionally unpleasant, especially watching Mario act so stubbornly. It was a

sign that something significant would happen next.

She let out a cold snort and indifferently said, "No need. I have my own legs."

Having said that, she immediately got out of the car and walked straight into the hotel, heading


After watching Mrs. King enter the hotel lobby, the secretary followed suit, getting back into the car. He

turned to Mario and asked in a low voice, "Miss King, should I take you back to your residence?"

Since Mario came to Hance City, he had stayed in a hotel for a few days. To make things more

convenient, the secretary had rented a luxury apartment for him. Currently, Mario was staying in the

apartment. In fact, the apartment could accommodate Mrs. King as well, but Mario was unwilling to live

with her.

Mario had been living alone since he moved out of the King family when he started college. After so

many years, he had grown accustomed to living by himself.

He didn't respond to the secretary's words, keeping his face stern as he continued to gaze out of the

window, lost in thought.

After a considerable amount of time, he finally reacted. He spoke in a detached tone, "Go back."

The secretary nodded and immediately started driving.

Mario's voice continued impassively, "In the next few days, find someone to accompany her. If Sienna

invites her, inform me truthfully."

The secretary nodded again, "Understood, I'll follow your instructions."

Without saying another word, Mario maintained his silence as they returned to the apartment.

Mrs. King's arrival in Hance City completely disrupted Sienna's original plans. With Mrs. King around,novelbin

Sienna often found it hard to avoid running into Mario.

As their interactions increased, Sienna began to sense that something was amiss.

Unable to address it directly, Sienna privately discussed it with Camille. "What should I do?" she asked.

Camille, maintaining a silent composure, looked at Sienna with a faint expression. She said, "Do you

think Mario is intentionally getting closer to you?"

"For now, that's the only possibility I can think of. I don't know if he has any other intentions or motives

besides this," Sienna replied.

Sienna didn't believe her charm could draw Mario to the point where he couldn't resist. She simply

understood the kind of person Mario was. If something didn't go the way he intended, he wouldn't give

up easily.

Sienna knew Mario's mindset, and Camille knew Sienna's.

Camille pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "Don't worry. His thoughts are his own. Just stay true to

yourself. Also, be honest with Rex. Don't hide anything from him, okay?"

"I know. I've already told him that I'll be meeting Mario's mom frequently. He understands what I

implied. He didn't say anything. I understand that he just doesn't know what to say, and he can't stop

me from meeting her, right?" Sienna said with a slightly embarrassed smile, a hint of bitterness in her


Camille said, "Saying it at least lets him know. But if you don't say anything, he won't know anything.

Hearing it from someone else is definitely uncomfortable, right?"

"Yes, you're right." The two locked eyes. Camille beckoned with her finger and whispered, "Does

Mario's mom really want him to be with you?"

Camille's sudden question made Sienna's expression stiffen for a moment. She instinctively wanted to

refute Camille's words but suddenly realized another layer of meaning in Camille's statement.

Seeing her stiff expression, Camille smiled faintly. "If she didn't want it before, does that mean she

wants it now? Even if she does now, is it genuine?"

"Are you suggesting..."

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Now, I think only she can help you, and only she can help you,


Camille raised her eyebrows, a hint of a mysterious smile playing on her lips.

Seeing her like this, Sienna felt a strange familiarity. Eventually, she realized that this was the same

expression Ayan would wear.

With Camille's suggestion, Sienna wasted no time.

Camille told her that she didn't need to hint or test the waters; she just had to directly talk to Mrs. King.

If Mrs. King saw sincerity in her attitude, it might help restore their relationship to what it used to be.

After all, in the past, many topics had not been broached. Although some things might become

irreversible once said, Sienna's relationship with the King family only needed to maintain a facade of

friendliness and intimacy.

After all, she wasn't Mrs. King's biological daughter. Mrs. King would never treat her as a biological

daughter, let alone compare her to Mario. Their statuses were different, so how could there be any

comparison? Mrs. King immediately went to find Mrs. King, and to avoid running into Mario, Sienna

specially bought fruits and a bouquet of flowers to bring along.

Arriving at the hotel, Mrs. King was watching TV alone, looking a bit bored. She was delighted to see

Sienna and invited her to sit down.

Sitting beside Mrs. King, Sienna pursed her lips and quickly got to the point, "Mom, I have something

I'd like to discuss with you. What's your opinion?"

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