My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1148: Epilogue
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Chapter 1148: Epilogue

Chapter 1148: Epilogue

After this news came out, although it didn't immediately attract a lot of replies and onlookers, it was still

seen by a few people who then rushed to reply below. Almost every half an hour, they would come

back and ask about the owner's condition.

The owner always replied, but after five or six hours, there was no trace of them. Everyone attributed

this situation to Ayan and wondered what he had done to the owner.

So in the sixth hour after this comment appeared, Kian received a call from Hance City Police


The other side said: "We want to talk to Mr. Ayan about some things. Our people are already on their

way to Simpson Group and we hope Mr. Ayan will cooperate."

Kian immediately reported this matter to Ayan because when the police called, cooperation was


Ayan didn't show much expression after hearing it; he just looked at Kian silently before saying lightly:

"Bring them directly into my office."

"Will that cause others' speculation?"

"What is there for them to speculate? If something really happened, wouldn't the police have

summoned me directly instead of coming here themselves?!"

Ayan snorted lightly with a hint of coldness in his eyes and face as if he didn't care about this matter at


However, his brow suddenly furrowed slightly as he asked indifferently: "Go check online how that thing

is going now?"

"It hasn't been popular these past few days so there shouldn't be any problems," Kian said while

checking the gossip reporter's personal account but found nothing new before being interrupted by the

arrival of police officers.

Their speed was fast without giving anyone any chance for preparation; they clearly came prepared.

Kian quickly put away his phone then left the office waiting for police officers at elevator while feeling

anxious whereas Ayan remained calm sitting behind his desk without showing any signs of panic ornovelbin

nervousness despite having some doubts in his mind as why did police come personally?

At first, Ayan couldn't quite guess what was going on. He just squinted his eyes and kept a cold

expression on his face as the police officers arrived at the office with Kian. Even though they were

police officers, they seemed slightly nervous around Ayan, who naturally exuded a strong aura.

Ayan asked them to sit down and chat while Kian poured tea for everyone. Then he calmly spoke up: "I

assume you two came all this way to find me for something?"

The two police officers exchanged glances before one of them replied: "Mr. Simpson, it's like this...

We've received several reports from citizens about some incidents related to you recently, so we

wanted to come here and verify some information."

"Reports about me?" Ayan raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Yes," the officer nodded hesitantly.

Ayan smiled faintly and said: "What happened? It seems like I haven't been doing well enough if people

are reporting me to the police."

"Mr. Simpson, please don't say that," the other officer chimed in quickly. "You've made great

contributions to Hance City and society as a whole, not to mention your family's long-standing charity

work. We're aware of all that."

"That's all within my scope of responsibility; nothing worth mentioning," Ayan replied nonchalantly

before turning his gaze back onto the two officers again. He asked them directly: "So what exactly is

going on? What could have prompted people to report me?"

After hearing him speak so calmly despite being accused by others behind his back, both officers felt

unsure how they should react or interpret his behavior.

Don't tell us he isn't even angry?

They thought silently but dared not ask out loud.

"We heard there was something circulating on Twitter lately that involves you," one officer finally spoke

up in a low voice after exchanging another glance with their colleague beside him.

"Somebody claimed that you had abused Mrs. Simpson at home." The officer continued carefully while

observing Ayan's reaction closely."It seems like this incident was exposed by an anonymous gossip

reporter who hasn't been seen or heard from since then. We tried contacting him but failed, and neither

did any of his friends or family members know where he went. So..."

"So do you think I'm involved in this matter?" A faint smile still lingered on Ayans lips as he asked

casually without showing any signs of anger or frustration. This calm demeanor left both policemen

wondering what exactly was going through Ayans mind right now?

Do these accusations not affect him at all?

The thought crossed their minds, but neither dared ask. Accordingly, the other policeman responded

quietly:"Please don't misunderstand us Mr. Simpson. We believe in your innocence. However, due

process requires us investigate such matters when reports pile up."

Ayan nodded and said, "I understand. So, what do you need to know? Ask away!" Ayan was very

cooperative, and the police were naturally very friendly. They explained in detail the contents of the

report they received over the phone. From their explanation, Ayan learned that not only could they not

contact gossip reporters but also two netizens who had commented on whether it was related to him.

If it were just a coincidence for one person, then three people should be more than just a coincidence.

Therefore, the police did not believe this was fake news and decided to come over to Simpson Group

despite facing pressure from above.

After listening for a while without saying anything or showing any emotions on his face, Ayan finally

spoke up: "Since these people are missing now, I need you guys to find them as soon as possible.

Even if I have great abilities, I cannot bear this responsibility alone if something happens. So please

investigate quickly and clear my name."

The two policemen looked at each other but quickly replied: "We understand Mr. Simpson's concerns

and will do our best to investigate this matter."

Kian spoke up at this point: "Thank you both for coming here today and communicating with us about

this issue. If the police had ignored it completely and something happened later on... well then Mr.

Simpson would be in hot water indeed." The policemen didn't know how to respond.

Ayan added: "Please feel free to contact my secretary if there is anything else we can do or help with."

"Thank you for your cooperation," said one of the policemen.

"You're welcome," replied Ayan calmly.

The conversation came close an end after that exchange of words between them all.

Ayan glanced briefly at Kian before he left with his two colleagues from Simpson Group's office building

via elevator.

As they walked towards it together Kian asked quietly: "Do either of you happen know who reported Mr.

Simpson's activities?"

The officers denied knowing anything about that particular matter immediately after being asked by


Kian wasn't in a rush and calmly explained, "I don't have any ulterior motives. Mr. Simpson asked me to

specifically ask this question, but I'm just personally curious because I want to know who knows so

much about this matter and who has such a strong hatred towards Mr. Simpson that they would do

something like this. Honestly, do you two believe it? Because I certainly don't."

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