My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1147: Irony
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Chapter 1147: Irony

Chapter 1147: Irony

Camille could understand this idea, how could Mario not understand it? But she couldn't figure out why

he would do this now. Maybe Ayan would have an idea? Camille planned to ask Ayan when she got

home tonight and see what he had to say so she could give Sienna some advice.

She wanted Sienna to be happy and carefree without any disturbances or disruptions. Camille knew

almost everything about Sienna's life, which was why they were so close and cherished each other.

Because Camille had seen all of her struggles, how could she not unconditionally support her?

The party lasted until the early morning hours before everyone went home with their respective drivers

or secretaries. Although Camille and Ayan were going in the same direction as Sienna and Rex, they

rode separately back to Franklin Bay.

Ayan had two drinks at the party, so he was a bit tipsy now. He leaned heavily on Camille's shoulder as

they walked together, making her feel exhausted from his weight.

But Camille had no choice but to endure it because he was her man after all.

When they arrived back at Franklin Bay, the driver asked politely if Mrs. Simpson needed any help but

she declined his offer. She helped Ayan into their bedroom alone before getting up again to make him

some honey water.

However, just as she stood up straight again after helping him sit down on the sofa in their room, Ayan

suddenly reached out and pulled her into his arms with forceful strength that made it clear that he

wouldn't let go easily.

Camille frowned instinctively and struggled against him but found it impossible to break free from his

grasp. "Let me go first," she whispered softly.

Ayan didn't listen though; instead of loosening his grip on her waist like a vice-like hold that made

breathing difficult for her - even causing pain - he tightened it further instead!

Camille took a deep breath before asking: "Are you really drunk?"

Ayan remained silent without denying or admitting anything while continuing with his tight embrace

around her body which caused discomfort due its intensity squeezing around tightly enough for air

supply being cut off completely if prolonged enough time elapsed without release from such pressure

applied upon one's chest area by another person who refused letting go despite pleas otherwise given

repeatedly by those trapped within such clutches!

Ayan finally had a slight reaction. He opened his deep eyes and met Camille's gaze. He asked, "What

did you talk about with Sienna tonight?"

Camille frowned slightly and asked lightly, "We talked about a lot of things. Which one are you referring


"What did Sienna tell you?" Ayan continued to ask.novelbin

Camille really couldn't understand anything, so naturally she looked confused.

Without waiting for Camille to speak, Ayan said directly, "Did Rex make some money for her and show

off to you?"

After hearing this, Camille finally understood. She smiled helplessly and said, "So you don't think I'm

disappointed because I didn't get any money in my heart."

She estimated that Rex must have told him everything which made him think that she would be


Ayan's gaze was always fixed on Camille as if he wanted to see clearly whether she would be

disappointed or have any other thoughts towards him.

Camille was really tired of being tormented by the drunken Ayan.

She stared at Ayan without blinking for a moment and said seriously: "Sienna did tell me about it

because of the reward Rex gave her when she entered the preliminary round. But this has nothing to

do with me. And your card is here with me? I don't have any feelings of disappointment or anything

else at all. So don't overthink it? Okay?"

Camille was afraid that Ayan wouldn't agree because these two men were constantly comparing

themselves like children who always thought "I have what you don't". She couldn't wait even for a

second longer; she really wanted to send a message complaining about Rex sleeping on the couch

tonight! Of course, she couldn't actually send it but only thought it in her mind.

The only thing worth celebrating is that Ayan listened carefully when Camilla explained herself so now

she's more convinced than ever before that Rex showed off his wealth which led him misunderstand

due to not noticing their facial expressions while they chatted together earlier.

Aya looked at Camilla seriously and said: "Don't envy others; what others have is also something that

belongs to you too; what others do not possess is also something within your reach."

He continued saying: "Everything I own belongs solely to you but sometimes I may overlook certain

things so feel free let me know or give me some hints."

Camilla nodded her head in agreement saying: "Okay then since we've cleared up everything can we

go take our shower now?"

Ayan finally agreed to take a shower, but he refused to let go of Camille's hand. "Together," he said.

Without waiting for Camille's response, Ayan pulled her towards the bathroom.

Camille had no chance to refuse and couldn't resist Ayan anyway. Nothing happened once they were

inside, but when they came out, they were both disoriented.

The preliminary round of the design competition ended without any dreams that night. The semi-finals

would be held in a month, but Sienna wasn't nervous at all. It was her assistant who asked anxiously:

"When will we start working on the designs for the semi-finals?"

Sienna replied calmly: "No rush. Let's take a few days off and I'll let you know when I feel inspired."

Sienna and Camille had agreed not to put too much pressure on themselves because sometimes

pushing too hard could hinder creativity. They needed to relax and find inspiration before coming up

with their best ideas.

So Sienna stayed at home doing nothing every day except eating and sleeping - it seemed like an

uneventful life from an outsider's perspective. Only Camille and Rex knew that she was just taking

some time off for herself.

While Sienna relaxed, Camille kept busy with work since their company had received several projects

from well-known companies recently.

Meanwhile, those who had been secretly watching them didn't stop either - even though the news

about Ayan being abusive towards Camille slowly died down after some time, there were still curious

netizens who wanted updates on what happened next.

However, the gossip journalist who started it all hadn't posted anything new since then which made

some people wonder if Mr Simpson silenced him or her somehow: "Do you think Mr Simpson took care

of this person? Why hasn't there been any updates for so long? Could it be true after all? After all only

truth requires urgent silence! Oh my god! What have I discovered?! Help me! Can anyone share my

burden right now?"

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