My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1146: Worries
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Chapter 1146: Worries

Chapter 1146: Worries

Actually, this is also his concern. If Mario partners with Preston, things will definitely be tricky. Although

he can't do anything to him, it will at least make him temporarily deal with the two of them.

After Ayan's words, Rex also sighed silently. He whispered, "So you're saying that Mario hasn't stooped

as low as Preston?"

Ayan glanced at Rex and said in a particularly cold voice, "Mario is not stupid. He won't choose to

cooperate with Preston unless he wants to end up like the Walker family."

After all, Preston has been calculating against the Walker family for so many years. Although his

methods may have received a lot of praise and people think he is a person with tactics and scheming

abilities since he has climbed step by step from an adopted son's identity until now; even though now

he hasn't gained anything from the Walker family yet but still they haven't recovered their former glory

either and the people of the Walker family are still abroad.

Just this point alone fully confirms that Preston's scheming cannot be ignored.

Speaking of the Walker family means we must also talk about Armstrong Family now.

Rex asked lightly: "So you mean Mario is still a good person?"

Ayan was taken aback and subconsciously looked at Rex asking: "So if he were a good person then

are you planning on letting him go?"novelbin

"What are you talking about? This is impossible! This is my bottom line; it's something I can never

agree to." Rex immediately denied it without hesitation because even hesitating for one second would

show disrespect towards this relationship and feelings.

Ayan rarely didn't argue back but just nodded faintly: "That's good."

The three chatted for a while before Camille, Sienna and Yessica came over too.

They were ready to start dinner officially so they didn't chat for long before joining everyone else at the

table together.

Although Ayan and Rex were there too, Camille and Sienna made everyone feel comfortable without

any pressure or discomfort needed because everyone was young after all; they weren't that rigid either

so this meal had very good atmosphere which was equivalent to Camille's team building event

However, this team building included bringing along families too

Since dinner finished early, Rex invited Ayan, Kian, and others out for drinks in club.

Although Kian was Ayan's secretary, but privately she treated everyone like friends since they have

known each other for years

Upon arriving at the club, not only were Ayan, Rex, and Kian there, but Derek and Tomas had also

shown up. Everyone had been busy with their own things lately, so it was rare for them all to be

together like this. Naturally, they couldn't meet without having a drink or two. While the men were

drinking and chatting away, Camille and Sienna weren't idle either. They found a corner to sit in and

watched the men from afar.

Sienna said in a nonchalant tone,"Rex just earned me some money; he said it's my reward for making

it into the preliminaries."

Camille immediately turned her attention towards Sienna. If she could say something like that with such

an unsure tone of voice then naturally this sum of money wasn't small.

"How much did he give you?" Camille asked flatly.

Sienna pursed her lips slightly as she smiled faintly,"Take a look yourself." She handed over her phone

which was lying on the coffee table.

Camille frowned slightly before taking Sienna's phone from her hand to take a quick glance at what

was on screen. Oh boy! She didn't expect that amount of money; six zeros!

"So are you trying to show off your wealth?" Camille snorted disdainfully.

"Am I? No way! How could I possibly show off my wealth? You know me too well; math isn't my strong

suit so I don't really understand how much this is worth." Sienna explained innocently while shrugging

her shoulders.

"I suggest you act more humble because if you continue flaunting your wealth like this then I might just

transfer it all away from you." Camille warned jokingly.

"Aww come on! I'm not trying to brag or anything; I'm just curious about how much Rex would give me

if I won first place in the finals or something similar." Sienna replied playfully while batting her

eyelashes at Camille.

"Well even if you don't win first place but still want that kind of reward then Rex will probably give it to

you anyway since he doesn't care about these things as long as he has faith in someone."

Camilla wasn't exaggerating because both Ayan and Rex were alike when they believed in someone

wholeheartedly they wouldn't care about materialistic things anymore especially now when they were

married everything belonged equally between them both.

It was no different for Sienna since she got married without signing any prenuptial agreement nor did

she ask for any restrictions whatsoever

For companies like the Simpson family and the Ward family, there is a great risk involved. If Camille

becomes unreasonable and greedy for their money during the divorce, then they will have to split some

of it.

As they thought about this, both of them couldn't help but sigh.

Sienna said, "I promise I'll be nicer to Rex from now on. I can't keep bullying him. I want him to feel


Camille just looked at Sienna silently and wondered if she needed to change anything. She treated

Ayan well and was gentle with him, so did she really need to change?

She said to Sienna, "Maybe you shouldn't change after all? I'm afraid he won't be used to it if you do.

He might think you did something wrong."

When Sienna heard the word "wrong," she started worrying again.

She looked at Camille and said, "What should I do? Mario hasn't left yet. His secretary keeps sending

me messages about his progress in Hance City where he rented an office space for five years. What

does that mean? Is he going to stay in Hance City for five years?"

Camille comforted her softly saying,"Don't worry about it; he's a man who prioritizes profits above

everything else. He won't delay things because of you or any other non-business-related issues for too


"If he stays away from Flento City for too long, don't you think others will start having ideas? Won't

shareholders or executives start thinking differently?"

"The King family has worked hard just to get where they are today; Mario can't possibly think that

everything's going smoothly now right? Of course not! We know better than anyone else what kind of

person Mario is - someone who only cares about business and profit."

"How could he give up on King Group because of Sienna?"

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