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Chapter 1145

Chapter 1145

Because Ayan had worked up a sweat walking, he went to freshen up as soon as he got back. Camille

was downstairs watching TV, waiting for confirmation of the departure time for dinner with Sienna. She

heard about the parking lot design competition and hadn't had a chance to ask Ayan yet. So she went

straight upstairs and found Ayan just coming out of the shower. Their eyes met, but Camille felt shy and

looked away. Ayan noticed this and chuckled, "Embarrassed? It's all yours, what are you afraid of?"

Camille frowned and said, "Be serious, I have something to ask you."

"Okay, go ahead."

Camille asked in a calm tone,"Are you close with Crystal?"

Ayan shook his head,"Not really close but I know her. After you told me about her earlier today I had

Kian look into her background information then she showed up at the design competition today while

we were waiting for you so she greeted me when she saw me there but what about you two? Are you

close? She said that you cheered her on which made her feel happy!"

Camille blinked lightly and caught a hint of jealousy in his words.

"We're both girls after all," Camille replied,"There was also some misunderstanding because of my

assistant before so when she saw those rumors online she immediately showed concern for me so I

thought it would be nice if I responded by cheering her on too."

Camille gave a simple response.

Ayan nodded along saying,"Since your willing to respond like that it seems like your decision is that

shes not bad enough to become friends with right?"

"I don't know," Camile said honestly,"I just feel like she is overly enthusiastic which makes it hard to


Ayan could tell from her hesitation that there was an inner conflict within herself but some things were

destined; they couldn't be stopped or resisted.

"It's not really an issue being friends with someone who makes us happy," Ayan stated calmly,"As long

as we enjoy ourselves then other things shouldn't matter right?"

"Yeah…" Camile agreed softly.

Afterwards, Camile didn't press further into asking when he would talk more with Crystal even though

they investigated Crystal before; even if Sienna ran into him again, Ayaan wouldn't say more than half

a word about their conversation together.

Ayan's personality was such that he would never say a word more than necessary, especially when

there was no benefit or relevance to him. But Camille, at the moment, had no awareness and no

intention of thinking any further about it.

After the topic had ended, the two of them tidied up and were ready to go out for dinner. It wasn't just

the four of them; there were also employees from their company.

This was also the first time that company employees had eaten with people like Ayan and Rex.

Although they already knew about Camille's relationship with Ayan and Sienna's relationship with Rex,novelbin

they all had a strict character when it came to not prying into others' private lives. This was mainly why

Camille had been able to work with them for so long.

Sienna reserved a large private room where everyone could sing karaoke or play games together

without feeling awkward or bored.

Camille and Sienna took care of their colleagues while Ayan and Rex took care of themselves as family

members. And oh yes, Camille and Sienna invited Kian too!

As guests invited by Camille and Sienna, they naturally said to both men: "Take care of Kian."

Kian couldn't believe his ears! He felt like he'd hit the jackpot being taken care of by these two big

shots! He quickly stood up saying: "Mr Simpson, Mr King I don't need any special treatment."

But before he could do anything else Ayan reached out his hand snatching away Kian's teapot saying

in a calm voice: "When your boss tells you something you can't refuse right? Today you will enjoy

yourself as our guest!"

He personally poured tea for Kian pushing it towards him saying gently: "Kian, please drink some tea!"

Kian felt like if he drank this cup then his job security would be gone but if he didn't then it wouldn't

make much difference either way - so might as well drink it! At least later on he could brag about

drinking tea served by Mr Simpson himself!

Trembling slightly in fear Kian lifted up his teacup taking a sip before whispering softly: "Thank you Mr


Rex couldn't help but laugh seeing how nervous Kain looked: "Don't be shy now Kain - since you're our

guest today we want you to enjoy yourself!"

Rex had just finished speaking when Ayan let out a cold sneer and a dismissive laugh. He said, "So

Sienna isn't the one participating in the competition today? It has nothing to do with you, right? Then I

think it's time to notify Mario. He would be more than happy to entertain guests on your behalf."

Ayan always spoke with a sharp tongue, especially when it came to Rex. Some of his words were

enough to leave Rex speechless because he was no match for him.

Rex looked at Ayan helplessly and could only say to Kian, "Kian, if you ask me, working under this kind

of boss will slowly turn you into someone with a bad temper like him. No woman would like that. So

why don't you come work for me instead? We can negotiate compensation freely."

Kian never thought he would become so popular one day but he could only admire Rex in his heart

without showing any expression on his face and kept quiet.

Fortunately, Rex didn't continue harassing Kian and Ayan didn't pay attention either.

The three of them stopped thinking about their own thoughts and returned their focus back on business


Ayan asked in a calm tone,"What's your plan with Mario?"

This question was naturally directed towards Rex.

He sighed heavily before saying,"What else can we do? Since he arrived in Hance City after eating

dinner at The Ward's mansion last time we haven't seen him around much. What do you think he

means by that?"

Rex looked at Ayan and asked,"Didn't he start collaborating with you already?"

"Starting collaboration is not the same as working together; it's just cooperation for now. Besides, the

Jiang family hasn't officially started yet so we still have some days left until then; probably when the

designer competition enters its final stage." replied Ayan calmly before turning his gaze towards Kian

asking,"What has Mario been up to lately?"

Kian immediately answered,"He's looking for an office space."

After all if Mario wanted to develop his business in Hance City then naturally they needed an office

space too.

Kian continued saying, "Mr. Simpson there is something else I found out today too - Preston

approached Mario before our collaboration but got rejected by him. They seemed not very pleased

talking about it."

A deep look appeared on Ayan's eyes as they narrowed slightly while responding calmly, "As long as

he doesn't collaborate with Preston, everything should be fine."

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