My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1144: Avoidance
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Chapter 1144: Avoidance

Chapter 1144: Avoidance

Before Camille could react, Ayan had already walked towards them. The three assistants, seeing this,

quickly got into the car.

Ayan approached the two women, and his gaze naturally fell on Camille first. Seeing that Camille

showed no extra expression, he subconsciously looked at Sienna. He said, "Congratulations, excellent


Sienna was satisfied with the title. She nodded lightly and replied, "Thank you for your congratulations,

Mr. Simpson. I gladly accept it!"

Sienna's gaze swept back and forth between the two, and she said casually, "You two go ahead and

chat. I'll take the team back to the company. We have dinner tonight; Mr. Simpson, would you like to


Ayan nodded, "Sure."

Sienna glanced at Camille, her eyes seemed to say, "Sorry, my dear, but I have to leave now."

If she didn't leave, Sienna felt that Ayan might directly ask her to leave, given the awkward atmosphere.

It was better for her to take the initiative.

After Sienna left, only Camille and Ayan were left in place.

Camille still had no reaction. Ayan took the initiative to step forward and gently pulled her into his arms.

He asked in a low voice, "What's wrong? Are you still angry about last night? I apologize to you. I

promise it won't happen again, okay?"

Camille snorted lightly, lifted her gaze to meet his eyes, the look in her eyes seemed to say, she

wouldn't believe his apology and promise.

Seeing Camille's angry face, Ayan found it even more adorable. The deeper he looked, the more

indulgent his eyes became. Eventually, he couldn't help but pull her into his arms and give her a kiss.

Since it was the time when designers, judges, staff, and audience were leaving the venue, Ayan didn't

want to attract too much attention. He didn't mind being noticed, but he knew Camille didn't like it, so he

would avoid it.

He whispered to Camille, "Shall we get in the car first? It's crowded here. You won't like it if someone

takes pictures later, right?"

Camille, after listening, instinctively gave him an annoyed look, as if saying, "Why didn't you say it


Camille immediately pushed Ayan away and took the lead to walk towards Ayan's car.

Kian stood by the car and, seeing this, quickly opened the back door for Camille. Although she was

having a little disagreement with Ayan, she remained polite to Kian and the people around her. She

thanked, "Thank you!" before getting into the car.

After Camille got in, Ayan followed suit.

The two sat in the back seat, the door was closed, and Kian took the front passenger seat. The driver

started the car and left the parking garage. Kian considerately lowered the partition to give the two a

private space.

Ayan took the initiative to reach for Camille's hand, but she immediately pulled away.

He regarded her little temper as a unique aspect of their relationship, so he extended his hand again to

hold hers. This time, he didn't give Camille a chance to pull away.

He held her hand and asked in a low voice, "Are you not angry anymore?"

Camille remained silent.

He continued, "Then what should I do so you won't be angry?"

Camille asked casually, "Will you do whatever I say?"

"Yes, I'll do whatever you say."

"Then walk back."

Camille said it casually, not expecting Ayan to take it seriously. However, the next moment, the car

stopped, and Ayan got out after gently kissing her cheek.

Camille thought to herself, wondering if he was playing the sympathy card again. After all, he had done

it before, using such a pitiful act to gain her sympathy and pity. Camille silently resolved not to be soft-

hearted and not to let herself be confused by him.

So, when she saw him get out of the car, Camille didn't react at all.

Ayan instructed Kian, "Take everyone back; I'll walk."

Kian was puzzled, not understanding what these two were up to.

Camille didn't intervene, just echoed, "Do as he says."

After Camille spoke, Kian instructed the driver to go.

However, after the car had traveled a certain distance, Camille couldn't see Ayan's figure through the

rearview mirror. Then she spoke up, "Circle around and approach him from the other road."

Camille wanted to see if he was really walking or just pretending.

Kian nodded and instructed the driver accordingly.

So, they sat in the car following Ayan. He was indeed walking, and although on foot, his tall and

straight figure was a sight to behold. Passing girls of all ages couldn't help but look at him.

Some young girls even subconsciously stopped and followed him with their eyes.

Camille observed all this, couldn't help but snort, "Showing off."

The driver and Kian exchanged a glance in the front, trying to stifle their laughter. They didn't want

Camille to notice their suppressed smiles, making it a somewhat uncomfortable situation.

Camille kept her eyes on Ayan. She sat in the car, watching him for almost half an hour. His pace didn't

slow, and he seemed tireless. Occasionally, he answered a phone call, holding his suit jacket with one

hand, and pushing up the sleeves of his white shirt.

Looking at his back, Camille's eyes were hard to divert.

This place was far from Franklin Bay, requiring an hour's drive. By the time he walked back home,novelbin

dinner would probably be finished, and he might even miss supper.

Camille's heart softened, but she took a deep breath and calmly said, "Drive over and pick him up."

Camille couldn't bring herself to ignore Ayan. Although she was sometimes angry with him, when it

came down to it, she couldn't be that heartless.

The car smoothly parked by Ayan's side. Of course, he recognized his own car. Seeing a car that had

clearly driven away coming back from behind and stopping in front of him, he naturally understood what

was happening.

He faintly smiled, a subtle amusement in his eyes. Walking towards the car, Kian got out and opened

the back door. Seeing Camille looking the other way, Ayan's smile deepened. He got into the car.

After driving for a while, even though he wasn't tired, there was a slight hint of sweat. He looked at

Camille beside him and whispered, "Feeling sorry for me?"

Camille remained silent. This person seemed to enjoy forcing others to speak even more when they

chose to remain silent.

Camille was almost driven crazy by this person. She regretted letting him get in. Was she really that

love-struck? Unable to control even such a trivial matter, she cursed herself.

Camille thought like this, and her mood became a bit unpleasant. She glared at Ayan, as if warning him

that if he continued to talk too much, he should get out.

Ayan's eyes, deep and mysterious, showed an even deeper smile, but he didn't say anything. He gently

held Camille's hand, and they continued like that until they reached Franklin Bay.

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