My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1136: Scars
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Chapter 1136: Scars

Chapter 1136: Scars

A gossip reporter used his Twitter account to post a message: "CEO of a certain group domestically

abuses ex-wife. Ex-wife visits the hospital alone late at night, the scene is heart-wrenching!!!"

In Hance City, where most businesses are interconnected, divorces are rare, making it easy to identify

the individual in question-Ayan.

After all, he's the divorced one.

The content quickly topped the trending charts, and many people flocked to the gossip reporter's

account to inquire about the follow-up. As comments multiplied, the heat surrounding this piece of news


However, since the reporter did not explicitly name the person involved, discussions and speculations

remained. Due to Ayan's past actions against media and prominent accounts, no one dared to mention

him directly, using initials instead.

"Oh my, is it true? Is Q someone really involved in domestic violence?"

"It seems real. If it weren't true, they wouldn't dare post it. After all, spreading rumors in the

entertainment industry would attract more attention, right?"

"I think you make a valid point."

"So when will the truth come out? My friend wants to know. I'm asking for my friend."


Comment after comment continued, creating a virtual drama in the comment section.

Nobody knew the actual truth, and the ongoing discussions were mere conjectures.

After a while, the gossip reporter, who released the news, pinned a screenshot of a video in the

comments. In the photo, a woman in light-colored top and grey pants strolled towards the hospital gate,

her face blurred.

The reporter stated, "Solid evidence. I also checked with the hospital, and she was there for a health


This additional information further convinced people, and discussions kept escalating.

Yet, since no names were explicitly mentioned, Kian paid little attention. On the other hand, Yessica, an

avid gossip follower, quickly noticed and contacted Camille: "Cami, I found something. I'll send it to you,


Camille: "What's up?"

"It's about you and Mr. Simpson, but I'm sure it's fake."

"Okay, send it over."

After the call ended, Camille received Yessica's link. Glancing briefly, she saw a screenshot of herself

in a video. Although the person in the content was indeed her, the message had nothing to do with her.

Seeing this content constantly rising, Camille felt helpless. If she directly clarified, it might lead to more

confusion. However, if she remained silent, would people think it was true?

Camille didn't know why suddenly someone was targeting her and Ayan, but since it happened, it

needed to be addressed. She replied with a thank you to Yessica and asked her to inform Kian but

advised him not to take any immediate action.

After Yessica confirmed and agreed, Camille glanced at her chat with Ayan. He still hadn't responded

to her messages. She sighed silently, placed the phone on the bed, and sat down. Her gaze drifted out

of the window, a sense of unease settling in her heart.

With the upcoming design competition, any rumors or gossip at this time could impact not only her but

also other designers and sponsors. If it gained attention, people might question whether she

orchestrated it for Sienna or the company's publicity.

Camille's thoughts grew more chaotic, her face composed but showing a faint warmth. After

contemplating for a few seconds, she decided to call Sienna and inform her in advance.

Considering both were at home, she didn't need to make a call. She decided to go directly to Sienna's


Dressed in casual home attire and slippers, Camille headed to Sienna's house. She sent Sienna a

message, and when she arrived, Sienna had just come downstairs. They settled in the garden pavilion,

and the housekeeper brought fruits and tea. After she left, Sienna, with confidence, teased, "So, did

you miss me so much that you couldn't wait long to see me?"

Rolling her eyes at Sienna's confident banter, Camille calmly said, "I don't have the time to joke with


"Hmph!!! Can't you just play along a bit?"

Camille's expression turned slightly serious. Holding a tea cup, she took a sip and said, "Something

has come up."

"What happened?" Sienna raised an eyebrow.

Camille, lips slightly pursed, handed Sienna the link she had just opened on her phone. "Yessica sent

this to me just now. Although it doesn't explicitly name us, I know it's about Ayan and me. And I did visit

the hospital last night; the screenshot in the video is of me."

Sienna stared at the page, wide-eyed, a somewhat disbelieving expression on her face. She then

turned to Camille and asked, "So, is it true? Ayan isn't really involved in domestic violence, is he?"

Sienna's tone was playful, but there was a hint of uncertainty. Camille sighed, "I'm worried it might

affect your upcoming competition."

"It's okay. Are you worried about bringing attention to me? Well, it doesn't matter. I don't care about


"You don't understand how powerful rumors can be. Careless talk can cause significant trouble for


"I'm fine. I'm not afraid. If the design competition is so blind to believe such things, then it's better off

closing down early."

"You're getting a bit personal there!"

"It's just speaking from the heart, being honest."

Sienna's words eased some of Camille's concerns, but she still found the situation bothersome.

Sienna said, "Ayan probably doesn't know about this yet. If it weren't for Yessica, who loves gossip, I

doubt I would have known by now. Those people are probably counting on us not paying attention to

things unrelated to us. They'll deal with it once the hype reaches a certain level."

Sienna then asked, "So, what are you planning to do now?"

"I'm thinking of not saying a word, but still proving my innocence."

Their eyes locked, something seemed to be churning beneath the surface. Then, in the next moment,

Sienna blurted out, "How about this?"

She shared her thoughts and proposal, her gaze continuously assessing Camille. There was a hint of a

faint smile in her eyes, and Camille's gaze gradually became more serious.

After Sienna finished speaking, she explained, "This way, you can prove your innocence. After all, if

there were domestic violence, there would definitely be signs of injury. Since you have none, how can it

be considered domestic violence? What do you think?"

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