My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1135 Excitement
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Chapter 1135 Excitement

Chapter 1135 Excitement

Camille immediately covered her mouth and pulled Sienna towards the parking lot. She said, "Could

you keep it down? If someone overhears, they might think this place is your home. If they accuse you

of cheating, it would be quite amusing."

Sienna couldn't help but laugh at her seriousness, "I'm not afraid. I could just open the door and invite

them all in!"

"Please spare us your tall tales, my friend," Camille couldn't resist commenting.

The two then drove away from the sports center. Sienna had a craving for cheese hot pot, so Camille

took her to a nearby cheese hot pot restaurant. There were several branches in Hance City, and the

taste was consistently good.

As they entered the cheese hot pot restaurant and placed their orders, they heard someone at the

adjacent table greet them, "Mr. Armstrong, Miss King, what a coincidence! Are you also here for the

cheese hot pot?"

Upon hearing the voice, both Camille and Sienna looked over, and upon seeing the person, they

subconsciously exchanged glances before greeting, "What a coincidence!"

Thinking it was a simple greeting, they were surprised when the person picked up a pitcher of juice and

walked over to them, saying, "This juice is delicious; you should try it."

Without waiting for Camille and Sienna to respond, she took the initiative to pour a cup for each of

them. Then, she casually took the empty seat next to Camille. Looking at them, she said, "Tomorrow is

the beginning; I hope we both get selected."

Camille responded, "We will."

Crystal glanced at Camille and then at Sienna. It seemed like they didn't have much to say, and the

atmosphere became a bit awkward. She asked, "Is there any misunderstanding about my participation

in the design competition?"

Crystal was straightforward, feeling no embarrassment or uneasiness about participating in the design


Instead, it made Camille and Sienna reflect more on their preconceptions.

Camille looked at Crystal, pursed her lips, and smiled faintly, "Why would you say that?"

"Because I'm afraid you misunderstood. Initially, I did want to collaborate with both of you. But when I

missed that opportunity, I had to find another way. I can assure you, I've never had any ulterior motives.

I genuinely love what I do."

Crystal was sincere, unbothered by the situation. She didn't think there was anything awkward or

uncomfortable about her participation in the design competition.

On the contrary, it made Camille and Sienna reconsider their assumptions.

Camille looked at Crystal, and while very close to her, she couldn't help but feel that Crystal's current

demeanor seemed vaguely familiar. However, she didn't dwell on it; she simply felt that what Crystal

said should be genuine. If it were false, then so be it, as Crystal's current demeanor showed no signs

of deception.

Camille pursed her lips, her expression carrying a faint smile, "You misunderstood."

"If it's a misunderstanding, then let's clear it up now. Can we be friends from now on?" Crystal asked

bluntly, then blinked, waiting for Sienna and Camille's response.

Unable to refuse such warmth, Camille and Sienna each picked up their juice cups and clinked them

with Crystal, accepting her proposal.

Crystal had friends at another table, so she didn't linger. She said, "See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," Camille and Sienna replied.

After Crystal left, the air seemed to calm down.

Sienna casually observed the situation on Crystal's side, noting the presence of the young man who

bore some resemblance to Crystal, along with two other girls of similar age.

Sienna withdrew her gaze discreetly, speaking with a mild tone, "Crystal seems a bit extraordinary; she

manages to stay rational and composed even more than people like us who have been out in the world

and faced hardships."

"So, do you admire her a lot?" Camille teased with a faint smile.

Sienna furrowed her brows slightly, "Not really."

"Really? You just praised her quite a bit earlier. Did I mishear?" Camille inquired, holding a cup of juice

poured by Crystal. Honestly, it tasted good-Camille liked the refreshing flavor.

At that moment, the waiter brought their ordered dishes, saving Sienna from Camille's inquiries.

As they arrived late, Crystal's group finished their meal while Camille and Sienna were only halfway

through theirs.

Crystal, in a generous manner, waved goodbye to Camille and Sienna before leaving the hot pot

restaurant with her friends.

The conversation between Camille and Sienna shifted back to Crystal. Sienna asked, "Why do I feel

like Crystal is coming on strong? It seems like she's well-prepared, not at all like a current student!"

"Never underestimate anyone, including yourself," Camille met Sienna's gaze, calmly stating, "You're

also fantastic and capable, so don't let self-doubt creep in, alright?"

"Okay, with you around, I'm always confident."

"That's good."

Their eyes met for a moment before they resumed enjoying the hot pot. After such a meal, they both

smelled like hot pot, prompting Camille to say, "We probably won't be allowed into the office smelling

like this. How about we get a room to shower? We won't go home tonight. Tomorrow's the start of the

design competition, and these two men haven't shown any support. Thinking about it just makes me

annoyed and unhappy. What do you think Rex is up to? I'm participating in the competition, and it's

such a big deal. Shouldn't he do something about it?"novelbin

Sienna got visibly worked up when she mentioned Rex. The more she spoke, the angrier she became,

and her face turned red with frustration.

Camille couldn't help but laugh at Sienna's puffed-up appearance, "You're really something else. You

sound as if everything you're saying is true. If you're genuinely bothered by it, I'll call Rex right now and

ask him what he means, okay?"

Sienna rolled her eyes, letting out a disdainful snort. She was just trying to play around, and now

Camille wasn't playing along.

Camille understood her intentions and chuckled, "Let's go home. We won't go to the office this

afternoon. Ayan has arranged a place for us to get pumped up tonight."

"It's for you, not us."

"You heartless person. I'm not participating, so tell me, do I need motivation?" Camille retorted directly,

leaving Sienna with no response.

Their eyes met, and then they drove straight back to Franklin Bay.

Each went home separately, finding no men at home at this hour. Camille and Sienna naturally went

home, took showers, and then lay down to rest.

In the evening, Ayan reserved a spot at their own club-a place where a few familiar friends could

gather, have a drink, and chat.

Feeling bored at home, Camille couldn't sleep, so she asked Ayan, "Come back early tonight. I'll ask

Auntie to prepare dinner, and after eating, we can take a stroll to the club. How about inviting Sienna

and Rex too?"

Ayan, probably busy, didn't reply immediately. While Camille waited for Ayan's response, a message

suddenly popped up.

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