My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1134: Wander
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Chapter 1134: Wander

Chapter 1134: Wander

"Okay, we're all so familiar. No need to be polite; it's just a small favor."

"You're so good to me. Do you like me?" he suddenly said in a husky voice, his deep black eyes fixed

on Camille, and seeing her slightly stiffen, he couldn't help but ask again, "Hmm? Do you?"

Camille didn't say anything, just giving him a faint glare.

After having noodles, they found a movie to watch, and it was almost dawn by the time they rested.

Another day with bright sunshine, Camille had been on break for two days. Tomorrow was the start of

the design competition, and she and Sienna set off early for the company.

For safety reasons, they had kept the design works in their possession. So far, only Camille and Sienna

had seen the complete version of the overall design.

Sienna would be the one to make a full appearance in this design competition, so she was feeling a lot

of pressure. From the moment they got on the car until they reached the company, she kept repeating,

"Cami, I'm a bit nervous. What should I do?"

Camille would initially comfort her, but as she slowly realized it was just Sienna's mantra, she stopped

bothering with her.

Camille didn't have much to do on her end; she was just waiting for tomorrow. Staying in the office was

also about providing support for the employees. They couldn't afford to show a discouraged

appearance, as it would affect the staff's confidence. In reality, the two of them sat in the office, relying

on the sofa, not moving, just watching movies.

This scene was only known to Yessica; others thought the two were earnestly discussing the design

competition tomorrow.

At Simpson Group, Kian had returned.

He arrived at the company early, reviewing all the work that hadn't been done in the past few days. He

also outlined the documents that Ayan needed to sign today and his schedule, ready to present them

when Ayan arrived.

The assistant was overjoyed to see Kian return, unable to help but say, "Kian, you finally came back. If

you hadn't returned, I would probably have been worked to death. Mr. Simpson glares at me a hundred

times a day. I have no idea what I did wrong. Kian, you're a real savior. Thank you for coming back in

time to save my miserable life!"

The assistant's words made Kian smile, but he calmly said, "Working with Mr. Simpson just requires

taking every task seriously. Although Mr. Simpson can be stern occasionally, he is good to his


The assistant nodded along, secretly sighing that perhaps only Kian could feel this way. As for him, he

probably would never feel it in his lifetime.

Just as their conversation ended, Ayan also arrived at the office floor.

Seeing him, Kian immediately went to greet him. They exchanged a glance without saying much else.

Kian had already adopted a work attitude and started reporting his work.

As Ayan listened, he walked towards the office. Kian used his fingerprint to open the office door,

following Ayan inside.

Once the office door closed, Kian ended the work report and spoke in a low voice, "Mr. Simpson,

Mario's secretary contacted me. She sent the contract early in the morning. I've reviewed it, and there

doesn't seem to be any issues. Take a look when you get the chance!"

After Kian finished, he placed the contract on Ayan's desk, then his gaze returned to Ayan, saying, "Mr.

Simpson, the design competition starts tomorrow. Someone from the Bill family took the same flight as

me to Hance City. Probably here to cheer on Crystal!"

"Just cheering on is fine. As long as there's nothing else, we don't need to worry."

"Yeah, I understand. I've already had someone keeping an eye on it. If anything happens, we'll know


Ayan nodded lightly and said, "Go handle Elijah's matter in prison. If what he said is true, I will fulfill my


"Alright, I got it. I'll go to the prison later." Kian looked at Ayan with a somewhat complicated

expression. He spoke in a low voice, "Mr. Simpson, have you really decided to collaborate with Mario?"

"Yeah, if the opportunity is presented, we should take advantage of it. As for the future, we'll see."

Mario must have done his homework to know that Simpson Group wanted this project. Ayan had

anticipated it the moment Mario spoke. If he was this sincere, Ayan would give him a chance to prove


Ayan looked at Kian and said, "You didn't tell Yessica about going to Hance City, did you?"

"No, I only said it was a business trip. I know what's more important. Yessica has a good relationship

with Mrs. Simpson. I'm worried she can't keep it a secret, so I won't tell her."

"That's good. I don't want her to know for now. I also don't want the Bill family's people to disturb her.


"Yeah, I understand!"

After responding to Ayan, Kian went straight to the prison. After some connections and arrangements,

Elijah was released two hours later.

However, he was released, but his name still lingered in the prison. So, his release couldn't be


Kian drove to the prison to pick up Elijah. While driving, he glanced at Elijah and asked, "Where do you

plan to go?"

"Mr. Simpson didn't arrange a place for me to stay?"

"The information you provided to Mr. Simpson didn't have much impact. The only reason Mr. Simpson

is keeping his promise is because the information you provided was accurate. Do you think the

information you provided is enough to deserve these benefits from Mr. Simpson?"

Kian brought up the topic directly and continued driving. Elijah sat silently, probably pondering Kian's


The atmosphere in the car remained quiet for nearly half a minute. Then Elijah's voice slowly sounded,

"What else does he want to know from me? Just ask!"

Seeing this, Kian was slightly surprised. Without consulting Ayan, he didn't directly ask any questions.

He just said to Elijah, "I can't make decisions on this matter. Whatever Mr. Simpson wants to know, wait

until he's free to tell you in person. I'll arrange a temporary place for you. Considering the need fornovelbin

discretion, it's best if you don't show your face and leave the hotel without authorization."

Kian took Elijah to a hotel under Simpson Group, which was naturally very secure. He arranged

trustworthy people to deliver three meals a day to Elijah. After watching Elijah enter the room, Kian

arranged two people to stay opposite Elijah's room to keep an eye on him.

After completing this series of tasks, Kian reported the situation to Ayan at Simpson Group.

Ayan didn't pay attention to Elijah's matter for now; let's leave it hanging. As for whether Elijah would

contact Preston, it depends on how bold he is.

Ayan scheduled a meeting with Mario in the evening to sign the contract. He left dinner time for

Camille, planning to sign the contract after having dinner with her, saving him from the need to deal

with Mario over a meal.

Ayan sent a message to Camille to arrange dinner, then moved on to the next meeting.

On Camille's end, she and Sienna lounged around for the morning, and in the afternoon, they planned

to take a stroll around the venue of the design competition.

The venue for this design competition is set at Hance City Sports Center. The interior is still under

preparation, so they can only walk around the perimeter.

Sienna, holding Camille's hand, said, "I don't know why, but being here feels like coming home. I don't

feel nervous at all!"

Camille immediately scanned the surroundings, her reaction a bit overly anxious and concerned,

especially her eyes darting around. Sienna curiously asked, "What are you looking at?"

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