My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1133: Gratitude
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Chapter 1133: Gratitude

Chapter 1133: Gratitude

Camille lightly pressed her lips, looking at Preston with a faint expression of disapproval. Deep down,

she strongly disliked Preston's behavior, but she wouldn't meddle or express any disapproval.

At this moment, she just wanted to leave quickly. Talking to Preston was draining, and she felt

exhausted, utterly worn out.

However, Preston didn't believe her words. He gazed at her and said, "Cami, aren't you and Ayan a


"We divorced, didn't we?" Camille looked at him with an expression that suggested he should have

known this already. She continued, "Preston, even if we weren't divorced, I wouldn't involve myself in

the company's affairs. This has been the case in the past, and it will continue to be so in the future. I

don't want to meddle in any work-related matters, and he respects that."

"Cami, I didn't mean to ask you anything. You don't need to be so defensive. I'm just asking casually.

Why do you have so much guard up against me? Cami, I really don't know what Ayan told you. Why

have you become like this towards me?"

Preston's face showed helplessness, looking at Camille with eyes filled with sadness, as if he were

genuinely being mistreated.

If Camille didn't know what kind of person he was, she might have been confused by his current


Camille pressed her lips, her expression carrying a shallow smile. The smile held a touch of coldness

as she said, "I don't quite understand what you mean, and I don't know if I said something to give you

this misunderstanding. Preston, I'm an adult with my own thoughts. I won't be swayed by others. So,

what I say is not influenced by anyone. After all, if I let someone control even my words, then my

intelligence would be close to zero, wouldn't it?"

Camille lowered her gaze, took a deep breath, glanced at the time. It was already late. She had spent

about twenty minutes here since leaving the hospital room. Talking to Preston had consumed more

time than she intended.

Without waiting for Preston to speak, she spoke first, "It's late; I need to go back. You should go back

early too."

"I'll drive you."

"No need. The driver is coming to pick me up." She said nonchalantly.

Preston's expression stiffened slightly, but he didn't insist. He just looked at her and said, "I'm working

at Armstrong Corp now. If there's anything you want, just tell me. I'll get it for you without hesitation."

"I don't want anything, Preston. Since you're working at Armstrong Corp, focus on your job. There's

really no need for anything else. The past is past, and we need to live in the present."

Camille finished speaking and took a step forward.

Even when she got into the car, she didn't look back. Preston, on the other hand, kept staring at her.

His gaze remained fixed even after the car left.

He stood there for a long time. He still had some doubts about Camille coming to the hospital late at

night because she didn't have many friends. Sienna was her best friend, and if anyone could be

considered a friend, it would be a few colleagues at the company. But it still seemed odd for her to visit

at such a late hour.

He squinted his eyes, a hint of coldness in his gaze. Was Camille feeling unwell, or did Ayan hit her?

Why else would she come to the hospital alone so late at night?

After this idea occurred to him, he became more certain because he believed Ayan was the kind of

man who Camille, being deeply in love with him, would support even when he was in the wrong.

The more Preston thought about it, the worse he felt. He took out his phone and made a call with an

indifferent tone, saying, "I've got some explosive news for you. Interested?"

The person on the other end naturally showed immediate interest, and Preston asked them to pay a

deposit first before he left the hospital, satisfied with his mischief.

As for tonight's events, Camille didn't dwell on them. She didn't want Ayan to do anything to Preston

because of it. So, she chose not to mention her encounter with Preston.

Back at Franklin Bay, Ayan had just returned. Instead of entering the house, he sat on the garden

steps, waiting for Camille. She noticed him from the car and, as soon as she got out, asked, "Why are

you sitting here?"

He looked a bit pitiful, like a homeless child.novelbin

Camille walked over, and he immediately extended his hand. Seeing him in this state made her feel a

bit sorry. She took his hand, and he rose from the steps. He held her hand in return, leading her

towards the house. Ayan's handsome face showed a hint of weariness, prompting Camille to ask,

"What's wrong? Are you very tired today?"

"Yeah, a bit tired from dealing with work all day."

"Don't push yourself so hard. Take some rest occasionally. After all, Simpson Group won't stop if you

take a day or two off or do one less thing." Despite Ayan's high position, seen as an object of envy by

outsiders, only those close to him knew the efforts and sacrifices he made behind the scenes.

He rarely showed this kind of fatigue, so Camille felt a pang of pity. She stared at Ayan, speaking softly,

"If you wear yourself out like this, what will Timmy and I do?"

As she said this, feeling Ayan's grip on her hand tighten, as she rarely spoke these kinds of words, it

touched Ayan deeply. He responded, "Okay, when Kian returns and after I finalize the collaboration

project with Mario, I'll slow down and spend more time with you, okay?"

"Not just with me, but also with Timmy, and with Mom, Dad, and Grandpa!"

"Mom has Dad to accompany her, no need for me. As for Grandpa, let Timmy take our place!" He said

without any hesitation, even adding, "After all, he's the man of the Simpson family, naturally, he should

do some things a man should do."

After saying this, without waiting for Camille's response, he walked briskly into the house, holding her


Watching his "stepdad" appearance, Camille secretly thought that when Timmy grew up, she would

definitely tell him. Humph, let's see how cool he thinks he is.

As for now, of course, she wouldn't say anything.

It was already nine o'clock, and Ayan hadn't even had dinner yet. The housekeeper cooked noodles for

him, so he pulled Camille to join him.

Sitting face to face at the dining table, Camille only had a bit of soup because she had already had a

full dinner with her grandfather. Her grandfather was always worried about her losing weight, and every

time she visited, he would insistently persuade her not to diet. As a result, Camille usually couldn't eat

anything after returning from her grandfather's place.

Ayan ate noodles while asking, "How is Grandpa?"

"He's doing well, in good spirits. When I went, he was playing chess!" Camille said casually and

couldn't help but boast, "Grandpa asked why you didn't go together. Next time, you should give him a

call in advance. Otherwise, he thought we had a fight. You know, at that time, he was planning to find

someone to beat you up. If it weren't for me stopping him, you'd probably have been beaten by now."

Camille pressed her lips together, her eyes revealing a playful glint. Ayan, of course, understood her

thoughts. After all, every time, the old Simpson sided with her, and he was the one scolded.

He lifted his gaze to meet Camille's eyes, his voice low and slow, "Then I should thank you?"

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