My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1137: Best
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Chapter 1137: Best

Chapter 1137: Best

In the end, Camille heeded Sienna's advice. However, she didn't have such clothes, so the two

immediately set off for the mall. The newly purchased clothes were unpacked and worn right away.

Camille, with her fair skin, tied her hair into a high ponytail. Wearing a black camisole and a short skirt,

she presented a stark contrast. Sienna couldn't help but exclaim, "Indeed, if a person is good-looking,

everything looks good."

Camille rarely wore such cool clothes. If it weren't to refute the gossip journalist's post, she wouldn't

have chosen this style. It's not that she looked down on these clothes; she just didn't feel entirely

comfortable in them. She lacked confidence.novelbin

After leaving the mall, Camille went straight to Simpson Group, with Sienna as her chauffeur.

At the company entrance, Camille pushed open the car door and got out. She immediately noticed

reporters lurking near Simpson Group. Of course, she and Sienna had also enlisted someone, armed

with a high-definition camera capable of capturing every detail, even the presence or absence of a


Camille walked straight into the Simpson Group building after getting out of the car. She frequented the

place, and the employees at Simpson Group knew her. Seeing her in this state today surprised them,

and someone even couldn't help but say, "Mrs. Simpson, you look beautiful today!"

Camille smiled faintly, "Am I not beautiful on normal days?"

The person hurriedly replied, "You are, you are. It's just that I've never seen this style before. It looks

stunning today."

"Thank you. You look good too." Camille looked at a girl with starry eyes, finding her adorable. The

smile at the corner of her mouth deepened involuntarily.

Taking the elevator, Camille went straight to Ayan's office floor. Kian was just about to enter the office to

report when he saw Camille and froze. His gaze immediately lowered, not daring to make eye contact.

He walked towards Camille, saying, "Mrs. Simpson!"

"Kian!" Camille nodded slightly. It had been a while since she last saw Kian. She said, "You're back

from your business trip? You should spend more time with Yessica. It's not a solution to be too busy

with work. Allocate time to be with your girlfriend. Yessica may understand, but it could lead to a strain

in your relationship."

Kian looked at Camille with a look of enlightenment and hurriedly nodded, "Alright, Mrs. Simpson, I


"I'm not trying to meddle in your relationship. It's just friendly advice. Kian doesn't mind, right?"

"Of course, you're good to Yessica. Your words are naturally for Yessica's benefit."

Kian whispered his thanks, then led Camille towards the office. He opened the door for her and handed

her the documents, saying, "Mrs. Simpson, thank you."

Since Camille had arrived, he didn't need to go in. It wasn't something particularly important, so letting

Camille handle it might even earn him a raise from Ayan as a commendation.

Camille took the documents without much thought. For her, it was just a small favor, and she didn't

dwell on it.

Entering the office, Ayan was reviewing documents, assuming it was Kian who had come in.

Camille approached step by step, then handed the documents to Ayan, saying, "Mr. Simpson, there's a

document here that requires your signature."

The familiar voice of a woman echoed in Ayan's ears, and he had lifted his head from the first syllable

she uttered.

It surprised him that Camille had come, but what he didn't expect was even more astonishing. There it

was, right before his eyes, and his gaze was filled with shock.

His eyes widened, staring unblinkingly at Camille. In a low, hoarse voice, he asked, "Why are you

dressed like this?"

"Is it not nice?" she asked, looking at him.

Ayan had already risen from his office chair, strolling towards Camille. The emotions in his eyes grew

thicker. He reached out, pulling her into his embrace. His voice, low and soft, murmured into her ear,

"Do you feel it?"

Camille was a bit slow, taking two or three seconds to grasp what he meant. When she belatedly

understood his words, her face instantly flushed, and she felt extremely uneasy. She shifted

uncomfortably, whispering, "Keep your distance."

Of course, he wasn't willing to listen, fully convinced that Camille's approach was deliberately teasing


"Missed me, didn't you?" he said.

Camille thought this person was abnormal.

She pushed him away with her hands, but he stood firm like a wall, completely unyielding to any of her

actions. She helplessly said, "Kian asked you to sign the documents, so hurry up."

Ayan's deep eyes continued to stare at her without blinking, direct and unambiguous, not giving her

any chance to evade.

The two locked eyes, the emotions at the bottom of their eyes exceptionally dense. He said, "Really not

missed me?"

The words sounded somewhat aggrieved, tugging at Camille's heartstrings. She chuckled softly,

"Alright, alright, I missed you. That's why I came to see you. Happy now?"

Only then did Ayan reveal a satisfied smile. He casually tossed the documents onto the desk, showing

no intention of signing. Holding Camille's hand, he walked towards the sofa. Unlike before, this time, he

directly pulled her into his arms and said, "Why the sudden change in style?"

"Just wanted to try a different look."

"Don't wear it again next time, okay?"

"Why? Is it ugly? Someone just praised me for being beautiful!"

"It's precisely because it's too beautiful. I don't want others to see it. Wear it at home. When it's just the

two of us, you can wear whatever style you want, okay?"

He lightly pinched Camille's chin, his eyes fixed on her without blinking.

Camille rarely heard him honestly express such requests, so she found it a bit amusing. Camille lightly

pursed her lips, chuckling, "Show me how you'll behave!"

"How do you want me to behave?"

"Show me how good you can be to me."

"Am I not good enough to you now?"

"Well, not quite." Camille honestly answered. It was already good, but people are never satisfied.

There's always a desire for better, never settling for just enough.

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