My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1130: Cooperation
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Chapter 1130: Cooperation

Chapter 1130: Cooperation

Camille silently pondered, thinking that if she hadn't overheard the conversation between Mario and

Sienna, she might have believed what Mario said.

Mario, to his credit, remained composed, showing no signs of emotion, and his face remained


Camille lightly pursed her lips, maintaining a calm expression as she sat beside Ayan, who, despite

conversing with Mario, continued to take care of her-serving her food and peeling shrimp-missing


Their interaction was natural and affectionate, prompting Mario to comment, "Mr. Simpson and Cami

have such a good relationship. As the big brother who has watched Cami grow from a little girl to now, I

genuinely feel happy!"

Ayan smiled faintly and asked, "Mr. King is older than me?"

Mario frowned slightly and nodded, "Yes, by a year."

"I can handle even children. Mr. King should be getting married soon, right? I heard Mr. King already

has a fiancée. Why didn't you bring her along this time to Hance City?" Ayan asked casually, his

handsome expression carrying a subtle smile, seemingly intentional yet elusive.

Their eyes met, and Mario smiled slowly. He replied, "No fiancée. That's all in the past. But there is

someone I like, for many years."

"Oh, I thought a work-focused man like Mr. King wouldn't have a special liking for anyone. I didn't

expect Mr. King to possess the trait of a romantic brain!" Ayan chuckled lightly, teasing in his words.

Mario didn't evade the question and looked directly at Ayan. He said with a wry smile, "Not exactly a

romantic brain. It's just that I have a flaw."

"Oh, what flaw is that?"

"I pursue everything I desire with unwavering determination. After all, one should not compromise when

it comes to what one wants, right?" Mario hinted, his profound gaze carrying significant implications,

and all three understood the unspoken message.

Camille, feeling an urge to directly refute Mario's words, stopped herself at the last moment. She

seemed to lack the right to stop Mario as they had no relationship, and she wasn't anyone to Mario. So,

what right did she have?

Moreover, crucially, Mario hadn't explicitly said he intended to sabotage Sienna and Rex's relationship.

He merely expressed his desire to obtain what he liked.

Camille felt a sense of discomfort, unable to voice her thoughts.

However, in the next moment, as if Ayan had seen through her feelings, his voice, calm and unhurried,

resonated, "Mr. King, are you a bit obsessive? It's normal to go to great lengths to get what you like,

especially if it doesn't belong to anyone. But if it already belongs to someone else, and Mr. King keeps

remembering and yearning, it does seem a bit morally questionable!"

Ayan wore a smile, and his words carried a playful tone, making it difficult for anyone to feel

displeased, as he seemed to be stating these words with a sense of humor.

Mario's expression flickered slightly as he looked at Ayan, his gaze deepening. After a brief pause, he

spoke, "Mr. Simpson is right, but this is just how I am. I prioritize myself over morality."

"Oh, so Mr. King is a bit obsessive. For me, I don't like or covet other people's things," Ayan replied. He

raised his glass to Mario, who immediately lifted his own glass to clink with Ayan. They exchanged a

smile and finished their drinks.

They didn't dwell on that topic any longer but shifted the conversation to their past collaborations. Mario

provided many suggestions for their upcoming partnership and handed Ayan a pre-drafted contract.

Mario said, "Mr. Simpson, I've prepared the contract. Take a look, and if there's anything inappropriate,

we can make changes."

Ayan took the contract but didn't open it immediately. After all, he had just had a drink, and he wouldn't

make any decisions under the influence. Mario understood this.

Mario then expressed his sincerity. He came to Hance City to expand King Group's development and

brought a project-the land from Nores Group. Ayan had shown interest in it, but Nores Group had been

waiting. Since Mario had collaborated with Nores Group before, they directly handed over this project

to him.

Now, Mario was entrusting Ayan with this land. It was a gesture of goodwill, emphasizing that his desire

to work with Ayan was genuine and not merely due to Sienna.

Ayan lowered his gaze to the agreement for the transfer of the land. Squinting slightly, he looked at

Mario and asked, "Mr. King, is all this effort just to collaborate with me?"

Mario smiled faintly, "Of course, only a sincere attitude can make Mr. Simpson believe that I'm not just

talking. Would Mr. Simpson prefer insincere people?"

Ayan's response was calm, almost devoid of emotion. He casually said, "Mr. King is right. However,

your significant sincerity in wanting to collaborate with me does make me a bit uneasy. After all,

everything is not officially underway yet. Such a grand gesture from you does make me wonder if you

have ulterior motives."

Ayan smiled lightly, his expression warm yet probing. He didn't worry at all that Mario might feel

uncomfortable or have any thoughts of not wanting to collaborate after this conversation.

After Ayan spoke, Mario paused for a moment before saying, "Mr. Simpson, are you suspecting that I

have other motives?"

"After all, Mr. King has given so much. It's hard not to think more."

"Mr. Simpson, you're overthinking. If I really had other motives, why would I show so much sincerity?

I've laid out my cards for Mr. Simpson to see, hoping to collaborate on this project. If Mr. Simpson has

any concerns, we can terminate this collaboration now."

Mario finished speaking, his gaze still fixed on Ayan. The two engaged in a silent psychological battle,

but it had no effect on Ayan. His response remained cool, showing almost no visible reaction. Their

eyes locked in an unblinking stare.

After approximately a minute, Ayan spoke in a calm tone, "I understand Mr. King's sincerity. As for this

collaboration, I need to convene a meeting to discuss it before providing Mr. King with a decision

because the collaboration proposal from Mr. King is rather abrupt."

"Very well, I'll await good news from Mr. Simpson."

Ayan merely smiled faintly, and the two clinked their glasses again.

The dinner didn't conclude until after nine o'clock, and since Ayan had consumed alcohol, Camille took

the wheel on the way back home.

During the journey, Camille took the initiative to ask, "Have you made up your mind? Are you really

going to collaborate with Mario?"

Ayan, sitting in the passenger seat, spoke in a slightly hoarse voice, "His sincerity is evident, and it

seems he is eager to collaborate with Simpson Group. Since this project is the main focus for Simpson

Group in the latter half of the year, we will collaborate with him."

"If you've already made up your mind, why didn't you just agree directly?"

"Wouldn't that make his night more peaceful?" Ayan chuckled, surprising Camille. He continued, "Mario

wants to leverage Simpson Group to open up the market for King Group in Hance City. If he uses me, Inovelbin

won't let myself be used for free. Therefore, I will make sure he pays the corresponding price. Rex has

decided to participate in this collaboration, but he plans to remain anonymous throughout the process."

Ayan looked out the window, and perhaps due to his good mood, his expression was relaxed and


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