My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1131: Scruples
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Chapter 1131: Scruples

Chapter 1131: Scruples

The two drove back to Franklin Bay. Camille subconsciously glanced at the neighboring villa. Although

it wasn't very late, Sienna was probably already upstairs, right?

Camille looked at Ayan beside her and said, "Sienna actually received a call from Mario today. He

wanted me to convince Sienna to join tonight's dinner party, but Sienna refused. I'm worried that Mario

might reprimand Sienna for this. If you're going to collaborate with Mario, you must have some

scruples, right?"

"Want me to speak up for Sienna?"

"Can you?"

Camille looked expectantly at Ayan. Ayan didn't say yes or no; their eyes remained locked.

After a pause of nearly a dozen seconds, Camille said lightly, "If you don't speak, I'll take it as a yes."

After Camille finished speaking, without waiting for Ayan's answer, she had already pushed open the

car door and got out.

Watching her figure, Ayan couldn't help but smile. There was a clear smile on his lips, and his gaze

followed Camille's figure until she walked into the villa.

Regarding speaking up for Sienna, even if Camille didn't mention it, Ayan would still do it for Rex's


But it wasn't the right time now. After all, the collaboration hadn't officially begun, so he wouldn't make

any interfering moves.novelbin

The news of Ayan collaborating with Mario was captured by the media that had been keeping an eye

on Ayan and quickly made it to the top of the trending list in business news the next day.

This news naturally caught the attention of the entire business community in Hance City. Some

enterprises had already begun speculating on what project the two powerful figures were going to

cooperate on. With both being formidable figures, their collaboration was bound to create a significant


But as the saying goes, one man's joy is another man's sorrow.

Preston saw this news as soon as it came out. He was already very dissatisfied with Mario's rejection,

harboring a deep anger towards Mario. Little did he know that Mario would collaborate with Ayan the

next moment.

So, he subconsciously attributed Mario's actions to Ayan. He felt it was Ayan's influence that led to

Mario's decision. After all, Sienna was a member of the King family, and with the relationship with

Camille, Ayan could undoubtedly persuade Mario to make certain decisions.

With this thought, Preston's mood sank.

He slammed the office desk heavily, his eyes full of hatred for Ayan. He said coldly, "Ayan, you're really

like a lingering ghost. You have to interfere in everything I do. Do you just love meddling in other

people's affairs?"

Preston's face was filled with icy disdain, and he looked at Quintus indifferently, saying, "Keep an eye

on Ayan. Find out if he has any recent issues. I've been too busy lately to pay attention to him. He's

been living too comfortably, not even knowing his own last name. That's why he acts so recklessly and


Preston became more and more emotional as he spoke. He couldn't tolerate Ayan for even a second.

After hearing this, Quintus quickly nodded but also expressed his doubts, "Mr. Walker, is it possible that

Ayan doesn't know you've met Mario, and this decision is solely Mario's?"

"Impossible. You don't understand Ayan. I know what kind of person he is. He can't stand to see me do

well and is afraid I'll surpass him. So, he's on guard against me all the time. He wants to suppress me

every moment. But in this vast world, does he really think he can dominate everything? Huh, wishful


Preston snorted coldly, a strong sense of coldness in his eyes.

He had completely lost his rationality. All thoughts in his mind followed his own narrative, and he

couldn't listen to anyone's advice. He believed only in his correctness, considering others' words as

nothing more than attempts to deceive him.

With a stern face, Preston's expression grew increasingly ugly. He squinted, stayed silent for a brief

moment, and then spoke to Quintus, "Why hasn't Ayan's secretary, Kian, been seen these days?"

Quintus was also taken aback and quickly responded, "I'm not entirely sure, but Kian indeed hasn't

shown up for several days. Perhaps Ayan assigned him to other tasks?"

The coldness in Preston's eyes intensified. He looked at Quintus indifferently, not entirely willing to

agree with Quintus's explanation but unable to think of another reason or excuse at the moment.

He said, "Keep an eye on Ayan. Let me know immediately if there's any leverage."

"Yes, Mr. Walker. You can count on me!"

Preston waved his hand, signaling Quintus to leave. He sat alone in the not-so-large office, with two

small windows that felt entirely different from the floor-to-ceiling windows he used to have. This fueled

more anger in him, and he directed all of it toward Ayan, blaming him for everything.

Well, in Preston's eyes, Ayan was an unscrupulous scapegoat.

Ayan, of course, had no knowledge of Preston's thoughts and intentions. He didn't have the luxury of

time to keep an eye on Preston every day like Preston did to others.

His time was precious, and every moment counted.

Not long after finishing a meeting, Kian's call came in.

Upon receiving Kian's call, Ayan immediately wore a serious expression. He asked, "Has there been

any progress with the investigation?"

Kian responded in a hushed voice, "Mr. Simpson, I arranged for someone to investigate based on the

information Elijah provided. We have results. A former servant who worked for the Armstrong family

provided information. Mrs. Armstrong hasn't been at the Armstrong family for nearly a year. No one

knows where she went. When Mrs. Armstrong returned, she brought back a baby, who is Mrs.

Simpson. According to the servant, Mrs. Armstrong and Mr. Armstrong didn't take care of Mrs.

Simpson. The old Armstrong arranged for the servant to take care of her. The old Armstrong took full

responsibility for Mrs. Simpson. Later, when Mrs. Simpson grew up, there's the part about being sent

back to Flento City. After that, no one in the Armstrong family, except the old Armstrong, mentioned

Mrs. Simpson."

Kian spoke cautiously, relying on his instincts to gauge Ayan's current emotions since he wasn't in

Ayan's presence.

After a while of silence from Ayan's end, Kian, not knowing Ayan's mood, cautiously asked, "Mr.

Simpson, are you there?"

Only then did Ayan emit a low voice, "Yes."

Kian breathed a sigh of relief. He said, "The information provided by Elijah is mostly accurate. I've

already given a sum to the elderly person who provided us with the information, asking her not to

casually talk about this matter. If anyone else inquires about it, she should just fabricate a lie to deflect

their questions."

Not entirely trusting, Kian had someone test the old woman. She seemed to have some sentiment

toward the old Armstrong and the Armstrong family, so she kept her mouth shut. As for how Kian

managed to get her to talk, it wasn't solely about money. More importantly, Kian mentioned that there

were some minor issues with the old Armstrong's inheritance that needed clarification to be resolved.

That's when the old woman readily opened up.

Kian went through his arrangements in detail with Ayan, who only responded with a simple

acknowledgment and nothing more.

The atmosphere briefly quieted down. Ayan's mood wasn't good, his face extremely dark. After a while,

he spoke lightly, "Have you obtained any results on your end?"

In a hushed tone, Kian replied, "The Bill family is keeping a tight lid on information, so currently, there

isn't much useful intel."

"For now, don't bother about the Bill family. Come back. Mario is in Hance City, planning to collaborate

with us on the Nores Group land. Put aside the matter with the Bill family for now. We'll address it once

this project is stable."

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