My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1129: Abandonment
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Chapter 1129: Abandonment

Chapter 1129: Abandonment

Ayan glanced at the time and calmly said, "Sure." He then called his assistant, instructing them to

arrange a place for dinner and confirming the time with Mario. Due to other commitments, Mario didn't

stay long after Ayan saw him off.

Once Mario left, the assistant asked Ayan, "Mr. Simpson, do we need to arrange security for dinner


Ayan furrowed his brows and replied, "I'm going to dinner, not a fight."

The assistant quickly nodded in acknowledgment.

Ayan instructed the assistant to book a restaurant and then dialed Camille's number directly. Camille

was lounging with Sienna when her phone rang. Without even looking, she knew it was Ayan, as he

was the only one who would call her apart from Sienna, who was right next to her.

Camille answered with a warm tone, "Hello?"

"What are you doing?"

"Thinking of you!" Camille chuckled, teasing Ayan. Sienna, hearing this, unconsciously frowned and

made a couple of disapproving sounds. She clearly didn't want to engage with this affectionate couple.

Camille noticed Sienna's expression, gave a faint smile, and continued speaking to Ayan, "And you?

Do you miss me?"

Camille rarely took such an initiative, and Ayan appreciated it. Ayan smiled faintly, "Yes, should I send

someone to pick you up to keep me company while I work?"

"Oh, keep you company at work?"

"Yes, care to join?"

"No! I'm busy right now!"

"Really?" Ayan obviously didn't believe her.

Camille, with a forced tone, replied, "Yes, I'm busy. I'm discussing design plans!"

"Is that so?"


Ayan immediately sensed what Camille was thinking. He smiled faintly and said in a low voice, "Join

me for dinner tonight."

"Where are we eating?"

"Mario is treating us."


Camille thought she must have misheard. She instinctively looked at Sienna and asked, "Why is he

treating us?"

"Probably trying to win us over," Ayan said indifferently. He added, "I guess he'll contact Sienna soon,

so you might want to let her know in advance to prepare mentally."

As soon as Ayan finished speaking, Sienna's phone started ringing.

Ayan heard the ringtone and commented, "That's Sienna's phone, right?"

Camille softly affirmed, then heard Ayan say, "After I finish work, I'll come to pick you up, and we'll go


"Okay," Camille responded softly before ending the call.

Camille looked at Sienna, who was still holding her phone, lost in thought and showing no intention of

answering. Camille immediately said, "Ayan said Mario is treating us to dinner tonight. He might invite

you too."

Sienna pursed her lips, then reluctantly answered the call on speakerphone without touching the

phone. It was evident how much she disliked Mario.

Sienna coldly asked, "What's up?"

Her tone was very indifferent. Mario didn't seem to mind and just said, "Dinner tonight. I made plans

with Ayan and Camille. Since you're friends with Camille, you'll have someone to accompany you."

"She's not a child. Does it matter if I'm there or not?" Sienna said icily. She had no intention of giving

Mario any face, speaking with complete apathy and indifference.

Mario seemed unfazed and responded with an unexpectedly pleasant tone, "Sienna, let me make it

clear to you. I hope you can cooperate. Camille is your friend. Having a meal together shouldn't be a

big deal for you. Or do you think I should also invite Rex?"

"You..." Sienna was furious. Mario's unreasonable behavior made her expression particularly cold. She

said, "Mario, why do you always force me to do things I don't like?"

"I'm not forcing you. I'm just asking you to have a meal, nothing more. Can't you accept that?" Mario


"I don't want to have a meal with you."

"I didn't ask you to have a meal with me. As I said, Camille and Ayan will be there too."

"If I want to have a meal with them, I'll arrange it myself. I just don't want to have too much contact with

you. Do you understand what I mean?" Sienna persisted, strongly avoiding any interaction with Mario.

She took a deep breath, her expression turning increasingly resolute. She looked at Camille, who,

despite Sienna's strong words, couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy, seeing the determined

expression on Sienna's face.

Just as Camille was about to say something, Mario's voice interrupted them. Mario said, "Sienna, do

you have to confront me like this? Do you have to go against everything I say? Do you want me to do

something to you for you to cooperate?"

Every word from Mario carried a threat, and Sienna found it repulsive. She responded indifferently, "Do

whatever you want. If I cooperate with you completely, follow everything you say, you might not spare

me anyway. So why should I force myself to listen to you every time?"

After Sienna finished speaking, Mario didn't respond but hung up the phone directly.

Hearing the hang-up sound, Sienna smiled faintly and glanced at Camille. She said, "See, how agitated

he is? He hung up after just a couple of sentences. If I knew he would get angry so easily, I should

have stood firm earlier."

Sienna had always felt compelled when dealing with Mario. Regardless of the situation, he always

found a way to force her to comply willingly.

Camille, biting her lip, looked at Sienna with a touch of distress. She whispered, "Sienna, don't be like

this. Your attitude makes me feel like you're deliberately being difficult."

"Isn't that what I'm doing? With Mario, I really don't know what to do. I can't always comply with him and

follow his ideas. I truly hate this version of myself. But every time, he finds a way to threaten me. He

always has so many ways to control and manipulate me. I never knew this man could be so ruthless. I

can't imagine, if it weren't for those things, if I truly got together with him, would he have more leverage

to threaten me?"

Sienna lowered her head, her expression particularly bitter, and her eyes held evident tears. However,

she refused to let the tears flow. She raised her head, gazing at the ceiling with a stubbornness in her

voice, "Cami, sometimes I really feel tired. I want to find a place to disappear completely. Only if I

disappear, Mario won't threaten me, and he won't appear in front of me. But everything about Rex is

here. If I let him give up and leave with me, I would be too selfish. I can't bear for him to abandon


"Sienna, it's not about giving up everything to make Mario give up on you. It's more about your hearts

with Rex. As long as you both remain firm and can withstand the storms, you will surely see the


"Is that so?"

"Yes, do you believe me? I have never lied to you. So, will you agree?"

"Yeah, I trust you. I agree."

They smiled at each other.

As for tonight's dinner, Sienna naturally did not attend. Mario wouldn't force her into a corner. So, the

dinner involved only Camille, Ayan, and Mario.

During the meal, Mario brought up, "I initially wanted Sienna to join you, but she had something to take

care of."

Camille just smiled faintly, saying, "It's okay. She's busy with her own matters."

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