My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1128: Difficulties
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Chapter 1128: Difficulties

Chapter 1128: Difficulties

Preston once again spoke, expressing his intentions while also pointing out operational loopholes in

many businesses. However, he only briefly mentioned Simpson Group and Ward Group, avoiding the

heavy topics.

Their eyes met, and Mario calmly said, "Instead of making enemies with the entire business community

in Hance City, why wouldn't I choose to cooperate with Simpson Group? With Simpson Group as a

protective umbrella, my path in Hance City will be smoother. Therefore, I don't think your approach

suits me, and I don't see the need for us to collaborate."

Upon hearing Mario leaning toward Ayan, Preston's expression turned unpleasant. He spoke with a

heavy tone, "Mr. King, relying on Ayan and Simpson Group is not a good strategy. Once you

collaborate with Simpson Group, you'll be stuck with them. You won't be able to stand on your own in

Hance City."

"I never intended to stand on my own in Hance City. I just want to expand my projects here. So, Mr.

Walker, don't worry about me. Take care of your own affairs. As far as I know, you hold the position of

director at Armstrong Corp now. Focus on your job. If Ayan finds out about today's conversation, I'm

concerned Mr. Walker might have trouble at Armstrong Corp!"

Mario stood up, his gaze warm and faint as he looked at Preston. His eyes revealed clear disdain.

Preston, still seated, felt like he'd been slapped in the face, humiliated.

Mario had left for quite some time, but Preston remained in his seat, unmoving. His face was dark and

cold like ice.

Staring at Mario leaving, an intense anger and determination against Mario welled up within Preston.

Unable to contain himself, he muttered, "Ignorant fool."

In the car, Mario's secretary, familiar with Mario's temper, whispered, "Mr. King, rejecting Preston's

invitation, won't it provoke him?"

Mario replied, "He's not important. Even if he's provoked, so what? Men who rely on women like him

are not worth my attention. Besides, he's just looking for a stepping stone. Do you think he genuinely

wants to collaborate with me? He only wants to benefit from my connections."

Mario snorted, a particularly cold and icy glint in his eyes.

This was one of the reasons why he despised Preston. He wouldn't let Preston use him as a stepping

stone to climb higher.

He wouldn't be manipulated.

As the car moved along the road, after the topic of Preston ended, the secretary spoke again, "Mr.

King, should we go to Simpson Group now? Did Ayan agree to cooperate with us?"

"Not so fast," Mario replied casually, looking out the window with an especially cold expression. He

said, "Ayan suggesting we go to Simpson Group probably indicates an intention to cooperate, but the

terms haven't been discussed. He won't sign a contract so easily."

"Could he take advantage of the situation to make unreasonable demands?"

"No matter. As long as it's not too excessive, we can meet his requests."

"Mr. King, my main concern is that Ayan will team up with Rex to go against you," the secretary

whispered his worries. Given the strong relationship between Ayan and Rex, and their families being

close, if they joined forces against Mario, it would be challenging for him to establish himself in Hance


Mario didn't respond to the secretary's concerns. His deep eyes squinted slightly, and emotions brewed

thickly in their depths, leaving everyone guessing what he was thinking.

After a roughly forty-minute drive, Mario, accompanied by his secretary, arrived at the Simpson Group


As they had arranged beforehand, Ayan's assistant was waiting downstairs.

Upon seeing Mario, the assistant immediately approached, ushering Mario into the elevator.

The assistant said, "Mr. King, Mr. Simpson is in a meeting. It will end in about twenty minutes. I'll take

you for tea and a brief rest in the meantime."

Mario nodded, following the assistant into the reception room next to Ayan's office. Tea was poured,

accompanied by snacks and fruits. The assistant then excused himself.

Now alone in the reception room with his secretary, Mario's secretary said in a hushed tone, "Mr. King,

was this intentional on Ayan's part? He didn't even arrange for his secretary to receive you. Just a

random assistant. It seems like he's not taking us seriously!"

The secretary was indignant, but Mario remained nonchalant.

He said calmly, "Whether he's genuinely busy or pretending to be, it doesn't matter. First, let's not lose

our composure. As for how others behave, that's their problem. If my reputation can be tarnished just

because of his actions, then the issue lies with me."

Mario believed that face and dignity were bestowed by oneself. Only by being strong could one avoid

being looked down upon.

Moreover, Mario didn't think Ayan would directly disrespect him. So, he decided to address everything

after the meeting.

Mario waited in the reception room for over twenty minutes. During this time, he kept his emotions

stable, not losing control. He could manage his direct emotions, not easily revealing his true feelings,novelbin

considering it a way to maintain his real bottom line and thoughts.

After twenty minutes, a knock on the door echoed in the reception room. The door opened, and the

assistant brought Ayan in.

Ayan's voice followed, "Mr. King, sorry to keep you waiting!"

Mario immediately stood up, extending his hand towards Ayan. They shook hands, their eyes colliding

in the air. Mario spoke, "Mr. Simpson, I hope my sudden visit didn't disturb your work?"

"It's alright. Just finished an urgent meeting," Ayan replied, sitting down and instructing the assistant to

pour tea.

Mario subtly observed the assistant, confirming that he was the same one who had brought them up.

He casually asked, "I remember Mr. Simpson's secretary is not this person?"

"Kian is on a business trip for me, temporarily absent from the company."

"I see."

Their eyes met briefly, carrying a sense of testing, yet both maintained a basic, polite smile.

Ayan took the initiative, "Mr. King, did you come today to discuss a collaboration with me?"

Mario nodded and said, "Yes, I'd like to talk with Mr. Simpson in detail. Do you have the same


"Sure." Ayan smiled slightly, quietly listening to Mario's thoughts and proposals.

King Group's investment sector was more mature than Simpson Group's, having more experience.

Many of their projects involved collaborations with major financial companies, precisely what Simpson

Group needed.

Ayan fell into a brief silence after Mario's speech. Then, he calmly said, "Mr. King, your ideas are good,

but King Group is already quite mature in this field. Why would you choose to cooperate with me?"

"Because Simpson Group is excellent in every aspect, especially Mr. Simpson's leadership, which is

unparalleled. More importantly, I've known Cami for many years, and her husband is undoubtedly


By bringing Camille into the conversation, Mario wanted to convey to Ayan that he had a good

relationship with Camille, providing a positive start to their collaboration.

Upon hearing about Camille, Ayan's lips curled into a faint smile. He looked at Mario and said, "I'll take

that as a compliment."

Mario smiled as well, then suggested, "I wonder if Mr. Simpson has time tonight? If you don't have

other plans, how about inviting Cami? Let's have dinner together. We were too busy at the gathering

yesterday, so I didn't get a chance to chat with Mr. Simpson and Cami."

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