My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1123: Disparagement
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Chapter 1123: Disparagement

Chapter 1123: Disparagement

The dinner proceeded smoothly, but Sienna remained unusually quiet, a detail Madison noticed.

After the meal, everyone gathered in the living room for tea. Madison took Sienna to the kitchen,

saying, "Let's prepare some fruit for your brother and Rex to enjoy with their tea!"

Sienna nodded, joining Madison in arranging the fruit. Madison, a gentle and dignified woman, was

generally lively and expressive. She took a glance at Sienna and gently inquired, "Sienna, are you

upset? Is it inappropriate that Rex's dad and I invited your brother over without informing you


"If that's the case, Mom, I apologize. It was unexpected to run into your brother, and considering you

two met last night, Rex's dad and I thought it was only right to invite him for dinner. After all, he's your


Madison's tone was sincere, as she could sense Sienna's less-than-happy mood. Knowing Sienna as

an upbeat person, Madison felt uneasy witnessing her silent demeanor, an unusual and uneasy feeling.

Feeling increasingly guilty, Madison spoke, "Sienna, what did you mean just now?"

Sienna quickly responded, "Mom, what are you saying? Why would I be angry? I'm delighted that you

and Dad invited him over. Your actions are for my sake, and I understand that."

Sienna gazed at Madison and spoke softly, "I don't feel any discomfort or unhappiness. I just..."

"Just what?" Madison locked eyes with Sienna, concerned about the somewhat unfavorable expression

on her face.

Sienna pursed her lips, hesitated for a few seconds, and then said, "Mom, I'll be honest with you. You

know about my relationship with the King family. Although I grew up there, for some reasons, I no

longer have any connection with them. I'm grateful for their upbringing, and if they ever need my help, I

won't hesitate. However, the relationship between Mario and me is not as close and friendly as real

siblings. We don't interfere with each other, and I prefer to keep it that way. This is also what Dad

means by 'thanks.'"

Sienna hesitated before sharing this information. However, she believed that transparency was better

than concealing the truth. By being honest, Mr. Ward and Madison would understand that her

relationship with Mario wasn't very positive. This way, the Ward family wouldn't have any reservations,

and they wouldn't feel obligated to give face to Mario repeatedly.

Sienna gazed at Madison, observing the changes in her expression. Madison didn't show much

surprise or astonishment; after all, she had witnessed many things between affluent families.

Looking at Sienna with affection in her eyes, Madison said, "Sienna, I understand what you mean. You

don't need to feel any pressure or unease. Rex's dad and I will handle everything. You don't have to

worry about us. Just be yourself, okay?"

Sienna pursed her lips and replied in a low, husky voice, "Okay, thank you, Mom."

"No need to be formal with me," Madison said with a slight smile.

Although Sienna and Rex hadn't had their wedding yet, Sienna had already started addressing

Madison as her mother-in-law. Madison couldn't wait and decided to give Sienna a significant gift in

advance to prompt the change.

This matter had a touch of humor to it, with the assistance of Camille and Talia. So, Madison was eager

and didn't want to wait, aiming to make Sienna change her address sooner.

While the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were in the kitchen, chatting about various topics while

preparing fruit, in the living room, the three men were engaged in pleasant conversation.

Afterward, everyone enjoyed the fruit, chatting intermittently. By around ten o'clock, Mario glanced at

the time and suggested, "Mr. Ward, Mrs. Ward, it's getting late. I appreciate the hospitality tonight. Let's

call it a night, and we can gather again next time. I'll take my leave now."

Naturally, Mr. Ward and Madison politely insisted on keeping Mario a bit longer, but Mario declined with

courtesy, expressing that there would be plenty of opportunities to meet in the future.

The group escorted Mario to the door, but he didn't allow anyone to accompany him to his car. Instead,

he turned to Sienna and said, "I have a few words to say to Sienna."

The implication was clear: everyone should give them some privacy.

Rex, standing next to Sienna, instinctively glanced at Mario. His eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a

subtle coldness. Sienna, on the other hand, took Rex's hand, offering silent comfort.

Since Mario had made this request, Madison and Mr. Ward had no right to refuse.novelbin

Sienna said, "Dad, Mom, you and Rex go in first. I need to talk to my brother for a moment."

Mr. Ward and Madison nodded, agreeing. They bid Mario farewell once again, reminded the driver to

prioritize safety, and then went inside.

As for Rex, he made no move to enter the house. Without the presence of Mr. Ward and Madison,

Mario's lips curved into a faint smile. He remarked, "Mr. Ward, do you plan to keep staring at her like


Rex chuckled and calmly responded, "I do have that intention."

"Don't you think it's a bit excessive? If someone belongs to you, they won't leave even if you don't keep

an eye on them. If they don't belong to you, even if you keep constant watch, they'll still leave," Mario

said meaningfully, looking at Rex. His gaze toward Sienna conveyed a clear message. He then turned

to Sienna and said, "Sienna, I believe there are some things we should discuss privately. What do you


Sienna didn't answer him, maintaining a silent and cold demeanor. After a few seconds, she spoke

softly to Rex, "Go inside and accompany Mom and Dad. I'll be there shortly."

Rex nodded gently, his gaze tenderly fixed on Camille. He said, "I'll be inside. If you need anything, just

call me, alright?"

"Alright, I know," Sienna responded, and then Rex entered the house.

Now, only Sienna and Mario remained outside. Mario's gaze stayed on Sienna, but she showed no

expression, maintaining a cold demeanor. She said, "Speak. What do you want to talk to me about?"

Mario's emotions were understandably not in a good state. His tone with Sienna wasn't pleasant either.

He said, "You're already calling his parents Mom and Dad? Sienna, is this how the King family and I

raised you? You're blindly with him, but does he and his family respect you? They can't even give you a

decent wedding, which is a blatant denial of you. Are you not undermining yourself?"

"Undermining myself? Am I? Is that what you think? Everything now is what I want. So, I don't think I'm

undermining myself. On the contrary, I believe my previous self was undermining me."

"What do you mean?"

"Can't you understand? Everything now is my choice, and I want it all. So, I don't think I'm undermining

myself. In fact, I believe this is good for me."

Sienna's words completely darkened Mario's expression. He squinted, his gaze filled with icy anger,

and questioned in a low voice, "Now, for the sake of this man, are you willing to give up even the King

family? If I hadn't come to Hance City, were you planning to never see me again in your life?"

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