My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1124: Disruption
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Chapter 1124: Disruption

Chapter 1124: Disruption

Sienna lifted her gaze slightly to meet his eyes, saying, "If that's how you feel, I can't help it. After all,

whether I lost the King family or the King family lost me, you already have a conclusion in your heart.

Why go through the trouble of asking me again? Don't you think it's tiring?"

Sienna stared at Mario expressionlessly. Without waiting for him to speak, she continued, "If you'renovelbin

here to lecture me, is it finished now? Can I go in?"

"Sienna!!!" Mario shouted in anger. The tone was naturally not light. If it weren't for the good sound

insulation of the house, I think people inside would probably have come running out by now.

Sienna looked at Mario indifferently. She said, "I'm here. There's no need to shout so loudly."

"Do you now feel invincible with the Ward family backing you up?"


Mario snorted, "Do you think the Ward family can protect you for how long? Do you think the Ward

family will stand by you all the time? If your crisis threatens the Ward family's interests, will they still

protect you?"

Mario's words were full of threats. His face was cold, and he stared at Sienna, his emotions showing

calculation and menace.

Sienna stood still for a long time, her face remained cool.

The two of them silently faced each other, neither saying a word. After some time, Sienna's voice

slowly sounded, "What do you want?"

"What I want, you don't know? My goal has always been one. If you want everyone to be safe, come

back with me to Flento City. Then everyone will be fine." Mario said indifferently, his gaze always fixed

on her face without wavering.

Sienna didn't speak. Her face remained expressionless.

After a long time, Mario's voice slowly sounded, "I'll give you time to think. Consider how you want to


After speaking, Mario didn't linger any longer. He turned and walked towards his car.

Watching his retreating figure, Sienna's expression finally softened a bit. She bit her lip slightly and

spoke slowly, "Mario, is it that you will only give up your current decisions and actions if I disappear

from this world? Will everyone truly be okay then?"

Mario suddenly turned around, his face stiff, his eyes enveloped in coldness. He furrowed his brows,

staring at Sienna without saying a word. He said, "You better not have any thoughts like that. Don't

think you can force me to compromise with such ideas, Sienna. You understand my temper. For certain

things that cross my bottom line, I will not hesitate to destroy everything."

He said indifferently, his expression returning to coldness. Then he got into the car.

The car didn't stop for long and soon started the engine, driving away from the Ward's mansion.

Sienna, however, stood there without moving until Rex walked out from inside the house.

Rex gently reached out to stop her shoulder, and she didn't bother to meet his gaze, simply leaning into

his embrace.

Neither of them spoke, just quietly holding each other, lingering in that moment until Rex softly spoke,

"Let's go home!"

Hearing his voice, tears welled up in Sienna's eyes. She nodded slightly, "Okay."

He held Sienna's hand as they got into the car together. It was only after leaving the Ward's mansion

that Sienna, belatedly, remembered. She looked at Rex and asked, "We didn't even say anything to

Mom and Dad. Will they think I'm rude?"

Rex smirked, teasing her, "Should we go back and tell them now?"

Sienna sighed, "It feels too late to go back now, right?"

"Then let's not say anything. They're easy-going; they won't mind. So, don't stress about it, okay?"

Sienna nodded lightly, then slumped into the seat, utterly drained. She sighed silently, her voice weak,

"Mom and Dad must be really worried tonight."

"They won't be. Don't overthink it. No matter what happens, I'm here, so don't worry about anything,


Sienna naturally understood this, so she nodded gently. Her face, however, showed no reduction in


The two returned to Franklin Bay. Neither Sienna nor Rex brought up what Mario had said earlier. They

respected each other's personal space, ensuring no added pressure.

While Rex was in the shower, Sienna couldn't resist calling Camille.

She told Camille about tonight's events. Camille seemed unsurprised, saying, "He would've found the

Ward family sooner or later. After all, your relationship was spread throughout the business district last

night, wasn't it? If the Ward family pretends not to know, Mario will find something to say. Now the Ward

family has given you face and given Mario face. What else can he say?"

"So, you're not surprised? Or did you know in advance? Did Rex tell Ayan?"

"Yeah, about an hour ago. He even asked Ayan if he wanted to beat up Mario. After all, it's a simple

matter to beat someone up on your own turf in Hance City."

Sienna couldn't help but laugh. She said, "He wants to use violence to solve this?"

"Probably thinks that a bit of violence will drive Mario out of Hance City. If that's what it takes, he might

actually do it!" Camille responded casually, actually finding the situation quite a headache. Mario was

undeniably troublesome. Now that he's in Hance City, it undoubtedly brings a lot of pressure to both

Sienna and Rex.

Although Sienna could assure herself that she wouldn't be swayed by Mario, sometimes things were

beyond her control. If she and Rex had any conflicts or grievances, Mario would be the ultimate winner.

Camille sighed silently, lightly pursing her lips, and asked, "Sienna, have you... thought about what to


Sienna, subconsciously, was momentarily stunned. She quietly repeated the words Camille had asked.

What should she do?

Sienna said, "I don't know what to do. For now, I can only take it one step at a time, right?"

Camille expressed her concern, "He's in Hance City now. I'm worried that if you're not careful, he might

easily manipulate you. If you get pregnant at this time, will he give up?"

Camille could only think of this one solution because she believed that if Sienna were pregnant with a

child, Mario might not go too far in pressuring her.

However, Sienna replied, "I've thought about it, but if I'm really pregnant, and he still persists, I might

not even be able to protect the child."

Sienna continued, "I've made up my mind. I plan to contact the King family and hope they can call her


"Now it seems that's the only option. But you can't solely rely on the King family because Mario is in

charge there. If the King family can really have someone restraining him, he wouldn't have come to

Hance City today," Camille whispered, hoping Sienna would be more cautious. This way, there would

be a plan in case of any unexpected situation.

The two discussed this topic for a long time, but neither had many solutions. Sienna even asked

Camille, "Can you ask Mr. Simpson for help, think of a way for me? Guess what Mario will do next?"

"Yeah, I'll ask, but don't expect too much. Mario hasn't had much contact with him, so he doesn't know

enough. Actually, you know him the best. You have a better chance of dealing with him." Camille calmly

reassured Sienna not to think too much for now. Even if there's no solution, it doesn't mean he'll resort

to kidnapping, right?

Sienna smiled awkwardly, saying, "He has done things like this before. Only when he finds a

weakness, he has a way to force me to comply. Unless I can find his weakness first, I don't know how

much chance I have to win."

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