My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1122: Indulgence
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Chapter 1122: Indulgence

Chapter 1122: Indulgence

"We should have invited you to our house for a meal earlier. It's our fault in the Ward family. Mr. King,

we hope you'll forgive us!"

"Mr. Ward, no need to be so polite. Sienna has been spoiled at home, a bit willful, causing some trouble

for the Ward family, hasn't she?"

Their conversation made Rex and Sienna subconsciously exchange glances, their brows furrowing


Sienna had already concluded who the guest at home was. After all, Mr. Ward just mentioned Mr. King,

and who else could be addressed like that but him?

With narrowed eyes and a displeased expression on her face, Sienna quickened her pace towards the

inside. Rex gently pulled her, lowering his voice, "Don't be nervous. Everything is fine. This is our


However, even though he said so, the fact that he came here indicated that the things he mentioned on

the phone this morning were true. If she didn't cooperate, he would take action against the Ward family.

Sienna tightly pursed her lips, her expression exceptionally cold. She opened her mouth but remained

silent for quite some time.

"Back already? Why are you standing here? Hurry up and come in!" Madison's voice echoed from the

side of the stairs. Seeing Rex and Sienna standing there whispering, she couldn't help but laugh, "Why

aren't you saying anything even when you're back home?!"

The two in the hall heard Madison's words clearly. Sienna quickly greeted Madison and then walked

hand in hand with Rex behind her into the hall.

Sienna's gaze had been fixed on Mario, who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea with Mr. Ward, since

they entered. Similarly, Mario's eyes were also on her.

Their eyes met, and Madison's voice rang out, "Sienna, your brother came to Hance City, and you

didn't tell the family in advance? Your dad found out and quickly invited your brother to dinner. You

wouldn't mind, would you?"

Madison asked in a low voice, and Sienna smiled and shook her head, "Why would I mind? I should

thank Mom and Dad for taking care of my brother!"

Madison smiled slightly when she heard this. They encountered Mario by chance. In the afternoon,

Madison and Mr. Ward attended a gathering, and they happened to meet Mario there. Due to the party

last night, Mario had developed connections with many people in the Hance City business circle. After

the introductions, when Mr. Ward and Madison learned about Sienna's relationship with Mario, Mr.

Ward proactively suggested inviting Mario for dinner.

Facing Mr. Ward's enthusiasm, Mario casually responded, "We're all family; there's no need to be so

polite. Eating outside is always a bit distant. Besides, I'll be in Hance City for quite some time."

Hearing that eating outside was distant, Mr. Ward instinctively suggested, "Come to our house. Since

they have been quite busy recently, let's have a good gathering today."

Mario didn't refuse and agreed directly. Then he and Mr. Ward had tea and chatted for an entire

afternoon. Later, they came together to the Ward's mansion, played chess, and waited for Rex and

Sienna to return. That brings us to now.

Sienna saw that Mario had been silent all this time. Their eyes met, and Mario, as if nothing had

happened, looked at Sienna and said, "Why don't you say anything when you see me?"

His words carried a hint of a smile, like a protective older brother.

Mr. Ward quickly added, "Probably too happy to see you. You two siblings can catch up later. Now, let's

go eat!"

Mr. Ward's suggestion eased the tension a bit. However, Rex had been silent, his face slightly stern as

he looked at Mario. The two locked eyes, revealing deep emotions and understanding of each other's

thoughts and feelings.

In the dining room, everyone took their seats. Today, because Mario had come, Mr. Ward and Madison

didn't invite other members of the Ward family to join for dinner. They wanted to have a private meal

with Mario, especially since Sienna and Rex had just gotten married. It was the first time dining with

members of the King family, and they preferred not to have others present.

Madison and Mr. Ward played the role of gracious hosts, taking care of Mario very tactfully. They were

polite and welcoming, leaving Mario with no room for complaint.novelbin

Perhaps it was the parents' attitude towards their daughter-in-law's family, coupled with Sienna's silent

demeanor, that kept Mario from making any additional moves beyond responding to Mr. Ward's


At this point, Mr. Ward took the initiative and called out to Rex, "Rex, Mr. King is Sienna's brother, which

makes him your brother too. Come, let's offer a toast to Mr. King. You've taken Sienna into your home,

so it's only natural to let your big brother, Mr. King, see your attitude towards Sienna. If you treat Sienna

poorly, Mr. King won't let you off easily."

After Mr. Ward's words, he gave Rex a meaningful look, as if to say, "Hurry up."

With parents present, Rex naturally couldn't refuse. He picked up his glass and went towards Mario, a

slight smile on his lips. Looking at Mario, he said, "Brother, I propose a toast to you. Thank you for

coming to our home for dinner. It's also a good opportunity for you to see the Ward family's attitude

towards Sienna. I hope it puts your mind at ease."

Rex's actions and words made Mario narrow his eyes slightly. His expression seemed a bit stiff, likely

detecting Rex's displeasure. Rex repeated his words, expressing gratitude to Mario and the King family

for nurturing Sienna so well. He concluded by expressing his joy for encountering such a good fortune.

After a few seconds of hesitation, Mario still didn't make a move. Seeing this, Mr. Ward immediately

spoke, "Is Mr. King not satisfied with Rex? Perhaps he feels Rex isn't treating Sienna well enough? Mr.

King, rest assured, as a father, I guarantee that no one in the Ward family will bully Sienna. Even if

Sienna and Rex have differences, Sienna is more important. So, Mr. King, please give Rex a chance!"

Mr. Ward, a seasoned businessman in the city with a deep friendship with Fletcher, was a figure not to

be taken lightly. The atmosphere in the dining room became unusually quiet, creating a discomforting


Each person's eyes revealed various emotions, but nobody knew what the others were truly thinking.

Mr. Ward's expression also turned slightly subdued as he spoke, "Mr. King, are you dissatisfied with


Madison chimed in, "Mr. King, although the Ward family isn't as affluent as the King family, and we

might be considered less prestigious, Rex and Sienna are in love. We, the Ward family, will naturally

treat Sienna well. So, we hope Mr. King can give the Ward family a chance!"

Madison and Mr. Ward had humbled themselves to the utmost. Despite stating that the Ward family

was not on par with the King family, in reality, it was merely a show to express their value for Sienna in

front of Mario.

Considering the situation, Mario immediately smiled and said, "You two are too serious. I was just

thinking if Sienna, who has been spoiled by the King family since childhood, would cause trouble for

the Ward family."

"Mr. King, no need to worry. Sienna is very well-behaved and treats us very well," Madison reassured

with a smile.

Mr. Ward quickly added, "That's right."

Everyone chuckled one after another. Rex was still holding his glass, and Mario naturally raised his

glass to clink with him.

The two locked eyes, and Mario casually said, "No need to call me 'brother.' Just address me however

you like."

"Sure, brother," Rex responded with a light smile, raising his eyebrows subconsciously, his gaze

arrogant and provocative.

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