My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1119: Concern
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Chapter 1119: Concern

Chapter 1119: Concern

Each of them looked a bit peculiar, especially in their frequent attempts to be attentive to her. Although

their attentiveness wasn't accompanied by ulterior motives, Camille still felt a slight discomfort.

Deciding to address it directly, Camille asked.

They exchanged glances and then shook their heads one after another, saying, "No."

Camille smiled faintly and said, "Are you all curious about why I'm here?"

The secretaries' assistants dared not speak up but could only accompany her with smiles.

Choosing an empty seat, Camille sat down. She spoke gently, "You can ask me directly; it's okay!"

Perhaps because Camille was easy to talk to, and she usually had a gentle demeanor, creating an

impression of kindness, one of the female assistants couldn't help but ask, "Mrs. Simpson, are you

really coming to work at Simpson Group?"

This assistant had interacted with Camille quite a bit. Ayan had instructed her to work with Camille at

the museum for a few days before. Having seen Camille's working style, she knew Camille wasn't an

arrogant or overbearing person.

In response to the assistant's question, Camille smiled slightly and raised her eyebrows, asking in

return, "Do you think so?"

The assistant said, "I estimate it's probably not, right?"

"Congratulations, you're correct." Camille looked at everyone and said lightly, "Don't be nervous,

everyone. I'm just here for a day to fill in. So, continue with your usual tasks, don't mind me, and don't

feel uncomfortable, okay?"

Camille was very candid, and this made everyone stop overthinking.

Actually, it wasn't that they were afraid of Camille really joining them in work; they were just worried

about not knowing how to get along with her.

Just that.

After Camille's frank explanation, everyone started working seriously.

Camille returned to her desk. Probably finding the process of organizing files a bit boring, she

proactively approached a male assistant and asked, "Is there any work you want me to handle?"

The male assistant said, "Mrs. Simpson..."

"Call me Secretary Armstrong!" Camille corrected, preventing the mention of "Mrs. Simpson" to

maintain the atmosphere.

The male assistant quickly corrected himself, "Secretary Armstrong, Mr. Simpson doesn't have many

work arrangements this morning. So, you can make a lunch reservation for Mr. Simpson a bit earlier,

and around one o'clock, Mr. Simpson will have a meeting."

Camille nodded gently, "Alright."

Although it was just making a lunch reservation, it was still work, and it needed to be treated seriously.

As Camille returned to her seat, preparing to check her phone for lunch options, the male assistant

received a phone call. Camille didn't know what the other party said, but the male assistant frowned,

explaining in a low voice. However, the other party seemed difficult to deal with, and the male assistant

seemed troubled as he said, "Mr. Simpson is busy. If you don't have an appointment, it's impossible to

arrange a meeting with him."

The other party probably used threatening language, causing the male assistant considerable difficulty.

However, following Ayan's usual work habits and the way Kian handled such situations, meeting Ayan

without an appointment was indeed impossible.

So, the male assistant was in a bit of a dilemma. Judging by the arrogant and haughty tone of the other

party, it seemed like they had encountered Mr. Simpson and had some interaction with him. Therefore,

the male assistant was somewhat worried about whether offending this person would cause trouble for

Mr. Simpson.

The assistant remained silent for a moment, deep in thought. After a few seconds, he spoke, asking the

other party to wait for a moment. He quickly walked over to Camille, inquiring in a low voice, "Mrs.

Simpson, there's a young lady who claims to be a friend of Mr. Simpson and wants to see him.

However, she doesn't have an appointment, and according to the rules, she can't meet him. But this

young lady insists that Mr. Simpson made an appointment with her, so..."

"A young lady?"


Camille pursed her lips, a faint coldness appearing on her face. Her gaze paused for a moment, and

then she calmly said, "Did she mention why she wants to see Mr. Simpson?"

The assistant shook his head, "No, she didn't. So, I'm not sure whether I should invite her up or not."

Camille nodded and then said, "Please bring her up. Let me see if I know her."

After Camille's decision, the male assistant nodded and quickly returned to his desk to continue

responding to the woman's call.

Following Camille's instructions, the assistant invited the woman upstairs. Instead of taking her directly

to the office to meet Ayan, they brought her to Camille first.

Because there was an outsider, the assistant addressed Camille as "Secretary," saying, "Secretary

Armstrong, this is Mr. Simpson's friend. Do you think Mr. Simpson has time now?"

The assistant left the decision to Camille.

Camille looked at the woman with a calm gaze. She had an average appearance but an outstanding

figure. When did Ayan make friends with her?

She furrowed her eyebrows slightly, a faint smile on her face. She then said in a low voice, "Hello, miss.

May I ask if you are looking for Mr. Simpson?"

The woman glanced at Camille, perhaps feeling a bit uneasy. She appeared slightly stiff, but there was

no hesitation in her response, "Yes, I am a friend of Mr. Simpson. We met in Dane City, and we agreed

to meet. Now, please arrange for me to see Mr. Simpson."

Upon hearing the words "Dane City" and "agreed," Camille's expression softened a bit.

The male assistant, on the side, seemed to react as if he had heard some incredible secret. He looked

at Camille subconsciously, feeling a bit regretful for inviting this woman up. If this were true, wouldn't

Mr. Simpson annihilate him?novelbin

The male assistant was in a state of panic, but Camille showed no signs of emotion or anxiety. Instead,

she calmly looked at the woman and said, "I still don't know your name. Would you mind telling me?

Mr. Simpson is currently busy. Why don't you sit down and rest for a while?"

Seeing the beautiful secretary treat her with such respect and courtesy, the woman felt a surge of

vanity. She spoke gently, "My name is Lindsey."

"Miss Lindsey, hello." Camille responded calmly.

Miss Lindsey smiled and sat down in the chair opposite Camille to rest for a while. After about ten

minutes, the intercom on the desk rang. Camille picked it up, saying, "Hello?"

A gentle voice came from the other end, "What are you doing?"

Camille replied with a blank expression, "Is there something?"

He asked tentatively, "Is it inconvenient with someone around?" Camille remained silent, and he

continued, "I've finished my work. Can you come in and chat with me for a while?"

"Great!" Camille happily agreed, then casually placed the receiver down. She looked at Miss Lindsey in

front of her and said lightly, "Miss Lindsey, Mr. Simpson has finished his work. You can go in now."

Upon hearing this, Miss Lindsey became ecstatic. She stood up from the chair, thanking Camille,

"Okay, thank you, Secretary Armstrong. I'll go in now."

Miss Lindsey was overjoyed. After all, it was Ayan's secretary who allowed her to enter. Didn't that

mean Ayan himself allowed her to come in?

With a cheerful expression, Miss Lindsey walked towards Ayan's office. She had a delighted smile on

her face as she knocked on the door and then pushed it open without waiting for a response.

In the office, Ayan sat at his desk, reviewing documents. When he heard the door opening and

footsteps, he didn't lift his head, assuming it was Camille, especially after their recent phone call.

He spoke in a gentle tone, "Feeling unhappy? Did I give you too much work?"

Miss Lindsey froze for a moment, not quite understanding the meaning behind Ayan's words. She

stopped in her tracks, standing still in the room.

At the same time, she felt happy because, in her interpretation, Ayan was showing concern for her,


She bit her lip, lowered her head, and her face displayed a shy expression.

Perhaps not hearing any response, Ayan continued, "Why are you ignoring me?"

Miss Lindsey listened to Ayan's gentle tone. She couldn't resist it. She bit her lip again, and her voice,

soft and tender, replied, "Mr. Simpson, I'm not ignoring you. I've come to see you, haven't I?"

As soon as Miss Lindsey uttered the first word, Ayan raised his head. His face showed no expression

as he stared at the woman. His eyes were filled with anger as he questioned, "Who are you?"

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