My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1118: Terrifying
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Chapter 1118: Terrifying

Chapter 1118: Terrifying

After careful consideration, Camille said, "What can I help you with? I feel like the work at Simpson

Group might not be suitable for me. It's likely that going there will only cause trouble for you and affect

your work!"

"So, does that mean you're unwilling to go?" Ayan chuckled, reaching out to gently touch her cheek. He

said, "As long as you go, naturally, there will be harmony with your work, hmm?"

With his sincere tone, Camille didn't hesitate anymore. She nodded and said, "Alright, I'll accompany

you then."

"Good, start your job tomorrow."

"Sure, Mr. Simpson, please take care of me!"

Camille smiled, and Ayan also smiled as he looked at her.

Probably because of the upcoming job at Simpson Group, Camille even dreamt of working there at

night. In her dream, she temporarily took over Kian's job, arranging many tasks for him. During this

time, many businesswomen contacted him, hoping to have a meal with Mr. Simpson. Facing suchnovelbin

invitations, Camille naturally refused.

However, despite refusing moments ago, right after Ayan accepted someone else's invitation, she

could only watch as he had dinner with another woman, standing on the side as his secretary.

This kind of torment made Camille extremely uncomfortable in her dreams. When she questioned

Ayan, she received a reply, "This is just work. You're my secretary, and I hope you understand the


This dream woke Camille up a little after six in the morning.

She was well aware that standing in Ayan's position attracted many women who actively sought to get

close to him. However, Ayan himself was a person of high integrity, maintaining a distant relationship

with the opposite sex, not giving any opportunity for advances or fantasies.

This also meant that Camille had never personally dealt with these troublesome matters. Even if they

encountered such situations, he would take the initiative to handle them, leaving no room for the other

party to say anything.

However, this dream made Camille feel somewhat uncomfortable because it felt too real. If she really

went to Simpson Group as his temporary secretary, would she have to deal with these matters?

Camille lay in bed, looking at the man sleeping beside her. Her expression was particularly low.

She sighed silently, gently shaking her head, urging herself not to continue thinking aimlessly.

If she really encountered such a situation, it would only be a part of his daily work. It was just that

because she wasn't with him 24 hours a day, she naturally didn't know the specifics.

Because of this dream, when they had breakfast, Camille took the initiative to ask, "Mr. Simpson,

besides handling work matters, does being your secretary also involve managing your private

schedule? What if someone invites you to dinner?"

"Handle it as you see fit. You're the secretary, so, of course, it's your job to arrange it."

"So, I arrange it however I want, and you'll follow suit?"


Camille looked at Ayan somewhat bewildered and asked with a hint of unease, "What if Kian arranges

for you to have dinner with a woman? Do you have to go?"

"Why would he arrange for me to have dinner with a woman?" Ayan asked, somewhat puzzled.

Camille said, "What if someone invites you to dinner!"

"People are inviting me to meals all the time. If I agree to all of them, won't I be overwhelmed? I don't

accept socializing unrelated to work. The PR department and other departments will handle those. I'm

responsible for chatting with enterprise bosses on major projects and dealing with things appropriate

for my position. So, not everyone can have meals with me."

Ayan looked at Camille, explaining his job nature and arrangements seriously and in detail, dispelling

any unfounded suspicions in Camille's mind.

Perhaps because of Ayan's words, Camille's doubts were cleared, and she felt relieved, eliminating any

unnecessary stress.

They arrived at the company together and returned to the office.

The assistant quickly brought various documents, and Ayan began his routine of reviewing and signing.

The assistant then left to attend to other tasks. Before leaving, she also brought water for Camille and

placed some fruits on the coffee table.

Camille sat on the sofa, watching Ayan. After waiting for over ten minutes without any assignments,

she frowned with dissatisfaction. She got up, walked to the desk, and looked down at Ayan, asking,

"Aren't you going to assign me some work? I'm here today as a substitute for Kian, right?"

Hearing her words, Ayan raised his eyes to look at her. In his deep eyes, a hint of a smile appeared,

and in a low, husky voice, he said, "Do you really want to be a secretary?"

"Of course, why else would I come to Simpson Group with you?" Camille had mentally prepared for

various scenarios. What did he mean by this now? She asked, "Are you having second thoughts?"

"It's not second thoughts; I'm worried about you getting tired."

"I'm not afraid of getting tired."

"Alright, should I have the assistant bring in Kian's work for you?" Ayan asked in a low voice.

Camille declined, saying, "I'll go to Kian's desk; it's more convenient for anything that comes up."

Ayan couldn't continue to insist with Camille's firm stance. Seeing her passionate determination and

considering he had already invited her, he nodded in agreement.

Ayan dialed the internal line to summon the assistant to take Camille out and then instructed the

assistant to give Camille the responsibilities that Kian usually handled.

The assistant was curious, looking at the two of them in confusion. Silently, she thought, the president

really knows how to play! Is this what married couples find amusing? When home gets dull, they come

to the office for entertainment?

Playing around like this!

She thought so in her mind, but she immediately proceeded to provide Camille with a detailed

explanation of Kian's usual tasks.

After half an hour of detailed instructions, Camille also understood Kian's responsibilities.

One couldn't deny that Kian, sitting in this position and earning a considerable salary, truly deserved it.

His job was not something an ordinary person could handle. Even Camille, who wasn't new to the

workplace, felt there would be a lot on his plate since he had to take care of everything, not only work-

related matters but also some aspects of Ayan's life.

Camille couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Kian really worked hard.

Taking over Kian's work, the first part was to understand Ayan's schedule for the day. Most of Ayan's

work today was at the company, but he had to go out in the afternoon to meet a partner. In addition to

that, there were two meetings, each lasting nearly two hours.

The long duration and heavy content made Camille feel sympathetic towards Ayan's hard work.

During this time, Camille could sit at Kian's desk and organize some files. Since Ayan was currently

dealing with other documents, there was no immediate need for her to have any contact with him.

Camille's arrival caused quite a stir in the secretary's office.

Some people even speculated, "Did Mr. Simpson bring Mrs. Simpson to the company because Kian is


"Kian going on a business trip is too sudden. There's no schedule record on the company side. Could it

be that Mr. Simpson sidelined him? What should we do? I'm a bit worried about working with Mrs.

Simpson. Will it be terrifying?"

"I'm also a bit worried."

"Let's not worry about it. If we're really going to work with Mrs. Simpson, I think we should please her.

We can't leave any handles behind, in case we lose our jobs!"

People in the secretary's office had seen Camille many times before. They knew she was easy to get

along with. She had even ordered afternoon tea and snacks for them before, and they had talked with

her. They knew Camille was gentle, but she was still the boss's wife, so they naturally didn't dare to be

too casual.

Everyone speculated whether Kian had been fired, so their attitudes towards Camille were particularly


Camille sat at the desk, and several people had already brought things to her multiple times.

This made Camille feel embarrassed, and at the same time, she felt the gazes of everyone discreetly

watching her. Camille felt a bit uncomfortable, so she decided to get up from her seat and walk towards

the general working area.

On this floor, there were only the secretary's office and Ayan's office, all directly involved in working

with Ayan. Naturally, these people weren't gossipy.

Facing Camille's sudden approach, everyone was naturally nervous but kept a poker face. Camille

looked at everyone and asked, "Is there something you want to say?"

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