My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1117: Bad Vibes
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Chapter 1117: Bad Vibes

Chapter 1117: Bad Vibes

Ayan's response was tepid; he naturally had nothing to say to Sienna, so there was no reaction.

Rex's gaze, however, shifted to Sienna, and the emotions in his eyes were complicated. There were

probably some things he couldn't say in front of Ayan and Camille, so he remained silent.

Only Camille, she had to cooperate with Sienna and cheer her on.

She raised her thumb, smiling, "You were amazing today, fantastic, too awesome! You're my idol!!!"

Sienna replied lightly, "Exaggerating a bit, aren't you?"

"Exaggerating? I'm just expressing my true feelings." After saying this, Camille turned to Ayan and

asked, "Was my response just now exaggerated?"

Ayan looked at Camille with a face full of indulgence, speaking gently, "Not exaggerated, those are

your true feelings."

"Exactly, exactly," Camille echoed.

Sienna no longer resisted and accepted with a smile, "Alright, I trust you."

The waiter brought the food, and everyone started eating. Perhaps the events of tonight put everyone

in a good mood, so each of them had a hearty appetite.

After having late-night snacks, they leisurely returned to Franklin Bay.

They didn't have any private time for Sienna and Rex to chat during the night, so after returning to

Franklin Bay, Camille didn't disturb them and quickly took Ayan back to her place.

Seeing her in such a hurry, Ayan couldn't help but ask, "Why are you in such a hurry?"novelbin

Camille said, "I'm afraid you'll keep Rex talking."

"He's the one who kept me talking; I don't have as much to say as him." Ayan snorted.

Camille laughed, "Alright, alright, he talks a lot, you talk less. Let him go find Sienna to talk more."

The two held hands, went upstairs, and returned to the bedroom. Camille, still sighing about tonight's

events, said, "I didn't expect Sienna to be so brave. I was a bit scared when I saw Mario's expression. I

wondered if he would do something?"

Because even Camille knew that Mario didn't like others defying him, especially someone like Sienna,

whom he disliked even more.

But Sienna didn't give him any face at all, not even a chance to ease the situation; she just said what

needed to be said directly.

Ayan took off his coat, looking at her with gentle eyes. He approached Camille slowly and said, "Did

you teach Sienna what to say to Mario?"

"How did you know?" Camille didn't deny anything, only expressing her surprise.

Was he rooted in her heart?

Otherwise, how would he know?

Camille found it incredible.

Ayan, however, thought it was normal because he understood Camille. He knew Camille would be so

courageous. If Sienna had the same courage, she would have told Mario directly and challenged him,

rather than waiting until now.

He gazed at Camille, his eyes still gentle as water. He said softly, "Is what Sienna said to Mario

something you taught her?"

"How did you know?" Camille didn't deny anything, only expressing her surprise.

Was he rooted in her heart?

Otherwise, how would he know?

Camille found it incredible.

Ayan, however, thought it was normal because he understood Camille. He knew Camille would be so

courageous. If Sienna had the same courage, she would have told Mario directly and challenged him,

rather than waiting until now.

He gazed at Camille, his eyes still gentle as water. He said softly, "Is what Sienna said to Mario

something you taught her?"

Camille nodded.

"Actually, it's a good thing that she spoke to Mario like that. So many people were there at the time, and

they all knew about their relationship. If Mario wants to do anything later, he'll have to save face."

"Yeah, that's what I thought too, but I'm a little worried."


"What if Mario decides to act recklessly and tear off all pretenses?"

Ayan gently pinched her cheek, pulling her into an embrace. He said, "You don't need to worry about

that. What you should do now is take a hot shower and get some rest, okay?"

Camille pressed her lips together. Since Ayan had spoken, she didn't want to continue. She nodded in

agreement and headed to the bathroom.

After Camille went to shower, Ayan picked up his phone and walked to the balcony.

He called Kian to inquire about the progress on that side. Kian said, "There hasn't been much progress,

but it's not a complete dead end either."

"Mr. Simpson, the Bill family is aware that we're investigating, so both the household staff and the Bill

family's people are keeping their mouths shut. Don't let anything about the Bill family leak out.

However, my undercover line into the Bill family is still undetected, so it's quite discreet for now. I found

out that Crystal has a cousin named Kelly Bill, studying at an art college in Flento City. Her grades are

poor, she loves to party, often goes to various bars with men from society. She likes luxury, often maxes

out her credit cards. Recently, she's dating a boyfriend who owns a bar. I plan to approach this man

and use him to gather information on the Bill family. What do you think?"

Kian detailed his plan to Ayan, and Ayan naturally trusted him. After all, Kian was his right-hand man.

Ayan responded with a simple "Okay" and then whispered, "Be cautious, don't expose your identity,

and don't let the Bill family find out."

"I understand, you can trust me." Kian added, "By the way, Mr. Simpson, Crystal has been busy

preparing for the competition these days, and there haven't been any obvious moves. Should I have

the people watching her back off?"

Ayan squinted slightly, his tone warm, "Continue to keep an eye on her. I want to know if she's

participating in this competition for a purpose or genuinely wants to. If she came with a purpose, she

might comply now, but once we make any opposing moves, she might reconsider our agreement."

Ayan squinted slightly, emotions evident in his eyes. He wanted this matter to be resolved quickly, but

at the same time, he inquired about it as if it had never happened.

This way, Camille would never have to face any difficulty or make a choice.

After finishing the call with Kian, Ayan didn't rush back inside. He stood silently on the balcony,

contemplating the recent events that had cluttered his thoughts.

Suddenly, he thought of tonight's event. Almost everyone from the business community was present,

including Horace. Due to the large crowd, they didn't exchange greetings, especially since they had

private collaborations. They had silently agreed not to have too much contact in public.

With such a significant gathering, if Horace attended, would Preston, who had recently entered

Armstrong Corp, easily pass up the chance to make an appearance?

Thinking of this, Ayan immediately sent a message to Horace.

Horace replied quickly, saying, "Busy with the museum project. Had a dinner appointment with Jenson,

the project leader of the museum, and the museum's director tonight. Considering everything, I had to

skip this side."

Ayan saw the message and responded with a faint "Okay." Originally, he was worried that Preston's

absence might indicate some ill intentions.

Now that Ayan had Horace's response, he realized it was delayed due to other matters.

Ayan immersed himself in thought for a while, and Camille, having finished her shower, came out of the


Seeing no one in the bedroom, she thought Ayan had gone to the study. Just as she was about to wrap

her hair and head to the study, she saw him walking in from the balcony.

Camille asked casually, "What were you doing on the balcony?"

"Made a call, checking on Kian's progress." Ayan answered truthfully.

Camille nodded and casually asked, "Has Kian been on a business trip for so many days? Isn't it

inconvenient for Simpson Group here?"

"Yeah, very inconvenient. So, do you want to be my secretary for a couple of days?" Ayan took the

towel from her head, wiped away the water, and then took the hairdryer to help her dry her hair.

Camille responded calmly, "My salary is quite high, I'm afraid you can't afford me."

"How high?" He asked with a faint smile while drying her hair, "I can afford any amount, it depends on

whether you're willing."

"My, do you really want to hire me?" Camille looked up at him.

Without any hesitation, he responded, "Of course. So, do you want to agree?"

Camille pressed her lips together, considering that her studio wasn't very busy these days because the

design drafts were ready, and she was just waiting for the scheduled time. So, she had some free time

these days. But did she really want to go and help him at the Simpson Group?

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