My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1116: Conversation
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Chapter 1116: Conversation

Chapter 1116: Conversation

"So, is your sense of security based on Sienna?" Ayan smirked, looking at Rex. "Don't you trust

Sienna? Or do you think Sienna might leave you at any moment? If Sienna knew your thoughts, what

do you think she would feel?"

Rex fell into silence. Indeed, he lacked complete trust and security in Sienna. He felt Sienna seldom

brought up Mario because she hadn't completely let go of the past. As for Sienna choosing him, he

believed it was merely due to their current passionate relationship, without any real obstacles.

However, he worried. What if there were misunderstandings or conflicts between them? Would Sienna

just leave without turning back?

Ayan's words seemed to awaken him. If he continued to harbor such thoughts and fears, it might cause

problems, especially if Sienna found out.

Taking a deep breath, Rex's emotions became more intense and uneasy.

Ayan's words echoed in his mind, making him realize many things. Instead of speculating and being

anxious, he decided to have an honest conversation with Sienna.

After having lunch with Ayan, Rex left for the office. Once back, he called Sienna. He shared his recent

feelings and his attitude towards Mario's arrival in Hance City. He openly confessed his inner thoughts

and emotions to Sienna.

He told her, "I'm really worried. Worried that he might create misunderstandings between us and make

you leave me. So, I hope that no matter what happens, we can trust each other and be honest with

each other."

This conversation plunged Sienna into deep thought. Through this phone call, they laid everything out

on the table. Sometimes, it's difficult to discuss certain matters face-to-face, but over the phone, they

could express themselves freely.

The call lasted for about half an hour. By the end of it, they had restored their usual sweetness. They

agreed to meet up in the evening, a result that was the best start.

Sienna stayed with Camille, so when Rex called, Sienna was beside her. Seeing Sienna's relaxed

expression, Camille smiled gently and said, "Feeling happy now?"

"Yeah, quite happy. Because I didn't know what he was thinking before. Now that I know, I'm really


Sienna just wanted to understand whether Rex was willing to take the initiative or step back for her.

Camille said, "Everything will be fine together."

"Yes, everything will be fine."

Sienna whispered.

Hand in hand, the two left the mall.

Time passed quickly, especially when you wanted to avoid things that came too early.

Around 6:30 in the evening, Camille, Ayan, Sienna, and Rex took separate cars from Franklin Bay

directly to the venue Mario had booked for the reception.

It was in a private estate, naturally grand and luxurious.

When they arrived, many people were already there. Although King Group wasn't based in Hance City,

it had a significant reputation in Flento City, so people in Hance City's business community were

familiar with him, and some had even collaborated with him.

Ayan and Rex, almost the last to arrive, were met by Mario's secretary waiting at the door. Upon seeing

the four of them, the secretary promptly informed Mario, who came out immediately to personally

welcome them.

He politely addressed Ayan and Rex, slightly curling his lips, "Welcome, Mr. Simpson and Mr. Ward, for

taking the time to attend my reception. Thank you both for giving me such face."

Ayan replied nonchalantly, "Mr. King, you're too kind."

Rex echoed with a subdued tone, but his response was notably chilly.

Mario's gaze then shifted to Camille beside Ayan, and he curved his lips, his voice gentle, "Cami, long

time no see."

Camille responded gracefully, "Mario, long time no see. Why didn't you tell me in advance that you

were coming to Hance City? I would have invited you for a meal!"

"No rush. I won't be leaving Hance City for a short while, so I've counted on this meal of yours." Mario

maintained the same attitude towards Camille. She smiled, as if tacitly accepting his words.

Mario's eyes naturally fell on Sienna at this moment. Seeing Sienna's lack of reaction, he spoke in a

soft tone, "Sienna, don't you recognize me?"

His voice was neither too light nor too heavy, but it was audible to many amidst the crowd. People

seemed surprised that Mario knew Ayan, Rex, and their wives, not just in passing but apparently quite

familiar with them.

Curiosity got the better of those who knew Mario, and they couldn't help but inquire, "Mr. King knows

Mr. Simpson and Mr. Ward? Are you also friends with their wives?"novelbin

Mario didn't hide it and nodded, saying, "Yes, we're old friends. Sienna and I..."

"We're siblings. I'm the daughter of the King family, and he's my brother." Sienna cut in, directly stating

their relationship in front of everyone, word by word, without any weight.

Sienna's words made Mario's face subtly stiffen, and a heavy displeasure brewed in his eyes,

especially a wrathful intent between his brows, clearly expressing his dissatisfaction with Sienna.

However, Sienna showed no sign of retreat, just calmly looking at the man before her, smiling and

saying, "Brother, you hid it well. You unexpectedly came to Hance City without informing us in advance.

Rex and I could have arranged accommodations for you."

Mario directly exposed their relationship, especially in front of so many influential people. There was no

room for Mario to explain, leaving the only option to completely pretend they had no special


This made Mario's face look extremely unsightly, but he had to go along with Sienna's words because,

at this moment, he couldn't do anything else.

He looked at Sienna indifferently, observing the calculation in her eyes. It dawned on him belatedly-she

grew up by his side, exposed to all his schemes and calculations.

So, he didn't know whether to feel happy or sad at this moment.

Facing the surprise of the onlookers regarding their relationship, Mario calmly spoke, "I came in a hurry,

and the originally scheduled time was still a while away. So, I came over without informing you.

Everything is arranged, and I didn't want to disturb you."

"Brother, no need to be so polite. Even though Rex and I are still in the honeymoon phase, we should

arrange for our relatives when they come over. We have to let him put on a show in front of you, right?"

Sienna chuckled.

Mario only made an indifferent acknowledgment, and his face remained expressionless.

The two locked eyes for a moment, and then someone took the initiative to approach, offering toasts

and engaging in conversation with them.

Later, due to Mario's busyness, he didn't appear in front of Sienna, so she didn't have to continue

dealing with him.

A few people sat in a separate area, and everyone was surprised by Sienna's attitude and reactions.

Rex especially held her hand throughout, feeling the need for constant reassurance.

Sienna's behavior had brought significant shock, and her unexpected reactions had caught Mario off


As they sat there, people approached to offer toasts, but Ayan spoke up, "Tonight's main focus is Mr.

King, so everyone should go and toast to Mr. King."

Ayan lifted his head slightly, maintaining a calm demeanor. His words carried weight, making them

easy for others to accept.

Therefore, Mario drank a lot that night and didn't approach Sienna again.

Around nine o'clock, the four of them left the reception because they hadn't eaten anything. They found

a place to have some late-night snacks.

After ordering their food, they sat quietly with no one speaking. Sienna looked around at the three of

them and then took the initiative to ask, "How was my performance tonight? Is there anything you want

to say to me?"

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