My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1120: Bored
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Chapter 1120: Bored

Chapter 1120: Borednovelbin

When Ayan questioned Miss Lindsey like that, she was utterly confused. She murmured, "Mr. Simpson,

it's me. Have you forgotten me? Your secretary just informed me to come in. Mr. Simpson, we met in

Dane City. You helped me a lot, publicly defending me. Mr. Simpson, I wanted to work at Simpson

Group and stay by your side to take care of you."

Ayan was furious, especially with the woman's words, feeling insulted. He stood up from his office

chair, squinted his eyes, and looked at her coldly, "Don't let me repeat myself. Disappear from my sight


He pressed the intercom and called his male assistant, speaking with an exceptionally cold tone,

"Come in right away."

The male assistant, unaware of what had happened, hurried to the office. He cautiously asked, "Mr.

Simpson, what's wrong?"

Ayan looked at the assistant, his expression extremely unpleasant, "Who is she? Get her out

immediately and call security."

The assistant quickly explained, "Mr. Simpson, this Miss Lindsey insists she's your friend. She has

disturbed the front desk countless times this morning, insisting on seeing you. The front desk called

me, and since Mrs. Simpson was also present, she instructed me to bring her up."

"Mrs. Simpson let her in?"

"Yes." The assistant spoke cautiously, not daring to breathe too loudly.

Ayan, with a cold face, only remained silent for a brief moment before his tone returned to being icy,

"Take her away, I don't want to see her again. Also, inform her company. If this continues, don't blame

me for being impolite."

The assistant gestured to Miss Lindsey to leave, but she refused to go. Looking at Ayan, she said, "Mr.

Simpson, I don't mean anything else. I know you're married, but a man like you naturally needs

someone to take care of you. Don't worry; I just want to stay by Mr. Simpson to take care of you. I won't

disturb your family or life. Mr. Simpson, please."

She started crying as she spoke, worsening Ayan's mood. His face became even colder, and he didn't

utter another word. He directed his assistant to take Miss Lindsey out of the office.

Once the office was quiet again, Ayan picked up his phone and dialed Camille.

When the call connected, Camille didn't say anything. Ayan's voice was particularly deep as he said,

"Come in."

His tone lacked much emotion, but the dissatisfaction in the air was palpable.

Camille just made a low acknowledgment. Her eyes were still fixed on the direction where the assistant

had taken Miss Lindsey. She then held the phone and walked toward Ayan's office.

In the office, there were only two people, and neither of them spoke. The atmosphere was unnaturally


Ayan walked slowly towards Camille, lifting his foot. He squinted, looking at her with a hint of

helplessness. "You let her in?"

Camille raised her eyes to meet Ayan's gaze. She didn't evade at all. "Yes."

"So straightforward?"

"Mr. Simpson, I have to ask you. When did you meet Miss Lindsey? Why did you let her find her way

from Dane City to Hance City?"

Camille mimicked Ayan's questioning tone as she asked him this question. The two locked eyes in a

brief but unwavering standoff.

Ayan, perhaps amused by Camille's demeanor, as it was rare for her to question him like this, found it

somewhat humorous due to her recent arrangements. He squinted his eyes, gazing at Camille with a

faint smile, and said, "I don't know this Miss Lindsey. As for why she tracked from Dane City to Hance

City, I have no idea. I only recall helping her with a small favor in Dane City. Besides that, there's no

other connection. Kian can testify to this. If you don't believe, you can call Kian now. We have no


Ayan looked serious, and it didn't seem like he was lying. Camille also believed him in this regard. She

arranged for the woman to come in because she wanted to know the relationship between Ayan and

Miss Lindsey. Why was she so persistent in finding Ayan? Was there something going on?

However, Camille had no intention of revealing her thoughts to Ayan. She looked at him calmly, lips

lightly pursed, and spoke in a somewhat indifferent tone, "I won't call. I never said you colluded with

Kian. Anyway, I won't ask Kian. If you've explained, then I believe you."

"Sounds a bit forced. Are you sure you don't believe me?"

"I don't."

"Really?" Ayan pursed his lips, a faint smile on his face. He said, "If not, why is your attitude so cold

towards me now?"

Camille snorted lightly, being honest, "Because I'm not happy. I didn't expect Mr. Simpson to attract

bees just by extending a helping hand outside. What should I do?"

Hearing her jealous words, Ayan chuckled. He gently lifted Camille's face, looked into her eyes, and

said each word deliberately, "It's my fault. I shouldn't have casually helped. From now on, if there's

anything that needs assistance, I'll let Kian handle it. I don't want to be this Lei Feng. As for you, you

don't need to do anything. Let me handle everything. You just need to accompany me and not be mad,

okay?" He coaxed in a soft voice, a light smile playing on his lips. After saying this, he lightly kissed

Camille's lips and added, "No being unhappy, okay?"

Camille hummed, not really angry in the first place. However, she went along with it, responding, "We'll

see about your performance."

Ayan laughed, then reached out to gently hold her hand and led her to the sofa.

His morning work was almost done, allowing him some time to spend with Camille. However, she was

holding her phone, checking for takeout options.

She asked casually, "Mr. Simpson, what do you want for lunch?"

"Secretary Armstrong can decide."

"How about we just eat something casual?"

"Sure, follow Secretary Armstrong's decision."

He was quite obedient.

Camille pursed her lips, ordering some dishes from Darkmoor for both of them. As it was just the two of

them, she only ordered two dishes and a soup, fearing they wouldn't be able to finish it.

After lunch, Ayan went for a meeting, leaving Camille with nothing to do.

Before leaving for the meeting, Ayan suggested she take a nap in the rest area. He also mentioned

they would visit the old Simpson at the hospital together in the evening.

Perhaps it was because Camille woke up too early in the morning, but she didn't bother much. After

finishing some tasks, she slipped into her office to rest.

Camille didn't go to the office today, and of course, Sienna didn't either.

Sienna woke up naturally, rising after eleven in the morning. She quickly freshened up, changed into

some clean clothes, and then went downstairs to have lunch alone.

Rex had already gone to the office early, leaving her alone at home feeling somewhat bored.

After lunch, she lay by the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, lost in thought. Her phone, sitting

nearby, suddenly rang.

Picking up the phone and glancing at the caller ID, even without a contact name, she was already

familiar with the number.

She squinted slightly, a hint of coldness in her eyes. Despite the persistent ringing, she eventually

answered the call.

She spoke in a low tone, "Hello?"

A deep voice quickly came from the other end, "It's me."

"I know. What's the matter?" Sienna asked in a very indifferent tone.

The other party just gave a faint smile, seemingly unaffected by her attitude. He said, "Sienna, about

last night, don't you think you owe me an explanation?"

"I don't know what explanation you need from me. Did I do something to cause a misunderstanding?"

"Sienna, do you think that by saying what you did last night, I have no choice but to follow your


"What do you mean?" Sienna sensed the threat and underlying meaning in his words. It made her feel

uneasy and a bit panicked. Despite her well-crafted facade, it was easy for someone to detect. She

tried to control her emotions and spoke in a low voice, "Mario, what exactly do you want?"

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