My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1107: Frisking
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Chapter 1107: Frisking

Chapter 1107: Frisking

After a burst of adrenaline, both women finally closed their eyes to rest.

While they lay in the office, Ayan was tirelessly busy in his spacious workspace.

Lunch was a brief affair, and Ayan delved into reviewing documents. Occupying such a large office

came at a cost.

In the midst of his busyness, Kian knocked on the door. He approached Ayan and stopped in front of

his desk, speaking in a hushed tone, "Mr. Simpson, there's a lady looking for you. She's been trying to

schedule a meeting since yesterday. Initially, we thought she was just bored, admired you, or perhaps a

representative of a small company wanting to collaborate with Simpson Group. I personally met her just

now. She claims to know Mrs. Simpson and wishes to discuss matters concerning her."

Upon hearing that she knew Camille, Ayan finally reacted. He looked up at Kian and asked in a calm

tone, "Who is she? Do you know her?"

Kian shook his head slightly. "No, I don't. It's the first time I've seen her."

The first time? If Kian, who worked closely with Ayan, didn't know her, Ayan likely had no recognition of

her either.

Ayan's expression remained calm, but a faint chill appeared in his eyes. He looked at Kian and said,

"Invite her up, but for security reasons, have her searched."

Ayan was intrigued. A series of unknown women showing up for Camille's matters certainly caught his

interest. Anything related to Camille was something he took very seriously.

However, curiosity aside, safety was a priority. Ayan was cautious and wouldn't easily fall into someone

else's trap.

Regardless of the woman's motives or the purpose of her visit, he would find out when he met her.

About ten minutes later, the woman was escorted into the office by Kian.

Ayan's office had surveillance, so he wasn't concerned about false accusations. Sitting behind his

desk, he watched the woman entering with Kian. She was delicate, with a hint of stubborn displeasure

in her eyes, likely due to the discomfort of being frisked.

For Ayan, her feelings didn't matter. He was indifferent to whatever she thought.

He looked at the woman with detachment, his tone void of warmth. "Speak. What's the matter?"

The woman's complexion soured, and her brows furrowed with a touch of defiance. She stared back at

Ayan without fear, stating, "Is this how Mr. Simpson treats a girl he's meeting for the first time? Since Inovelbin

found my way to Simpson Group to see Mr. Simpson, shouldn't I be cautious? Mr. Simpson had me

frisked; isn't that too impolite?"

Ayan remained unfazed by her words. He glanced at her indifferently and straightforwardly said, "If you

hadn't mentioned anything about Mrs. Simpson, you probably wouldn't be standing here talking to me.

So, don't waste time. Speak directly about whatever business you have."

Ayan's demeanor was cold, and his deep eyes carried a chilling sternness.

The woman, despite her boldness, felt a hint of fear seeing him in this state.

On the side, Kian discreetly reminded the woman not to waste any more time. Her expression turned

slightly serious, lips pressed together in hesitation. After nearly ten seconds of contemplation, she

spoke in a subdued tone, "Mr. Simpson, my name is Crystal. You can arrange for an investigation into

me if you wish. I came here today to talk to you about something related to Camille. However, I need

your secretary to leave. I only want to talk to you alone."

Ayan subconsciously furrowed his brows. He had heard this name from Camille just last night. At that

time, Camille even asked him if Crystal had some hidden agenda.

Now, Crystal was standing in front of him, seeking a meeting with him, not for the first time.

Ayan couldn't help but be surprised. He looked up at Crystal and said, "Since she's my secretary,

there's nothing she shouldn't know."

"You may trust your secretary, but I don't. This matter is of great importance to me, so I prefer to speak

with you alone. Is Mr. Simpson afraid that a frisked girl like me could do something?" Crystal spoke with

unfriendly hostility, yet there was an underlying attempt to draw Ayan in.

This was Ayan's initial impression of her.

He looked at Crystal indifferently, his gaze cold. "You don't need to provoke me because it won't work. I

don't fall for these tactics."

"If Mr. Simpson thinks my words are provoking, then there's no need to continue this conversation."

Crystal said and seemed ready to leave.

Ayan didn't stop her. In fact, Kian subconsciously looked at Ayan, but Ayan's eyes were calm, devoid of

any reaction.

So, whether Crystal chose to stay or leave made no difference to him.

Crystal sensed Ayan's indifference. When she reached the office door, about to leave, Ayan still

showed no intention of detaining her. This slowed her steps.

She kept speculating about what Ayan meant.

Did he genuinely have no curiosity or desire to know?

Ayan's indifference was apparent, and when Crystal was about to lift her foot to leave, Ayan still made

no effort to stop her. This made her steps slow down.

She was constantly guessing Ayan's intentions. Did he truly have no curiosity and no desire to know?

Ayan passed a glance to Kian, and Kian nodded in understanding. He promptly caught up with Crystal.

Speaking in a low voice, he said, "Miss Bill, it's not easy to meet Mr. Simpson. Are you really willing to

leave just like this? You indeed have something important to discuss with Mr. Simpson. If you find my

presence inappropriate, I can leave. However, for security reasons, the office door can't be closed. Can

you accept that?"

Kian's words surprised Crystal, and she instinctively looked at him. Her gaze then swept toward Ayan,

who remained indifferent.

Crystal hesitated for a moment. She was smart enough to realize that Ayan was offering her a way out.

If she didn't accept, the conversation might truly come to an end.

With a slight clench of her hands and a more gentle expression on her face, she looked at Ayan and

said, "Fine, thank you, Kian."

Kian nodded slightly, "Miss Bill, you're welcome."

Kian led Crystal out of the office, leaving just enough space for them to exit but not go too far.

Crystal understood that she couldn't demand too much, or else with Ayan's current temper, they

wouldn't be able to continue the conversation.

After Kian exited the office, Crystal turned back to where she was standing, keeping her eyes on Ayan,

attempting to assess what kind of person he truly was.

However, this brief eye contact didn't last long before Ayan spoke, "Has Miss Bill decided what she

wants to say?"

Crystal pressed her lips lightly. She opened her mouth and said, "Mr. Simpson doesn't need to be

overly cautious with me. I'm not that bored, and I didn't come for you."

"So, are you still insisting that you came for my Mrs. Simpson?"


"Then, what is it?"

Crystal pressed her lips again. She silently took a deep breath, then pulled out a piece of paper from

her bag. Walking to the desk, she handed the paper to Ayan, saying, "Mr. Simpson, take a look at this


Ayan didn't reach out for the paper but instead lowered his gaze to glance at the contents.

His initially calm brows gradually furrowed, and a trace of incredulity appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, he immediately looked up at Crystal, asking, "What is this?"

Crystal spoke softly, "Mr. Simpson, do you think the person in the picture resembles someone?"

Ayan remained silent, but his expression and reaction were enough to indicate his answer.

Crystal continued, "Doesn't it look alike? I think it does, but my opinion alone doesn't count. It's

essential for Mr. Simpson to agree. That's the purpose of my visit today. So, is Mr. Simpson willing to

talk to me now?"

Crystal was just a college student, still in school. Yet, she had the courage to negotiate with Ayan,

making it difficult to ignore her.

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