My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1108: Weighty
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Chapter 1108: Weighty

Chapter 1108: Weighty

Ayan glanced at her, remaining silent for almost half a minute before his voice calmly sounded, "Let's


Perhaps Crystal's revelation had sparked Ayan's interest or left him genuinely surprised, as his attitude

towards Crystal became much friendlier than before.

Ayan gestured for Crystal to sit down and personally poured her a glass of water.

Seated in the visitor's area, they discussed the main purpose of Crystal's visit. When Crystal voiced her

inner doubts, Ayan's face stiffened.

His face rarely showed such stiffness because, regardless of the situation, he was generally a

composed person.

Maintaining his silence, Ayan's deep eyes revealed a momentary pause. After a while, his voice

resounded in a calm yet steady tone, "Are you sure? How certain are you?"

"Over eighty percent," Crystal carefully uttered her thoughts after thorough consideration. She

continued, "If I didn't have such confidence, I wouldn't have come all this way. It would not only waste

my time but also make you wary or suspicious, thinking I might have other hidden motives. Therefore, I

decided to come after careful consideration."

"Since you are so certain, what about the Bill family? How do they plan to handle this?" Ayan inquired


"The Bill family is currently only known by my brother and me. Initially, I wasn't sure because I thought

there couldn't be such coincidences in the world. However, I believe in fate. If it allowed me to

encounter this, then there must be a reason. So, I paid a bit more attention. Although I haven't

produced concrete evidence to prove it, I feel that it's true."

"If the Bill family is unaware, how can you be certain that their intentions align with yours?" Ayan asked

with indifference.

Crystal didn't hesitate and replied, "The Bill family is harmonious, without any conflicts. There are no

internal disputes over money or interests. Otherwise, I wouldn't take such an initiative. Mr. Simpson, if

you want to know, it's quite simple; you can easily find out with a little effort. So, there's no need for me

to explain further."

Ayan nodded lightly. An air of indifference lingered on his handsome face. He said, "What cooperation

do you expect from me in this matter?"

"Mr. Simpson can do much more than I can. So, I want you to get to the bottom of this. If it turns out to

be true, have you thought about what to do?" Crystal looked at Ayan calmly, awaiting his response.

The atmosphere grew increasingly solemn.

In a low voice, Ayan said, "If what you say is true, I hope everything remains confidential for the time

being without my consent. For me, nothing else matters. The most important thing is her feelings. If she

cannot accept or dislikes it, I want things to stay as they are. If she can accept it or has other thoughts,

we can proceed according to your plan."

Crystal furrowed her brow, saying, "But this goes against the purpose of me understanding this matter."

"If you can't cooperate, then I don't think we need to collaborate. So, do you want to reconsider?" Ayan

looked at Crystal with unwavering confidence, not giving in to her influence.

His strong stance left Crystal completely led by him, and her eyes showed a profound certainty that she

would indeed follow his instructions.

The fact proved that Ayan's confidence was enough to make Crystal compromise. She couldn't stand

up to Ayan; he was not her opponent.

After a brief silence, Crystal nodded lightly, agreeing. She looked at Ayan and said, "Mr. Simpson, now

that I've agreed to your request, when can you give me a result?"

"Before I can clarify this matter, I need to verify some things, so give me half a month." Ayan needed

time to think and also planned to test Camille because this was not a trivial matter and not his personal

affair. He had to consider many aspects.

Additionally, with the old Simpson currently hospitalized, he needed to allocate some energy to that

situation. Therefore, he couldn't address this matter immediately.

After a brief explanation, Crystal expressed understanding, though she still hoped Ayan would act more


The two talked for almost an hour, consistently focused on a single matter that was important to both of


After their conversation, Ayan left with Crystal's contact information and prepared to have Kian escort

her downstairs.

However, just after leaving Crystal's contact information, Ayan suddenly thought of something. He

raised his hand to press the internal line button, his gaze shifting to Crystal. He asked, "So, you already

knew her when she was recruiting an assistant for the design institute? And you entered the design

competition now just to get to know her?"

Crystal didn't expect Ayan to ask this suddenly, so she momentarily froze. Eventually, she nodded and

said, "Yes."

Crystal was not hiding anything, her openness preventing Ayan from harboring further suspicions. He

simply nodded and then pressed the internal line button to call Kian in. He instructed Kian to escort

Crystal downstairs. Once Kian returned to the office, Ayan spoke, "Investigate the Bill family. Arrange

for two teams-one subtly exposing their presence to the Bill family but not overly obvious, and the other

remaining covert without being detected by the Bill family. Investigate everything about the Bill family

thoroughly. I need to know everything."

Kian was slightly taken aback and momentarily stunned. Crystal was a sudden addition, and the Bill

family wasn't in Hance City. In Flento City, it was quite a distance, not within their familiar territory.

Investigating it would undoubtedly take a considerable amount of time.

Kian asked in a low voice, "Mr. Simpson, this is no small matter. It might not be possible to get results

so quickly."

Ayan replied expressionlessly, "I know. That's why I want you to start investigating now. Move quickly.

You have ten days, and within that time, I want to know everything about the Bill family. Drop everything

else you're working on and focus on this."

Kian realized the gravity of the situation and asked with some concern, "Mr. Simpson, is something


"No, you just do as I say. Inform me immediately of any results. Understand?" Ayan rarely issued such

precise instructions to Kian, making Kian speculate that it must be a rather serious matter.

However, Kian couldn't directly probe what exactly was going on.

After nodding in acknowledgment, Kian left the office. Ayan sat alone in his office chair, gazing

solemnly out of the window. His eyes reflected a silent gravity. He picked up a cigarette from the side,

lighting it. It had been a while since he last smoked.

Crystal's words echoed in his ears, and many things were slowly connecting in his mind. If everything

was true, then the Armstrong family's proposal seemed somewhat reasonable.

However, the Armstrong family's bold approach was questionable. They could have just made

everything public. Yet, it seemed they were hesitant to do so. What was the Armstrong family really


Ayan couldn't make sense of many things, and his emotions became even heavier.

He squinted his eyes, and the deep, starry coldness in his eyes intensified. Perhaps he needed to have

a chat with the Armstrong family soon. However, Ayan wasn't eager to have too much contact with the

Armstrong family right now, especially since they were getting close to Preston. Ayan wanted to avoid

any potential actions by Preston that could harm Simpson Group or the Simpson family under the

pretext of the Armstrong family. Or worse, Preston might use the Armstrong family to gather information

about the Simpson family.

After a brief contemplation, Ayan decided not to dwell on this matter for now. It was impossible tonovelbin

resolve it immediately, so he focused on his work, planning to visit the hospital later to accompany the

old Simpson.

Ayan continued with his work, unfazed by Crystal's visit. As the workday concluded, it was already

around 6 PM.

Ayan drove to Camille's company to pick her up and then headed to the hospital to visit the old

Simpson together.

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