My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1080 Wounded
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Chapter 1080 Wounded

Chapter 1080 Wounded

Sienna pursed her lips and said calmly, "Mario is coming to Hance City."

"What?" Camille was stunned, her eyes filled with shock. "When is he coming? How do you know?"

Sienna replied, "I overheard Rex on the phone. I had just come out of the shower last night, and he

probably didn't expect me to be quicker than usual. So he was on the bedroom balcony talking to his

secretary. He likely told the secretary to keep an eye on Mario and ensure he doesn't have any contact

with me once he arrives in Hance City."

Sienna finished speaking with a somewhat subdued expression and asked with concern, "Do you think

Rex's actions indicate that he doesn't entirely trust that I have moved on from Mario?"

Camille looked at her and calmly stated, "I don't think it's that he doesn't trust you. It's more about not

trusting Mario. After all, Rex knows Mario's feelings for you, and our marriage happened under

circumstances that Mario was unaware of. In such a situation, Rex is understandably concerned. If it

was merely a business partnership between two companies, he might not be worried at all. But when it

comes to matters of the heart, I believe Rex isn't entirely without apprehension."

Sienna remained silent, her expression complex. Camille lowered her voice and said, "We really seem

to have a lot of complications, don't we?"

Sienna offered a wry smile and agreed, "Yes, it's incredibly challenging. I don't think Mario will do

anything because I'm already married. Even if he has some feelings for me, it shouldn't be to that

extent, right? He's primarily motivated by self-interest, so why would he want to provoke Rex or the

Ward family?"

Mario was a pragmatist, and if there wasn't something to gain, they might have already been together.

Sienna had confessed her feelings to him and received a cold, indifferent response. It was because the

circumstances at the time weren't conducive, as Mario had stated.

This was what mattered most to Sienna; she desired someone who would choose her wholeheartedly,

not someone who weighed pros and cons. She wanted unwavering commitment, not hesitation.

A man driven by self-interest wouldn't genuinely care about a woman, in her opinion. So, Sienna had

her doubts.

She gently bit her lip and looked at Camille, then asked again, "Do you think my perspective is


Camille shook her head lightly, saying, "I don't think it's like that. Even though you've known Mario fornovelbin

so many years, I don't believe you truly understand this person. If you did, you wouldn't have taken the

risk to confess to him back then, right? You don't know this man, so you have no idea what his next

move might be. What if he's not satisfied with losing you and wants to make an effort? Or perhaps, he

doesn't want you to live comfortably because he's not content?

Camille's words were somewhat harsh, but it was this brutal honesty that made them true.

Sienna fell into brief silence, her expression growing more serious. She asked quietly, "Rex hasn't told

me anything yet. Do you think he plans to observe me for a while?"

"He's a man. Would he actively tell you that Mario is coming to Hance City? If he had a choice, I guess

he hopes you don't know."

"But we're a married couple!"

"Perhaps men also have concerns. How about I ask Ayan to sound out his thoughts?"

"No need, I think Ayan is aware too, after all, he and Rex are on the same team." Sienna couldn't help

but comment.

Camille laughed and said, "With your words, I don't know how to face those two anymore."

Sienna also chuckled, but her worries and uncertainties were still evident.

Camille spoke, "Don't overthink it. If he's coming, let's just face it head-on. It's not like we're dealing

with a natural disaster or a wild beast. If he's scared, he won't come, right?"

"In this day and age, he won't just kidnap her, so there's no need to worry. Right?"

"Yeah, I'm with you."

After their discussion, they finished their meal, and about an hour later, Camille and Sienna paid the

bill, left the restaurant, and began walking in the direction of the company, hand in hand. They had no

reason to suspect anything. Just after leaving the restaurant and not far from the place, two women

suddenly rushed out at them. They were wearing masks and carrying water spray bottles, which they

immediately directed at Camille.

"You ungrateful child, I'll educate you for your parents!"

"It's disgusting how you forget about your parents when you have a man. Do you need to be this



"Go to hell!"

Camille and Sienna were completely caught off guard and took a few seconds to react. When they did,

their faces, along with their hair and clothes, were soaked by the two women with water spray bottles.

Camille and Sienna instinctively raised their hands to shield their faces. Camille asked coldly, "Who are

you people? What are you doing?"

The two women didn't respond but continued to laugh manically while spraying them with water.

Sienna tried to approach them, but one of the women directed the spray at her face, making it

impossible for her to get closer.

The women acted like they had gone insane, constantly hurling insults, and the onlookers didn't

intervene. Instead, they just watched and some even laughed, seemingly delighted by the spectacle.

After all, life had been too dull, and they were finally witnessing something exciting.

Ayan had actually arranged bodyguards to follow Camille, but because she and Sienna were walking

while the guards were in a car, they had some distance between them. The guards, not understanding

the situation, were debating whether to approach when a man stepped in to stop the two women's

frenzy. He immediately had his secretary call the police to control the situation.

People around began to disperse when they saw the man intervening, and the bodyguards

accompanying Camille also realized that something was wrong and rushed forward. But before they

arrived, the man had already inquired, "Are you alright?"

The man extended his hand, offering tissues to Camille and Sienna, who took them and quickly wiped

themselves. Camille also thanked him, saying, "Thank you, we're okay."

The man gazed at Camille and said, "Miss Armstrong, don't you remember me?"

Hearing his voice, Camille finally looked at him, blinked her eyes. Her hair was wet, and she appeared

somewhat disheveled, yet she possessed a unique beauty. She asked in disbelief, "Mr. Bailey?"

Upon hearing Camille's voice, Jordan finally revealed a gentle smile, but there was concern in his eyes.

He said, "Yes, it's me. Are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere?"

Camille immediately shook her head and said, "No injuries, thanks to Mr. Bailey. If it weren't for you, I'm


"Mrs. Simpson!" Two bodyguards caught up and were stunned when they saw the scene. In their

minds, they had already imagined themselves being scolded to death by Ayan. They spoke with shock,

"Mrs. Simpson, what happened?"

Camille calmly explained, "They probably tracked us after seeing news online. It was Mr. Bailey's timely

appearance that prevented an unfortunate outcome."

The bodyguards immediately thanked Jordan. Another bodyguard fetched towels from the car and

handed them to Camille and Sienna. Then, he received the two women from Jordan's secretary.

Camille expressed her gratitude to Jordan again, saying, "Mr. Bailey, I really appreciate your help


Jordan just smiled warmly and said, "Miss Armstrong, you're too kind. It was a small effort on my part,

and even if I didn't know it was you, I couldn't stand by when witnessing such a situation. Moreover,

you've done me a favor before."

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