My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1081: Fever
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Chapter 1081: Fever

Chapter 1081: Fever

Jordan was handsome and gentle. It was difficult for anyone to have a negative impression of him after

the conversation.

Sienna, even in this situation, couldn't help but say, "I guess I'm benefiting from Cami. Thank you, Mr.

Bailey, for helping me."

Jordan didn't know Sienna, but he still smiled gently and said, "You're welcome. Both of you are wet

from head to toe. It's not a good idea to catch a cold. How about heading back for now?"

Camille nodded and agreed, "Yes, you're right. We should go now."

Jordan didn't insist on escorting Camille and Sienna, especially since they had their own bodyguards.

He simply nodded and bid them farewell. Then, he stood in place and watched them leave under the

protection of their bodyguards.

As for the two women who had attacked them earlier, they were handed over to the police for handling.

Afterward, Jordan, as a witness, cooperated with the police in making a statement. Given his status,

the police had full trust in his testimony. Additionally, there were security cameras in the vicinity, and

since the two women had intentionally harmed others, the police were planning to hold them


On the other side, Camille had already gotten into the car. The bodyguard was driving and was careful

not to take deep breaths. He even avoided looking in the rearview mirror.

The atmosphere inside the car was extremely quiet. Camille and Sienna remained silent. The

bodyguard hesitated for a long time before speaking, "Mrs. Simpson, today's incident was due to our

negligence. If it weren't for us, you and Mrs. Ward wouldn't have ended up like this."

Camille finally responded, looking ahead and saying in a calm tone, "It's not your fault. It was an


After all, nobody wanted an accident to happen.

But the bodyguard continued to apologize and express various forms of regret and self-reflection.

Camille's ears were starting to get calloused from listening to it. Sienna quickly gave Camille a

meaningful look, silently urging her to put a stop to it.

Camille then said, "I already said it's not your fault. Don't worry. I won't tell Ayan, and he won't dock

your pay. So, there's no need for you to feel pressured."

"Mrs. Simpson, that's not what we mean. We're just reflecting on our failure to protect you and the harm

you suffered because of our negligence. It's our job, and we should be punished for it."

The bodyguard responded earnestly, showing no intention of evading responsibility.

Camille felt a bit helpless because no matter what she said, they maintained this attitude. In the end,

she fell silent.

The bodyguards safely brought the two of them back to Franklin Bay. Camille and Sienna returned to

Camille and Ayan's home. Sienna didn't want to trouble Ayan by returning in her current state, and she

didn't want to explain to him what had happened. So, she decided to change into fresh clothes at

Camille's place.

Camille headed to the master bathroom to take a shower, while Sienna used the guest bedroom. The

house's housekeeper had prepared ginger soup for them and expressed her concerns, saying, "What

happened? It didn't rain today, did it? How did you both get soaked?"

Sienna couldn't help but joke, "It's raining at the office!"

The housekeeper believed her, muttering about how unpredictable the weather in Hance City was.

Camille just smiled without explaining. The housekeeper reminded them to drink the ginger soup

quickly to avoid catching a cold.

Camille hadn't even had a sip when Ayan called. The bodyguards had already confessed their

mistakes to Ayan, so Camille put him on speakerphone, and his worried voice immediately came

through, "Why didn't you call me about something so serious?"

Camille's tone was relatively calm. She said, "I'm fine. Let's just consider it as being caught in a little

rain, okay?"

"This time it's rain, but what about next time? Have you thought about the consequences if it's

something else?" Ayan's voice held a hint of anger. He was especially upset that Camille didn't seem to

fear the situation at all and even found it inconsequential. He continued, "It's all my fault. I didn'tnovelbin

arrange for proper security. I'm sorry you were scared."

Camille was taken aback by Ayan's self-blame and guilt. His words made her expression turn more

serious. Since she had him on speakerphone, Sienna, who was beside her, naturally heard it as well.

Their eyes met, and Camille picked up her phone and turned off the speaker.

Holding the phone to her ear, she spoke softly, "I don't blame you. It was an accident, and no one could

have predicted it."

Ayan was amused by Camille's words, and he replied with a low, husky voice, "You're not afraid at all,

and now you want to comfort me?"

Camille pursed her lips, silent on her end. In her heart, though, she was pondering whether comforting

him was wrong. After all, she was concerned that he might feel guilty about the situation.

She muttered her thoughts quietly, not realizing Ayan could hear her. Ayan seemed to have X-ray

vision, and he asked in a low, teasing tone, "Are you cursing me in your mind?"

Camille retorted, "Don't make things up. Don't wrongfully accuse me. I didn't curse you. I wasn't

thinking of anything!"

Ayan chuckled, "Really? So, you're comforting me in your heart even after I was at fault?"

Camille retorted, "Don't make things up. Don't wrongfully accuse me. I didn't curse you. I wasn't

thinking of anything!"

Ayan chuckled, "Really? So, you're comforting me in your heart even after I was at fault?"

Camille: "You'd better not talk nonsense. Don't blame me. I didn't blame you, and I didn't think of


Ayan gave a light laugh and said, "I see. Thank you for not holding it against me."

Camille had a slight pout but remained quiet. Ayan's voice was no longer as stern and sharp as before.

He was still a bit worried, though, and asked, "Are you absolutely sure you're fine?"

Camille replied, "Yes, I'm really okay. Besides, I'm with Sienna. Even if we had to fend for ourselves, it's

not like we would be helpless, right?"

Ayan said, "I don't want to entertain such scenarios. I've already replaced the bodyguards who failed

you because of their negligence. I've hired new people to protect you, and this won't happen again."

Camille immediately frowned. She said, "I've already said it's not their fault. It was an accident,

something that nobody could have predicted. Besides, they reacted promptly at the time!"

Ayan retorted, "If it weren't for Jordan, would they have reached you and Sienna in time? What if the

attackers had been more brutal? Would you still be safe and sound?"

Ayan's tone was forceful, and he was convinced that it was the bodyguards' negligence and failure to

fulfill their duty. He paid them generously and hadn't mistreated them in any way. His sole expectation

was for them to protect Camille, nothing more.

Now, with even this minor incident not handled properly, he couldn't tolerate it. Camille could clearly

sense his displeasure and anger. She also noticed him mentioning Jordan and the other two people,

which she assumed the bodyguards had reported to him. It wasn't a secret, and he would likely find out

from the police as well.

Camille remained silent, her thoughts wandering as she couldn't help but wonder if Ayan's slightly

displeased mood had something to do with Jordan's assistance.

However, despite her curiosity, she didn't verbalize her question. Instead, Camille maintained her

silence, her expression notably serene. Both of them fell into a brief silence that lasted for about five or

six seconds. It was only then that Ayan's voice resurfaced in a leisurely tone as he asked, "Why aren't

you saying anything?"

Camille lightly pursed her lips and responded, "I'm waiting for you to speak!"

"Are you not happy?" Ayan inquired.

She replied, "No."

"Even with this tone, you're not mad?" Ayan's voice carried a hint of laughter. He spoke deliberately,

saying, "Absolutely, I might be a little hard to please. Does having such an intransigent approach mean

an immediate death sentence?"

"I don't think that way. You're doing this for my sake. If I truly had such thoughts, wouldn't that be

ungrateful of me?"

When she mentioned being ungrateful, the atmosphere took an immediate downturn. But Camille

remained emotionally composed. She believed that the reality was just as it seemed. Ayan might think

she was displeased with his handling of the situation, but in truth, she had no such feelings. After all, he

was doing what he thought was best for her. If she were genuinely unhappy with his actions, that would

indeed be ingratitude.

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