My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1071: Discussion
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Chapter 1071: Discussion

Chapter 1071: Discussion

"Heh!" the old Simpson sneered, his deep voice following, "Since you're not here to defend Cami,

what's your purpose in the Simpson family? Is it just for show, to make us think you're a good mother or

to earn our favor? We should naturally show you respect s Cami's mother, but your actions make it

impossible for us to change our opinion of you, especially concerning Cami. You don't seem concerned

about how she fares in the Simpson family because of what you have done. What distinguishes you

from those who only seek personal gain?"

The old Simpson rarely spoke such words, and he rarely interfered in someone else's affairs unless

their actions truly bothered him, making it hard for him to swallow. In this case, he had to say a few


The old Simpson's words silenced the atmosphere and made everyone, except for Page, feel gratified.

Camille felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude in her heart. She was genuinely grateful to have

encountered the Simpson family.

Despite the cold treatment she received from the Armstrong family and the absence of the care and

love one would expect from normal parents, she didn't feel too much loss because she had found more

love and acceptance in the Simpson family, something no material possessions could replace.

Camille considered herself lucky for encountering the Simpsons.

Whether or not there were feelings between him and Ayan, the Simpson family had always treated her


This kind of kindness was something Camille had never experienced in the Armstrong family.

What moved Camille even more was that the old Simpson had spoken so many words on her behalf.

She lightly bit her lip, looking at the old Simpson with eyes full of gratitude and emotion, but the old

Simpson hadn't spoken yet.

After this speech, Page naturally felt like she had been slapped across the face, with her cheeks

stinging, but this wasn't the end.

The old Simpson's voice rang out again, saying, "Don't think that Cami is isolated and helpless without

the Armstrong family's love and care. That's not the case at all. She's neither isolated nor alone. She

has a child, a husband, and family members like us. The Armstrong family's concern about her

relationship with Ayan? For us, the Simpson family, that's irrelevant. Marriage is just a piece of paper.

The Simpson family will provide her with what she needs, regardless of her identity and the timing. We

do it because she's Cami. We don't recognize anyone else."

Following the old Simpson's words, Fletcher added, "This is taken for granted in the Simpson family.

Whether it's us or Ayan, we only recognize Cami."

"Yeah, so don't think Cami doesn't have family. We are all her family, and although you may not believe

that we truly treat her as family, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. What we say, we can do,

and we only need to make Cami feel it, without worrying about people who don't care about her."

Talia followed suit, and walked over to Camille. She extended her hand and gently held Camille's hand,

speaking in a very gentle voice, "You may not care for her or love her, but we, the Simpson family, hope

that you won't disturb her. If you need money, come to us, the parents, directly, instead of going to our


The old Simpson also showed approval for Talia's words because her words struck a chord with him.

Since the Simpson family firmly supported Camille, Page couldn't question or accuse Camille. She also

couldn't do anything to the Simpsons. In the end, the dinner ended without further incidents.

However, it was only Page who left on her own; others continued eating.

With Page's departure, the atmosphere became harmonious and relaxed. The old Simpson looked at

Camille and said, "In the future, if you don't want to contact the Armstrong family, you don't have to. I

didn't want to say much before because you're family, but after all these incidents, I've realized they

don't deserve to be your family. From now on, the Simpson family is your family, regardless of your

relationship with Ayan. The Simpson family will always be your home."novelbin

The old Simpson's words carried great weight, and though he had said this before, hearing it again

deeply moved Camille.

Camille bit her lip, and her eyes revealed clear emotions, with tears glistening in her eyes, but she

didn't let them fall because this was a moment of happiness.

Later, Talia and Fletcher also said many heartwarming things to Camille, and she stayed at the

Simpson's mansion until around ten o'clock.

On the way back, it was getting late, but Camille wasn't sleepy. She sat in the backseat with Sienna,

who gently patted her hand and whispered, "Seeing the Simpson family treat you this way, I feel

relieved. Sometimes we lose a lot, but in the future, we'll gain twice or even a hundred times more. The

heavens are fair. When one door closes, another one opens for you."

Camille nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, you're right. I feel very lucky with them, and I'm genuinely

happy. If I hadn't met them, I might have become someone unloved."

Sienna gently patted her head and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Don't say you're unloved. Even if the

whole world doesn't love you, I love you, understand?"

Camille smiled and said, "I understand."

"Next time, don't say such things. Don't ever think you're unloved. Many people love you. Have some

confidence in yourself, okay?" Sienna encouraged.

Camille softly pursed her lips and said in a warm and faint voice, "Okay, I understand. Don't worry."

The journey back to Franklin Bay went smoothly, and Camille and Sienna went to their respective


Tonight, Ayan wasn't home, so the house felt particularly empty. Although the housekeeper lived there,

it still seemed quiet, with no one to talk to.

Camille returned to her room, took a shower, and had just prepared to lie down when Ayan's video call

came in.

She held up her phone and saw the man's face on the screen. Her expression softened as she gazed

at him. She asked, "Are you just finished with your work?"

Ayan replied with an affirmative sound, and a hint of weariness appeared in his eyes. His voice was a

bit hoarse as he said, "I just got back to the hotel. Have you returned home?"

"Yes, I'm back. I've taken a shower and am about to rest."

"Did you go to the Simpson's mansion this evening?" he asked softly.

Camille instinctively bit her lip and replied in a low voice, "Yes, I went with Sienna."

Seeing that she didn't want to say more, he didn't press further. He said, "You don't have to see her

again in the future. Don't feel embarrassed, and don't worry about what others might say or gossip

about, okay?"

Camille immediately understood that he knew everything.

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