My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1070: Incitement
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Chapter 1070: Incitement

Chapter 1070: Incitement

Camille couldn't help but laugh. Her eyes held a cold, mocking indifference, and they were filled with a

chilly sarcasm.

No one ever wished for their parents to become like this. Such a transformation could only occur when

there was no other option, turning family into enemies.

Despite the poor treatment she received from the Armstrong family, Camille never thought of harming

them. She didn't wish for their downfall. Otherwise, she wouldn't have come to their aid when the

Armstrong family needed help. Even if it meant incurring a favor, she did it because she wanted them

to live well. That, for her, would be enough.

However, Page had a different mindset. She believed in using people when needed, blaming them

when necessary. She would only acknowledge Camille's identity when there was a need, and in times

of no requirement, she could go a lifetime without contact or maintaining any emotional connection to


Camille's smile deepened, carrying a taunting and icy undertone as she remarked, "You have no

choice but to shift all responsibility and blame onto others when you've done something wrong. It

allows you to absolve yourself and escape blame. That's why you're like this now!"

Camille couldn't comprehend Page's mindset. Why was she blaming Grace and placing the guilt on

Sienna? Sienna had no connection with Grace. They had occasional meetings and contacts, but it was

all kept hidden from Page and the Armstrong family. Blaming others in this casual way was probably

Page's attempt to ease her conscience.

They never wanted to admit that Grace left home because of their pressure, their actions. It was their

actions that led to her leaving. Camille was thankful that Grace had left Hance City. It was the only way

to keep their reach short, and Grace wouldn't become a sacrificial pawn they could exploit.

Camille took a deep breath. She stopped looking at Page and instead examined Sienna's hand. After

ensuring Sienna wasn't hurt, she felt relieved.

Although Sienna had no blood ties, she was a friend. In some instances, non-blood relationships were

even better. What mattered most was genuine care and shared values.

Talia, seeing the situation, had an unpleasant expression. She cast a cold, indifferent gaze at Page,

and her tone lacked warmth as she said, "Mrs. Armstrong, I respect you as Cami's mother. So, even

though we've had our disagreements, I can pretend that nothing happened because I don't want to

trouble Cami. I'm willing to compromise and step back. But that doesn't mean the Simpson family is

afraid of you, and it doesn't mean the Simpson family will let you have your way. I hope you can set

some boundaries. The Armstrong family has been cold toward Cami, yet you repeatedly try to exploit

her under the guise of family. Why?"

Talia rarely got angry, and she seldom used harsh words. Even when the maids did something wrong,

she would politely remind them for next time. Everyone knew she was gentle, not because she was

easily fooled, but because she had manners and culture. Her gentleness didn't mean she was easy to

manipulate or talk down to.

Everyone had their limits, and sometimes people didn't voice them not because their boundaries were

too broad, but because they cared about someone who mattered to them. Their tolerance was only for

that person's sake.

Page and Talia had known each other for many years. They had interacted even before Camille and

Ayan got married. The old Simpsons of both families had connections, allowing them to meet frequently

and understand each other's personalities.

So when Page heard her mother's words, she couldn't hold back a momentary embarrassment.

She had always been envious of Talia. Talia had a loving husband, accomplished children, and held a

high position within her family. On the surface, Page looked glamorous, but in private, she had no say

in front of Brody.

Hearing what Talia said, years of pent-up resentment and threats finally burst out. She retorted, "Don't

pretend here. If it weren't for her giving birth to a son for the Simpson family and securing your family's

future, would you treat her so well? What are you pretending for? Do you think I don't know what the

Simpson family is like? Your union was based on the desire for a reproduction tool. You make it seem

like you're so deeply loving her. But regarding whether I've taken advantage of her, that's our family's

business. Now, she has no connection with the Simpson family anymore, and Ayan divorced her long

ago. If you truly care about her, why don't you let your son remarry her?"

"In the end, it's all about using her. You use her to maintain the facade of the Simpson family looking


Page snorted, spoke a long string of words, and even gave Talia a disdainful look, as if to say, "Why

pretend? You're all cunning foxes."

However, before Talia could explain or say more, Camille spoke up.

Camille calmly said, "Only those with wicked thoughts and a chaotic mind would think like that about

others. You have no idea about the situation between Ayan and me, so don't jump to conclusions so

easily. Because in the end, you'd be the one who ends up with a slap in the face. How do you know it's

Ayan who doesn't want to remarry? Why haven't you considered that maybe I don't want to remarry? In

your mind, you've always looked down on me. So you'd never think highly of me, and you'd even think

that if Ayan and I divorced, you'd let your favorite daughter, the one you're so proud of, marry him,

right? But Grace doesn't cooperate with you because she's clear-headed and doesn't have your

scheming nature."

"Camille, do you know what nonsense you're talking about?"

"Is it nonsense? You know very well."

"So you know where Grace is, right? Is her disappearance your fault? Did you persuade her? It must

be you who persuaded her because we asked you to marry into the Wesley family, and you were

unhappy with us. So you must have encouraged Grace to leave with you, right? Where have you

hidden her? You tell me! Say it!!!"

Page's thought was something Camille could never understand. But Camille was an expert at changing

the subject, naturally shifting the blame or diverting the conversation away. She lightly pursed her lips,

her expression cold and wordless.

At this moment, Fletcher and the old Simpson happened to return.

They probably found out what was going on from servants as they entered the house. Fletcher pushednovelbin

the wheelchair, bringing the old Simpson to the dining room. Despite the old Simpson's age, his

presence was still commanding.

The atmosphere in the dining room quieted down when the old Simpson and Fletcher walked in.

Camille was also taken by surprise by Fletcher and the old Simpson's quick return. Even Talia didn't

expect it. Upon seeing the old Simpson, she greeted them with warmth.

Naturally, the old Simpson still cherished Camille. He looked at her with tenderness and then shifted

their sharp gaze towards Page. The old Simpson's voice was calm but firm as they asked, "I thought

after what happened last night, you wouldn't show up in the Simpson family again. Yet, you've come of

your own accord, and with such questioning. Do you think we treat Cami poorly and that's why you've

come to argue for her?"

Page hesitated, not entirely sure about the old Simpson's intention behind the question. Her expression

stiffened, and she quickly forced a faint smile. "Mr. Simpson, I didn't mean it that way. It's just that I'm

so concerned about Grace's situation that my emotions got the best of me."

"Didn't mean it? Didn't mean to stand up for Cami?" the old Simpson pressed.

"Of course, I have no intention of standing up for Cami," Page hurriedly denied.

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